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January 23, 1990
PDF icon ESPIONAGE COLD-WAR RIDDLE[16107669].pdf154.48 KB
Approved for Release: 2022/08/15 C06545650 Espionage Cold-War Riddle: A Most Unusual Spy By MICHAEL WINES Special to The New York Times WASHINGTON. Jan. 22 � From the day in 1961 that he first met F.B.I. agents in Manhattan, Donald F. seemed a most unusual spy. He knew secrets of the Soviet Union's military intelligence network and its nuclear arsenal that could be found no- where else. He tipped the Americans and the British to Soviet agents who might otherwise have never been de- tected. In a job where longevity is rare, he was a grand old man, juggling two careers � globetrotting Soviet diplo- mat, American agent � for at least two decades. When Pravda, the Soviet Communist daily, reported last week that Donald F., "one of the most important" spies of recent years, had been captured and sentenced to death, an American offi- cial privately called it a major loss. Code Name Top Hat The official may be right Although Pravda did not identify Donald F., a re- view of Soviet diplomatic records shows that he is a senior Soviet Army officer, Lieut. Gen. Dmitri Fedorovich Polyakov. That conclusion is con- firmed ,by former American intelli- gence officials. General Polyakov, who served in the military from the 1950's to the 1980's,! was known to the Federal Bureau of In- vestigation and the Central Intelli- gence Agency by the code name Top! Hat, the former officials said. � According to Pentagon records, Gen- eral Polyakov last served as a lieuten- ant general in the Soviet Army Air De- fense Command. That is a top post in the force, charged with defending the Soviet Union against nuclear attack. Mystery and Suspicion But beyond agreeing that General Polyakov held what Pravda called "a very important position," the report of the spy's downfall remains shrouded in a half-light of mystery and suspicion. Despite his decades of ostensibly faith- ful service to the Western cause, some American experts have never been satisfied that General Polyakov was not at heart an agent of deception for the Soviet Union. The Pravda account provides new grist for the debate. While much of the newspaper's report accurately tracks General Polyakov's diplomatic career, experts say, the article veers from the truth at enough points to leave analysts puzzled and skeptical. For example, the Dmitri F. Polyakov known to American officials was not recently captured and sentenced to The Washington Post The New York Times A 16 The Washington Times The Wall Street Journal The Christian Science Monitor New York Daily News USA Today The Chicago Tribune Date .p.g 774/%1 /91 o death, but has been dead for several years. Experts who believe in General Polyakov's genuineness say he was ap- parently swept up and executed in a wave of arrests of American agents in the mid-1980's, shortly after a series of security lapses rocked the C.I.A.'s Mos- cow station. "A couple of years ago, for reasons that aren't clear to us, the Russians got a bunch of our guys and killed them," said a former official. "The consensus of the community is that he was one of them." That conclusion was later con- firmed by Government experts. Perhaps a Double Agent Others say General Polyakov has re- tired from espionage and could not have been caught in the act of sending messages to the C.I.A., as the Pravda account reported. Equally mysterious is why Pravda would admit that an American agent duped the K.G.B. at all. Some say it seeks to bolster the sagging career of a K.G.B. colonel, Aleksandr Dukhanin, who Pravda says captured General Polyakov. Colonel Dukhanin has been. accused of bungling a corruption in- quiry involving a Politburo member, Yegor K. Ligachev, who is a conserva- tive critic of President Mikhail S. Gor- bachev. Others say the aim is to burnish the image of the K.G.B. at a time when other Communist secret police agen- cies, from Rumania's Securitate to East Germany's Stasi, are being dis- banded. The article on Donald F., which also praises the K.G.B.'s attacks on internal corruption, is one of many recent reports that cast the agency in a favorable light. Still others contend that he was not an American spy at all, but a Soviet "dangle" whose 20-year mission was to spread false information and foul the trails left by other Soviet agents in the C.I.A. and F.B.I. In that view, General Polyakov either died peacefully or has retired with honors, and the Pravda re- port is but a final twist intended to con- vince the United States of his loyalty. Among those holding that view are Peter Wright, the former assistant di- rector of British intelligence and au- thor of the book "Spycatcher," and Ed- ward Jay Epstein, an American writer on intelligence issues, along with a le- gion of former C.I.A. officials who ana- lyzed Top Hat and other Soviet "moles" of the 1960's. i;i;:a44-.fat "I never believed he was genuine," said one of the former C.I.A. officials. The official, like others interviewed. declined to be identified. The former of- ficial said he reviewed Top Hat'E credentials in the mid-1970's as part ol an analysis of Soviet informers or. dered by William E. Colby, the Direc. tor of Central Intelligence at the time. 'The Guy Was Legit' General Polyakov's defenders are equally adamant. "The guy was legit. absolutely," said an F.B.I. expert on the Soviet Union from the 1960's. "There was never any controversy about it." Although Mr. Wright and others say the F.B.I. and C.I.A. decided in 1978 that Top Hat was a Soviet double agent, Government officials insist that he was genuine and that "there has never been a legitimate debate" about his loyal. ties. Legitimate or not, the debate his been never ending. The C.I.A.'s legend- ary spymaster of the 1960's, James Jesus Angleton, concluded early on that Top Hat and a second Soviet agent recruited at the United Nations, Fedo- ra, were fakes. Their mission, he be- lieved, was to discredit evidence pro- vided by a Soviet defector, Anatoli Golitsin, that a Soviet spy had pene- trated the C.I.A.'s highest levels. Mr. Angleton never found the spy, and the turmoil that his search taused led to his dismissal from the C.I.A. But the debate over Top Hat and Fedora did not end. His successors conducted a review that appeared to clear Top Hat, but concluded that Fedora was in fact a double agent for the K.G.B. Casey Reopens Debate In the early 1980's, President Rea-. gan's Director of Central Intelligence, William J. Casey, reopened the debate. His own inquiry, mounted by a team of former agency officials, concluded' somewhat weakly that "the charge of being a plant could not be substantiat- ed," a former C.I.A. official said. 'The public record, pieced together from books and the Pravda account, 'settles nothing. � Diplomatic records show that Gen- eral Polyakov served in the Soviet Mis- sion to the United Nations in New York.. in 1956 and again from 1959 to 1962, � when he was promoted to the rank of colonel. After a stint in Moscow, he was posted in 1966 at the Soviet Embassy in Burma, where he was the military attache. Page /. tia4!��11, Approved for Release: 2022/08/15 C06545650 Approved for Release: 2022/08/15 C06545650 In the early 1970's, he moved to the Soviet Embassy in New Delhi and re-, turned for a second tour in 1980, with the rank of major general, before re- turning again to Moscow. Classified Conversations The diplomatic cover masked at least two other secret lives. John Bar- ron, an author and .intelligence expert, wrote in 1974 that General Polyakov was a Soviet spy while at the United Nations. Former American officials say he was an agent for the military in- telligence agency, G.R.U. Pravda reported that he first ap- proached the F.B.I. in November 1961 and later met American agents several times at the "Kamerun Hotel," appar- ently a reference to the old Cameron Hotel on West 86th Street. Pravda said the C.I.A., which assumed control of him in Burma, later communicated through personal ads in the classified advertising section of The New York Times, all addressed to "MOODY-Don- ald F." Such an ad appeared in The Times for 10 consecutive days in May 1964. American officials of that era said - General Polyakov seemed invaluable, providing names of Soviet spies, details of G.R.U. operations and political infor- mation on the Government in Moscow. "Back in those days, there weren't too many defectors, and he was the best the bureau had," an official said. "It was pretty big stuff." Who Misled Whom? Mr. Wright said Top Hat psovided the F.B.I. with copies of stolen British defense documents, leading to the ar- rest of a major Soviet spy, Frank Bos- sard, by the British secret service. But Mr. Wright dismissed the tip as a Soviet attempt to generate rifts in the British-American alliance, since the documents in question contained top United States defense secrets. - Other authors, including Mr. Epstein, say Top Hat and Fedora gave the F.B.I and C.I.A. data suggesting that Soviet nuclear miasiles were far less accurate than they actually were. The mislead- ing data, fed to the United States through the 1970's, misled the Nixon and Carter Administrations into mak- ing seriously flawed agreements with Moscow on limiting nuclear weapons, those writers contend. But another C.I.A. official said that Mr. Casey's review of the evidence re- fined those charges, and that "the record was pretty, good as far as the analysis and conclusions" about Soviet nuclear abilities were concerned. Approved for Release: 2022/08/15 C06545650