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Publication Date: 
April 22, 1949
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Approved for Release: 2022/04/12 CO2664921 CLASSIFICATION 16:4k-17t;oNTROL - U.S. oFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. ONFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY China SUBJECT 1. Business Con role aVd.Trade kgy sin 2. Treatment of UNIC' ersonnel by Communi PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. TNIS NOMMEN! CONTAINS INFORZIATION APPECTINO1113 IWNIONAL OUTROS V OP Ttill UNITED STATES WITHIN TRU NCANINO OP TIM CSPIONAGN ACT SO N.S. C.. P1 ASS IIP.AS At/ENDED. ITS TRANSOM:NOW OR TIM INIVOLAVONt OF ITS CONTENTS IS ANT NAPIER TO AN ONAI31OORIZNO PERSON IS PRO. CIESTRO ST LAW. TELPRODUCTION OP TINS PORN IS vuommerso. rii CIA Lich DATE DISTR. 22 April 1949 NO. OF PAGES 2 (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3: NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Tientsin 1. All controls in Tientsin, particularly financial controls, are tightening, and taxes are being levied on business income. 2. The Chinese Communists in Tientsin have established a system of making one firm check and guarantee the books of another firm in a chain of responsi- bility, which results in easy checking at a few points. 3. Foreigners in Tientsin have been unable to submit top bids for exports or imports because they are faced with the problem of black market operators who, taking advantage of the eight percent discount on foreign remitLances� are able to buy exports at prices above the foreign market, and to quote import prices below foreign costs. 4. Remittance rates will probably reach a normal level within ten days. 5. The Chinese Communists are exporting mostly bristles, which they buy for $16,000 a set (sic) and sell for 43,01.010 . The main Communist import demands are copper wire, sheets it, tires, gasoline and railroad spare parts. 6. Native produce is arriving in Tientsin from the interior in huge amounts. The Communists plan to dispose of it abroad, through controlled channels, for a maximum gain in foreign exchange, which will be devoted to imports. 7. The central Communist trade bureau is the Chinese Cormtulist Central Govern- ment Trade and Finance Ministry, which is headed by YAO Yi-ling. 8. The director, the vice-director and the manager of the Chinese Communist Tientsin trade bureau (which is called the North China Foreign Trade Corpo- ration, and has local authority in Tientsin) were formerly stockholders and managers of the old Jen Tah Company, which was actually a Communist company before the liliberationL" (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) This document is hereby regraded te CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the L � U.S. OFF 61911Mstfilthe United States. DISTRIBUTION Mitt ftwiew Dat : 2708 �I� BY C Approved for Release: 2022/04/12 CO2664921 49 06023 Approved for Release: 2022/04/12 CO2664921 � atiegrIXONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY CalTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (b)(3) - 2 - 9. Chinese and foreigners on trains and streets are spotehec d; the search includes the removal of Money and letters from inside pockets. lop Two employees, with travel permits, of the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) arrived in Tientsin from south China. The Chinese Communists were informed that the employees were carrying UNICEF money and baggage, but they were searched and the money and baggage were placed in bond until UNICEF could straighten out the incident with the China Liberated Areas Rehabilitation Administration (CLARA). Peiping il. Dr. Eloesser, head of North China UNICEF, is still battling over the simplest elements of the UNICEF program, which is still bogged down *it. Eloesser asked TUNG Pi-wu (head of CLARA) point-blank if the program is acceptable to the Communists. TUNG replied that a formal Chinese Communist answer would be given in two weeks. ** See Comment. It is not known what the "sheets" are. and referenced reports. tONIIDENTIAL SteRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved for Release: 2022/04/12 CO2664921 a