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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
October 20, 1970
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Approved for Release: 2022/03/01 C01307304 � S (Ei4SITIVE / EYES O. .6 TRACK 11 A. Actionst 20 October 1970' Cocc4t 1.L_Gcneral Valenzuela advised thatithe military was ready to launch a coup. Valenzuela's par inclvdes the abduction of General Schneider and the resignati9n of President Frei and most of his Cabinet. C13 e pris. s 2.I Santiago Station has authorize ti lEITIS47-.7.3 to pay General Valenzuela 50.000. which was the price agreed upon between the plotters and the unidentified team of abductors._7 Vat.t.w I 3.EStation false flag officer met with4f=z==gZC' who � reported thhe coup was now set for Wednesday night and that the abduction of C;eneral Schneider is the first step in the coup attempt. , and Viaux are all leaving for Valparaiso on 19 0tober. Vtai-�4- - oaf t, - 4.0ro-� tra ==ki arranged a meeting between, is Force General eV: 11=2:1,i� captain�,./ aria LA. ColriboxseertV221 on � 18 October. 5. According to Radio Balrnaceda, Major Arturo Marshall was arrested on the morning of 19 October. 64, Station false flag officer contacted Retired Navy Captain whc7jseerned sincere in his dedication to remove AlIende Irom power. lie is not, however, sanguine about the � chances of blocking Allende. 7J Station requested permission to telloG era tha 'something may happen in Chile within the next 48 hours". ration was authorized to alert but without details:- t B.] Accomplishments:I � r rue4 .! � In recent weeks Station false flag officers ail have made a vigorous effort to contact, 4dvise, and influence key members of the military in an attempt to rally support for a coup. Vale.nzuela's announcement that the military is now prepared to move may be an indication of the effectiveness of this effort.7 (b)(1) (b)(3) (Continued next paeo) �7,72-r-/04 FULL TUT COPY -BO NOT RELEASE Approved for Release: 2022/03/01 C01307304 : . Approved for Release: 2022/03/01 CO1307304 EYES ON I.. TRACK II Continued.... � . � 20 October 1910 S. (b)(1) (b)(3) C. Situation. � (b)(1) (b)(3 th ) At last. ]the military is pulling itself together in an effort to deny Allende tf;e- presidency. Apparently a number of. senior military leaders (General Valenzucla. Adm General;iral( - � and -General have joined together and have agreed � to move against the cove rnrnent.E This development was brought to .the attention of the Station late Sunday evening, when General Camilo t or CcrEE Valcnrucla called upon itz=====z32tEMgazos-to alert him thOhe Chilean'military was ready to attempt to overthrow the government. The first step in this coup will be the abduction of General Schr.eider which was scheduled to take place last night. � � � Approved for Release: 2022/03/01 C01307304 .� � (b)(1) (b)(3)