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Document Creation Date: 
July 13, 2023
Document Release Date: 
August 29, 2022
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Publication Date: 
December 5, 1947
S. a. k Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 C06497722 DC WIRY Poland MT= IINIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATIek FOR THE RESSARCN. USE OP TRAIIIrt MITELLIGENCE tmomm, /2,-, I, , / so CENTRAL INTELGENCE GROUP iNTELLIGENCE tFORT gUBJECT Biographical Votes on I ORMIN EVALUATZON OF SOURCE cy Zlotow*i B D E F COMPLETF.LY IA BEZIABLE USUALLY& RELIABLE FAIRLY AIRLY RELIABLE NOT USUALLY RELIABLE NOT RELIABLE CANNOT SE JUDCED DIS.7RI3UTION DATE: 0870. Hovember 1947 �MST. 5 Decembar 1947 PAGES SU P?LEM ENT EVALUA7OF Or CONTENT 2 a Is 6 CON717a4E0 1FROSABLY POSSIBLY ODUENPUL PBOSAOLY CAN OT BE OTHER SOUR. TRUE TRUE FALSE AU3BED STATE SOURCE WAR NAVY JUSUCE R &E C&O 2. 'gnaw Zlotomski, now Polish representative on the United Hatiome Atomic Energy Commissions (specialized in mathematics and physics Mhile in sdhcol.) He is believed to have worked eith the Curies (Frederick Joliot4urie and his wife Irene) in Paris for approximately ten years the time is uneer,- tain but seems to have extended into the middle 1933s). In /936-1937 ha was assistant to Professor golciach Smietoslamski, Mho mas than Vanister of Education in Po Pro. y (Note: according to an item appearing in one of the Polish-American newspapers, Smietoslarneki� mho lectured during the mar in various U.S. universities, has returned to Po2and and row heads the ehemistm-physics division of the University of Narsam.) In 1937 he re- turned to France, Where he became a member of the College de France in Paris. In 1939 he uas back in Poland lecturing at a Polish university. At that time he was a staunch supporter of the Plieudski regime and, al- though a Sew himself� lent his support to the anti-Sarnia lams at the uni- versities. 2. Zlotomski came to the United States in 1939 or 1940. JIG) took out first citizenship papers sometime in the next fdw years,)and also sometime during this period taught at the University of Ohio. Oe-beceme quite active in Polish circles of leftia tendencies but never mas a regular member of either the emigre Socialist group or the Peasant group. In 1943 he be- came associated with Oscar ilange� who at that tine mas involved in the trip to the Soviet Union with Father Orlemanski. In 1944, after the waltz Conference, Zlotowski uas among those Poles who at over to the Lublin Government. He is at present anti-Pilsudski and pro-Jewish.\ � - erenase:ce7:e :ICE Apse, :;L1;Greee, Li; r---,--., 1 1 07.:5 : vz� . , ...Y....,-.0, 1.71.-,L6 .L-..! r.----�-� -1 ! : Ej E.:: ' '7'. ' 1 :FEI�J l dILT::. �.- � ., 4 . 1 i F.:::',13,' PD.Z.F-nr.'IL t T. . ,__0 ; _. . i ---- .-.---,7, ' ! �,=?� . , . I i f . Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 C06497722