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October 15, 1963
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11111 Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 CO2485375 4110 411 CSI NO. 70-7 CLANDESTINE SERVICES INSTRUCTION NO. 70-7 1. GENERAL RECORDS AND CORRESPONDENCE 15 October 1963 DISPOSITION OF INACTIVE RECORDS This instruction provides standard procedures for the disposition of inactive records. It applies to all official and nonofficial files held by Clandestine Services components. Official CS files include 201, project, and subject files. Nonofficial files consist of temporary files that are not a part of the official CS file system, such as chronological, background and reference files, and any other files held by a component for its own convenience. 2. RESPONSIBILITY Operating Divisions and Staffs are responsible for the disposition of records which are no longer of current interest. Records Management Officers, Records Administration Officers, and Records Officers are responsible for providing guidance and assistance for implementing the procedures set forth in this instruction within their respective components. 3. DISPOSITION OF OFFICIAL 201 FILES Official 201 files are never retired. Official 201. files which are on permanent charge and which become inactive, will be forwarded to RID/201 under a Routing and Record Sheet, Form 610, for processing. Custodians are respon- sible for screening such files, before they are forwarded, to removal all non- pertinent material such as duplicate copies, misfiled documents, etc. This screening will take place under the supervision of a Records Officer. 4. RETIREMENT PROCEDURES a. Transmittal of Inactive Records Inactive records which are to be retired will be forwarded to the Archives and Disposition Section, BID (RID/ARD), which will arranc for their transfer to the Records Center. Each project or subject file, or group of nonofficial records will be accompanied by a Form 1666, Transmittal of Inactive Records. Form 1666 will be completed in an original and three copies, and is to be signed by the Staff or Division Records Management Officer. (1) For control purposes, a job number must be assigned to each group of records being retired. These job numbers will be furnished by RID/ARD. (2) Specific instructions must be included in the "Disposition Authoriza- tion block of Form 1666. 1 G110111. I E�thglod ham autenialle elmenreeS, lard eldelerilkek.h. Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 CO2485375 �tc Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 CO2485375 11. �SEt. CSI NO. 70-7 CLi^:DEST1NE SERVICES RECORDS AND CORRESPONDENCE INSTOUCTION NO. 70-7 15 October 1963 (a) For official files, enter one of the following: 1. Hold for years, then return for review. 2. Permanent, destruction not authorized. (b) For all other files, enter the appropriate item number of the pertinent Records Control Schedule, or one of the following: 1. Hold for years, and destroy. 2. Hold for years, then return for review prior to destruction. The retention period for nonofficial files is not to exceed three years. b. Top Secret Material Top Secret material which is to be retired should be reviewed for possible downgrading and forwarded in accordance with procedures given in CST No. 10-11, paragraph 5.d., through the Top Secret Control Officer of the Staff or Division and the Top Secret Unit of RID (RID/TS). c. Official Project and Subject Files Custodians are responsible for reviewing official project and subject files on permanent charge, and for removing nonpertinent material such as duplicate copies, misfiled documents, memoranda, publications, etc., before forwarding them for retirement. If, in the opinion of the custodian, certain nonoffidal documents or overt materials are considered pertinent to the file as a whole, although they do not meet the criteria for classi- fication into the official CS records system, the documents may remain in the file being retired. d. Nonofficial Files Custodians are responsible for screening nonofficial Ma's for removal of all official CS documents as well as the originals of KAPOK and RYBAT documents before forwarding them for retirement. A minimum of one cubic foot of material is required for acceptance by RID. e. Restrictions Restrictions on access to retired files or documents may be imposed by the component which retires them. In such cases, the appropriate section of Form 1666 is completed. (1) Restricted files may be retired under the same job number as unre- stricted files, and may be included in the same box or package. Per- sonnel of the Records Center are authorized access to restricted files or documents for the purpose of servicing requests. 2 SECRET Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 CO2485375 � Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 CO2485375 CSI NO. 70-7 CLANDESTINE SERVICES RECORDS AND CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTION NO. 70-7 15 October 1963 (2) Documents or files that are considered too sensitive to be seen by personnel outside the component which retires them should be for in a sealed package marked with black tape. The package should also bear the inscription: 'TO BE OPENED BY PERSONNEL OF (component) ONLY.' Black tape material will be charged per- manently to the component which retires it. These packages will not be opened by Records Center. Upon request, the Records Center will forward the unopened box or package to the restricting component. 5. DESTRUCTION a. Official CS Documents Official CS documents may be destroyed only upon the authorization of a Records Officer. Documents or files authorized for destruction will be forwarded to the Destruction Unit, Archives and Disposition Section, RID (RED/DU). b. Nonofficial Documents Whenever possible, nonofficial files which are of no further interest should be destroyed rather than forwarded to RID for retirement. The custodian is responsible for the destruction of nonofficial files. 6. RECOVERY OF RETIRED MATERIAL Records retired to inactive storage remain under the jurisdiction of the com- ponent which retires them. Requests for recall of retired records should be directed to REWARD and should include the job number and the box num- ber used for retiring the records. An entire box need not be recalled, ex- cept as noted in paragraph 4.e.(2), above. Proper identification of the spe- cific document or folder within the job and box will suffice. The information necessary for the recall of retired records is available through Records Management Officers. 7. DISPOSITION OF OTHER MATERIAL Disposition of other material may be effected as follows: a. Documents and publications originated within the Clandestine Services at headquarters or at field stations, except regulatory publications, CSDB's and SODB's, should be forwarded to the Records Management Officer of the originating Staff or Division for disposition. If the originating Staff or Division is unknown, such material should be referred to the Records Management Officer of the holding Staff or Division. Regulatory publica- tions may be destroyed (unless controlled by copy number) or returned to DDP/PC. CSDB's and SODB's should be forwarded to the Reports Control Branch, FONT. 3 SECRET Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 002485375 Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 CO2485375 � SEC. CU, -:-)ESTINE SERVICES � CSI NO. 70-7 RECORDS AND CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTION NO. 70-7 15�Cktober 1963 b. Books, newspapers, periodicals, NZ's, NIE's, Intelligence Studies, and other such documents which have a non-CS origin may be forwarded to the CIA Library, Room 1 II 1108, Attention: Selection Officer. Richard Helms Deputy Director (Plans) SECRET Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 CO2485375