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March 17, 1954
PDF icon FURTHER REVIEW AND TIGHTE[16101870].pdf310.93 KB
pproved for Release: 2022/08/05 C05261004 0.! Chief, Far nst Doolo Odzint.621 17 March I95h Further z%,viow and tightenior up of .L:.T cover situation as regards CAT pilots in 1. For the 'Vimd time withio the pot ten days, the Director raised a. series of searching questions concerning our over-all position and preparedness to cope uith the posible eventuality of the loss, froTft enemy action, of one or more of the oki' air-crews now operating in Indo-Ceina. 2. The Director was given a certain anoint of roosurance concoroing the contractual arrongeoents tetween i . as such, and the pilots, ioclodint previsions for insurance. However, the Diroctorts questions yore much broader than this and what he Ireally vented vas for us to take every step we can possibly think of to ready ourselves for what might happen in the wake of the loss of rirf" pilots or crow monhrs who are 1J. citioons in Indo- na. 4e pointed out that there would prartly be considortfrile bue and cry in the press and possibly demands for congressional oinvestioationof..the circumstances involved. in .the death of citigons in this "foreign war," 3. lAlve so ( yoo, to be tiohtened up and posr,bly acoo ney anolcs to heoored on, end in any case this should receive your priority attootion and consideration and any construct- ive thouohts which you nay develop shoold be coordinated, as appro- priate, with the Ot7 orlicials, the !*tato Department and perhaps the iepartment of heCene. Those are the molt likely original targeto for questioning and criticism, and we should be sure that there is a well understood party lino. b. The director was reminded that as far as tote and e-ense as re-corned theyopecificall: s2looved of the proposed contract between CY' and the -ronch authorities for theeopler,rounit of "1- crews (Aocrican). 6% is my recollection that the NC and/or the Xr worn s'olo oot on not4co of this proposed contract, hut this point should he checked eosin in cer records:7 - Approved for Release: 2022/08/05 C05261004 pproved for Release: 2022/08/05 C05261004 � 5. There van a dir)clissi 0:: or the analouy between th1 presc;nt situation and the old -- aro-1 entry into Vend Var II Amsd ck of the plying Ti.ero. The oct-up was somewbat di iTerent in that the Chinese 'iationalist Goverment var the cut-out -- operator -� but the fact wrs there nonetheless that the funds were orovidtA by the Ur 0overnent to the Cbinats, thrt 13 citizens were involved in a "forcirn ',,yr", and that the Covrnmerrt winked at certain laws ich were en the statute books at the tire and le. ch by their terms were re7:tr'etive or .7frol, ibitive of asch actiens. It would be useful to have Uncral Counsol'n Office chuck the lawn of the 1940-hl period with today's laws appl cal'le to thin subject . It is my i-pross' ol that the old ''eutrality Act had real teeth in it, hut thst thls law vas sul stact 'ally r,,uealed or wended in connec- tion with Lcad*L,:sse. Deputy Dime (Plans) ce DCI via -:;DCT Approved for Release: 2022/08/05 C05261004 r.pe, pproved for Release: 2022/08/05 C05261004 � 7 2- '1" - c'UDJECT pfl 18 March 1954 ) . Chief, Far East Division CAO/DD/P - Attention: TIT.. Doole/ : Reference memorandum Hemoramtam for C/FE and Mr. Doole from DD/P dated 17 March 1954; subject: Further review and tightening un of CAT cover situation as regards CAT pilots in Indochina. 1. After General Gabefl had read his copy of the reference memorandue, he was apprised that FE was Undertaking to formulate a cover story or have State formulate a cover story which could be used in the event that Jne of the CAT pilots were loot in FIC. He stated that in addition to this he felt that What the Director had in mind IVIB to provide a cover story for others Who might be concerned in that eventuality including (a) each pilot in the event he is captured and (b) the other pilots working in the area, AMbasse;dor Heath, CAT itself, General Navarre, the Defense Department and CIA, and in the last instance, the cover story nay well be completely negative. In foreulating any_cover story -- and it is recognized 'Chet it will be based largely on the truth -- consideration should be given to various subsidiary eventualities such as the death within Coeteunist territory, death within friendly territory or capture by the Comeunists. 2. Will you please undertake to advise and assist in the formulation of these cover stories to be comeunicated to those concerned and checked out with thell as to whether they are acceptable. RTMUR L. JAC05,7 Special Assistant to D:1/P Approved for Release: 2022/08/05 C05261004 pproved for Release: 2022/08/05 C05261004 .010 � BEST COPY VAILABLE 1 - � ct: tz: 1- rc c r ;�: 'L� ,�11ci - r t 1.: 77. r ' C-7 Li ;,33.reJ,r�:t � C-t n � � cwn 1. 7 1 rch Lc rtct tT- 17;C:;' rcy c, -1vjcirt 1_1'1 t , � :�:%3 Approved for Release: 2022/08/05 C05261004 pproved for Release: 2022/08/05 C05261004 BEST COPY VAILABLE � � 1 Approved for Release: 2022/08/05 C05261004 pproved for Release: 2022/08/05 C05261004 BEST COPY VALABLE i7 APR 0,+ CLASSIFIE `,-,ECRE AESSAGE 1 ' DIRECTOR ACIIIDN: FE 6 INFO : COP, PD P-ADMIN 2, Fl, FI/OPS, PP 2, PA 5, FOLLOING 16 APRIL: ";14C 403- (W(1) W(3) )J Abi3e0) I,/RI 2, (SUSPENSE DWI) USAIRA TAIPEI MESSAGE TO DEPTAF INFO CINCPAC OF � --"'-- "NO FORN. FOLLOWING INFO RECEIVED FROM ROBERT ROUSPELOT DIRECTOR OPERATIONS CIVIL idR TRANSPORT: CREWS REPORT 'N3UFFICIENT AND INEFFECTIVE AIR COVER M AIR-MOP AND NTALV MWSION, CREWS STATE viET M I NH ANTI,',IFCR:",FT CONSISTS 31X 37N e:-;qJNJ, POCSIEIE FEW AS FOUR, GUMS MOVED NIGHTLY. CAT PER13N.EL STi,TE SUFFICIENT AIRCRAFT AND GREV:3 TO DEAL 'ATH ANTIAlaCRAFT WEAPONS BUT TACTICS OF FRENCH AIR FORCE RESEMBLE WORLD OR ONE TACTICS. DROPS WiDE BY FRENCH AIR FORCE FROM 047 AIRCRAFT r7ROM HfGH ALTITUDES WITH RESULT APPROXIV2.7ELY PERCENT FALL I NG HANDS VIFT Ml NH HIGH DROPS BY FRENCH MR FORCE II.ADE SIMULTe,NEOUS WITH LOT MPS WT,F CAT :';U:YED :ir;rzal MTH RESULT ETREAVAPT6 7-7IV�2�4:10-64G CAT MANNED C11918 NUSSELOY REPORTS EXCELLENT PUSS BilL Ti ES COLLECTION AIR INTELLIGENCE IN AREA. RECOMMENDS THIS PURPOSE AIR FORCE OFFICER BE ASSIGNED EITHER AS MEMBER CAT CREW OR OPERATIONS DUTY WI [H AT C' SECRET ..som.a.mgmeet,:fuRtsiPlbl IT IS FORBIDDEN TO MAKE A COPY OF "MS MESSAGE COPY N. Approved for Release: 2022/08/05 C05261004 pproved for Release: 2022/08/05 C05261004 SECRET 17 APR 54 PAGE -2- (b)(1) (b)(3) HIS COMPANY (CAT) WYLL COOPERATE IN ANYWAY REQUESTED BY AIR FORCE, W!THM THEM LIMITED CAPABILITIES CAT WILL CONTMUE FURNfSH THIS OFF10E SUCH INFO THEY OBTAIN,," END OF MESSAGE SECRET Approved for Release: 2022/08/05 005261004