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Publication Date: 
October 30, 1947
INTELLOFA1 11 COUNTRY Mexico Approved for Release: 2021/12/01 CO2647244 CENTRAL 1NTELLIG iNTELLIGENCE SUBJECT Aativities of Sinargeistas ORIGIN Mexico:, Mexioo City EVALUATION OF SOURCE C ---1 0 E f 1 F APtEmi-IPABLE-LY tilillEULIAAUsZv. RELIABLE RELIABLE SUABLE JUCCIED FAIRLY NOT USUALLY NOT cANNoT BE ltSTRIBUTION frA I STATE WAR URCE NTIAL GROUP July to MideSeptember 1947 MST. October 1947 PAGES 2 SUPPLEMENT EVALUNOON OF CONTENT ICONF:Rt4IED OTHER SOUR 2 3 wor PROBABLY POSSIBLY TRU'Z TRUE 4 16 DOUBTFUL PROBABLY CANNOT BE FALSE JUI0E0 r-JUSTICE R&E C&D Itys 1. An effort ic being made to unify the different groups of Sinarquietase A meeting vas held in 1.4exico City on 10 and 11 September between Luis Martinez Narezo, National Chief of the Union Naeionel Sinarquista (UNS)� and Salvador Abasoal, Manuel Zermenoe Jean Ignacio Padilla e Valentin Dozadae and others to disoues thia unification. No final arrangements wee made be- efteee Abasoel and Zeman� will not.aceert the leadership of Uartinez Narezoe whom they consider a newoomer to the group e However, the following resell:' tions were agreed upon: see The different groups forming the TINS mill maintain their sepanate iden- tities, although working for the same objectives, until a formula for unifie oation 'satisfactory to all the direotors can be worked out. be A pot will be signed recognizing the Pertido Politioo Fear= Popular as the unifying ormeization of the Sinarquista groups. All groups agree that this is the organization to be strengthened as the nedium foe political notion* It will aid the chiefs of the various Sinarquista groups to elect their eaudidateo, the minority groups backing the candidates seleoted by the majority of the groups() o Ae the ftrst step in gainine political power, efforts will be concen- trated on the election of Preeidentes Municipalee in the varieue ctates, The effeetiveness of these tactics in the states of Miohoacan, fteeajuato, San Luis Potosi, and Queretaro was pointed out. In Biohoacan, the, Sin- arquistawhave- succeeded in e/eoting five deputies to the local legislature who are either Sinarquietas or sympathizers% 24 Mexioan resistance to the AntieHoof and Mouth Disease Campaign hal been attributed in great part to the Sinarquistas. The murder of eix cambers of a Sanitary Brigade by angry farmers at Sengpio, Michoacan on 1 September' has been officially reported as having been inepired and perpetrated by members or the Union Nacional Sinarquista. On 22 July there tas e meeting In Mexico City of the UNS leaders, including Salvador Zermeno (Secretary of Economy), Jose Valadez Navarro (Secretary of Organization of the Executive Committee), and directors Jose Angniano of Miohoacan,-Gabine Ortega of Celaya� Juan Torres of Jalisco, Dr4 Ruben Mengee Alfaro of the Federal District, Valentin LOU= of Queretaro, and Juan Roche Manzaneres of the State of Mexico. They agreed to Offer the greatest possible resistance to the Campaign, using foroe if necessary, to aee ehat the reaction of the government would be. This resistance to the Campaign was also to be used Ofirs'mak* C,*-LASSIFICATION . Document No. N CHtNek to - D � COJNITIAL REFERENCE C NTRE-71!.--M Approved for Release: 2021/12/01 CO2647244 Approved for Release: 2021/12/01 CO2647244 .09-111111Th CEUTRAL ITITLUIGMICE GROUP �2� I A I to 'lain new mimbers for the UNS. On 3 Au7ust, Jose Anguiano, Sinarquista chief in Lichoacan, sent a secret ciroUlai! to the committees in eat% vill- age ef140hoacan� asking them to oppose the Campaign, inoite feeling against it, and gain new m1bors., The organ of the UNS, Orden, also refloated Sin.- arquista opposition to the Campaign from 3 July up to date of the 1:ichoa- oan murders., It then accused the supporters of General Lasaro Ctrdenas of having incibed the farmers to coMmit the deed. This document contains information affectim7 the national defense of the United States within the mean- Inc of the EspionaL;e Act, b0, U.S.C. 31 and 32 as amended. Its trans.. mission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauth- orized person is prohibited b.;i lav4 LLANI LA *4 teu. Approved for Release: 2021/12/01 CO2647244