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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Creation Date: 
July 13, 2023
Document Release Date: 
February 17, 2022
Sequence Number: 
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Publication Date: 
March 4, 1949
PDF icon CZESLAW GRZELAK[16015437].pdf41.14 KB
Approved for Release: 2021/12/20 C06887127 CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON 25, D. C. MAR 4 - 1,714Ct ..- ts;,.>".;)- , -1t\� �,i./.-.,. j!' !IL CEIVRL . ,:s4/ 1z,,oTifoli voit: THE C.,"caas:.aolm. 1--; MAR 4 1949 1-717' 1...-i ILTLUG:-ZATION All ITATULi.p_LIZATION SZ,Z.VICE 1.1.;r INVESTIGATIoti ',..�, SECTION t -- ,- SUBJEUT : Czeslaw Ci-.-.-.1221K. 1. This refers to your memorandum dated January 11, 1949, bee,rin.:; file number A-5722975, and concerning deportation proceed:II-Lys against Czeslaw CaZELAL 2. In referrinz to the last sontenee of paracraPh please note that the Polish Communist Party (named Polish United .Yorkers L'arty since December 15, 1948) is the same as who Co:imunist Party of any other country insofar as it has the saiae objectives, is subject to the same discipline an,t, control, and receives instructions from the sane source. The scope of our activities is such that we are not in a position to supply documents or other zlaterial Which wou1d be admissible, as evidence to substa.ntiate the fact that the i'olish Comunist Party advocates the forcible overthrow of the United il)tates Government. You may desire to ref c: to the appropriate division of the Department of Justice for such documentary evidence or for names of refuees in the United 6tates who may Qualify as ez)ert witnesses. ilef. 0 DU-13818 a FO a 'ZED CENT.::AL INT -LLIGENCE ALAN R. 1.1cCILAL:1121 Actin .ssistant Director Approved for Release: 2021/12/20 C06887127