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Publication Date: 
June 18, 1945
Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 005892361 stbiat -r, -E7allAttiO4 Report -53(f) 18 ,Iune 1945 COVIBi= n\ITELLI6ENCE OBJECTIVES SUB -COMMITTEE � INTERROGATION OF AIBERT SPEER., FORMER REICIt,MINISTER OF ARMAIVENTS AND WAR PRODUCTION ,Target: -No, :28/5 ',di - 7th Session Julie 1, ,::1W4,5'';--101::15',.-tb. 12i3fli hrs. PART I - 1, . SPEER volunteered the following additions to topics discussed in aarlle in4Ww rOgations.: �61), The organization of post-raidLneasUres7.after-the,attack on the MAYBACH Plent was in the hands of a Herr 001EL, of theORMSTEIN & KOPPEL firm, who should be as good source. on this and similar oPeratiPfla' , b), The incorporation -of economic consideratione in military strategy, and matame. ie Warfare policy in gerieraIovatIthei responsibility of, the Wehrtachtsfuehrungsstabe and not the Generalstab des.Heeres., TEES,� IN,IEDUSTRY SPEER was asked to describe the industrial :activities of the S.S. He stated thst the S.S.i_over a number of years, had been Attempting to build up an industrial eon. - bine (Industriekonzern)1 of its own, In SETER's view, :their main motive originally quired,industrial firms indiscriminately and dt first on a fairly small Yohl;;HER- ually by taking over Jewish-owned-and Other expropriated firms. One of the 5.5. interests was in the soft drinks industry, SPEER was amused by the sliggestion. quoted to him as having come from another source (OHIENDORFF) that this interest was due to HIMER's concern dyer extessive alcohol consumption in the S.S., in his view the profit-motive was decisive hers; too. The first great coup, by the S.S,. was the acquisition of the MANFRED WEISS Works in BUDAPEST. which SPEER thought had occurred in early 1944. The incident occurred shortly after the Hungarian Govern- ment had confiscated Jewish-owned factories, including the WEISS plants. RIMER, possibly through an intermediary not known to SPEER0-'made a deal with the Jewish owners of WEISS who signed over their works to him against permission to proceed to SWITZERLAND. SPEER heard of this when the German ambassador in BUDAPEST telephoned him to report that he had been placed in an impossible position by HINNIER, as the WEISS works were technically the property of the Hungarian State. SPEER immediately intervened with HITLER, not only.t0:11014; the anabeSsador, but also because he expected that the SS would manage the WEISS works ineffi6iently0. The Whole question Was to be discussed at ,a Berghof-Conference between the Germans and the Hungarian prime Minister. HIMMLER, however, contacted the Prima Minister before the discussion had formally been opened, and by means not known to SPEER persuaded him to acquiesce�In the SS expropriation. As part of their campaign, the SS attempted to Make it a condition in allocat-- - ing labor from concentration camps that Plants receiving such labor should pass underss management, and that their profits should go to the 55. , SPEER opposedthis scheme because he fearedthe inefficiency that would result from technical management passing into the hands of the $S.. Finally a compromiae was arrived at whereby the SPEER Ministry was to retain c�nt4r�1 as regards technical management, while the 58 would' be in charge of labor management and conditions of work. No labor other than from concentration camps was to be employed in Such plants.. SPEER thought there were - quite a number of factories run on this basis, including BMW-ALIACH and the MITTEL,- WERK. The head of SPEER's ANTSGRUPPE ARBEZTSEINSATZ, Herr-SCHNEIDER, was in charge' of the negotiations with the SS and RMOWS the details. Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 005862361 Approved for Release: 2022/06/16 C05892361 .� SECRET . Pfrtei7:-oi the to .ox�geniliei indics tiiikl,'ProblUctionT, , the . eoncentrat�n te sltes a:.;SeheMe Which '',$T0E1a "resisterl,''bedairsa�hei',�-feared that; ft .14.4)4.,ati..ori-of,machk-ne; tbors.�,. 'Which were .qbaree e.nstr,'4a-P :4t WoU2. take these' plants a .4.41*.:to.0?ecoinevge*td4ally .9rigantie JO:et:tacit with the :6i1St,P.FFIVE/10, friistrOted.:' ,IplantS:iiree' snOt �-neeesSarily',fOr the WaA SS 1izil'faCt i most cass the yprodu.,Citse were sold o the4IgereOfiaffenanit,-,,:, an: agreement 6etwen tle 'as aud 4rmy1 toads, raw rzaei,.it5.14 avail$144'.1tO!,,' the "s$ .,plaitS� iI944 when d4n4rai:._.T.OB.,17,:rfNER...;had.15P0oraa thief ilia':�.317$0.tihiss6acr.: and, taXen: ovGr d1sbribwb1on of equpmnt, this problem Was simplified in any. :case, , He thought that in in,Ost :attaes.- the 'concentration' camp ' plants �ManufadtUred itemsi j a of ,*0 Ways, of the -AS in PrOduc Ion me. teteb uotetsC.ise NORM-W.15EN built p,hder watiftfloehlrogramm, wherathe 35 was on Iti:nd".3.