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Document Release Date: 
August 19, 2022
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Publication Date: 
January 16, 1990
Espionage Spy Reported in Soviet Hands Was a Top Agent, U.S. Says By MICHAEL WINES Special to The New York Times WASHINGTON, Jan. 15 � Donald F., the senior Soviet diplomat whose 30- year career as a spy for the United States was disclosed in the Soviet press on Sunday, was one of the most impor- tant recruits to serve American intelli- gence, current and former Govern- ment officials said today. Several former officials said the ac- count of the diplomat's early years, as reported in Pravda, the Communist Party daily, matched the career of a spy trained and supervised by the F.B.I. in the early 1960's. That spy's code name was Top Hat. Top Hat, an agent for the Soviet mili- tary intelligence agency G.R.U., was stationed at the Soviet Mission to the United Nations in New York City when he reportedly approached American officials in 1981 or 1962, offering his services as a double agent. His work apparently continued for the -next three decades, despite a de- bate among United States intelligence officials over whether he was a genuine double agent serving Washington, or a "dangle," a supposed double agent who was actually working for the Soviets. An Era of Uncertainty was after me but my own analysis of my actions erased my concerns," Pravda quoted him as telling Soviet in- vestigators. In a twist to the tale, a former Gov- ernment intelligence official said today that the top Soviet intelligence officer at the United Nations Mission in the early 1960's, when Top Hat began his double life, was Vladimir A. Kryuch- kov, who in 1988 was appointed chair- man of .the K.G.B., the primary Soviet foreign intelligence agency. A Posting in Burma A former official said Top Hat was a military attach�n the United Nations, holding relatively junior rank. Another official said he was recruited by the F.B.I.-in New York while serving at the United Nations. That official said that after his assignment at the United Na- tions, Top Hat was recalled to Moscow. His next posting, two former intelli- . In the late 1960's, American intelli- gence agencies were convulsed over whether the Soviet spies recruited by the United States could be trusted. James J. Angleton, the C.I.A.'s chief of counterintelligence at the time, came to suspect that many of the agents, including Top Hat, were actu- ally controlled by the Soviet Union and were providing deceptive information. Others in the C.I.A. and F.B.I. dis- agreed, arguing that Top Hat was a le- gitimate agent who had risked his life to provide valuable intelligence to the United States. One Government official underlined that view today, saying: "The Soviets apparently thought he was genuine. They executed him, didn't they?" The Pravda report stated that Donald F. had been tried and found guilty of es- pionage and was to be executed. It is not clear whether the sentence has been carried out. In recent years, the debate over Top Hat broke into public view, with sev- eral books and articles describing the recruitment of an agent from among the Soviet diplomats assigned to the United Nations. Pravda's report on the unmasking of Donald F. by the Soviet counterihtelli- gence said a published report in the West had hinted at his identity. Donald F.-, Pravda said, decided to continue his espionage, believing that he was safe f rum detection. "I felt in my spine that the K.G.B. _ Double agent? Triple agent? Or in it for himself? gence officials said, was in Burma, now Myanmar. One official said that in 1965 or 1966, an agent from the F.B.I. trav- eled to that country to turn him over to a case officer from the C.I.A. By law, the F.B.I. handles intelligence recruit-- � ments in the United States while the C.I.A. operates overseas. Pravda said Donald F. was recruited at the United Nations and was then con- tacted in Burma by an F.B.I. agent, who arranged for him to be handled by the C.I.A. Three former intelligence of- ficials said they knew of no other Soviet agents recruited at the United Nations' and then contacted in Burma._ The Pravda- report appears to have thrown new fuel into a debate over Top Hat's authenticity, a dispute that has continued almost since the � day he volunteered his services to the United States. By some accounts, Top Hat was one of two Soviet agents at the United Na- tions who approached the American Government in the early 1960's, offer- ing to give Soviet secrets to the F.B.I. The first volunteer, code-named Fedora, continued his F.B.I. service for at least 15� years, according to pub- lished accounts, even though the C.I.A.'s counterintelligence experts concluded that he was in fact a Soviet plant. Approved for Release: 2022/08/15 C06545651 Tho Washington Post The N Ycrit Times TN Waddington Timm The We $trut Journal /1_10 The CarlsMn &Naos Aiwa Nos Yon Oalfr NOM USA Today The Chime Tribune 011111 Palo I C. -1Ac\ Mckt. Approved for Release: 2022/08/15 C06545651