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Publication Date: 
March 17, 1949
PDF icon DELAYS IN CHINESE COMMUNI[16054119].pdf181.78 KB
Approved for Release: 2022/04/12 CO2638631 CONVIDtPITTAr CLASSIFICATION LAC.J�imq/CenReL - U.S. QFl1CLLL3 WLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. N FOR MATION REPORT OD NO. COUNTRY China SUBJECT Delays in Chinese Communist Agreement Concerning UNICEF Activities PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. See below REM OR DESTROY o.:',2otlisi9774(ums:g7rT3.77%112-x-r-_,-ImgTzlowor4wPrillvem ---- TINS (=MOST CMTA,1715 INVOIMATION APFECIIIISTOR ravoliaLnuranso 07 TEM UNITED &TAM V.//171111 T&HSEM31/10 CiemrESPIONAGB A07 SO 'fiO. S. C. 131 AND DZ. AO SIAERDED. nos TOMISOISS1014 OR TES PIVILATIOS OV 175 COE:TEM AM AMMER TO Ali 611AUTSOIIITSD PECCOO IS PRO. CHUM Off LAW. MIP:1000CTIC0 OF MO MU te PROMITED. ;AX47,alig4=e1AW4Wd52n.',.. WUT, SOURCE DATE DISTR. 17 March 1949 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT T REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION � (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) 1. On 9 larch 1949 in Peiping, Dr. Leo Sloesser, head of the North China United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF), received written permission from IdANG Yin-pu (head of the Communist Foreign Affairs Bureau) to unload at Tientsin medical supplies for UNICEF from Hong Kong, 2., The granting of this permit -- in answer to an ultimatum from Dr. Eloesser presented after fruitless negotiations in Shihchiachuang and Peiping -- was preceded by the events related below. 3. In Shihchiachuang (Shihmen)* Dr. Eloesser obtained a written agreement** signed by TUNG Pi-wu-kg*, head et the China Liberated Areas Rehabilitation Adminestration (CLARA), which covered all points of the UNICEF program for the liberated areas. It specifically granted UNICEF control over the distri- bution of its supplies (from their origin to the consumer) and full publicity. CLARA was to pay the program's administrative cost and the living allowances for UNICEF personnel, and was to supply all ivonsportation. CLARA also agreed to carry out the medical program -- originally scaled at 1500,000 and to discuss continuing the current food program. 4. As of 6 larch 1949 it was still necessary for UNICEF to pay its own expenses, and transportation requested of CLARA was not forthcoming. 5. Previously, with the agreemedt of the Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA)2 UNICEF had taken over ECAts vehicles (which had been turned over to the U. S. Consulate in Peiping) with the understanding that the vehicles would be returned if the Consulate rdiquested it. This was agreed to verbally by the Chinese Communist authorities; but as of 6 Larch 1949 the Chinese Communists had so far refused to register or license these vehicles for UNICEF, or to allow them on the streets. 0. Recently ECA decided to turn over all of their materialz -- except flour and wheat -- throughout China to UNICEF, provided CLARA agreed. Eloesser was to obtain agreement****. in Peiping. The materials include five hundred tons of urgently aeeded medical supplies valued at more than the entire UNICEF program. 'CONYIDENTIA15 CLASSIFICATION ,aieter.p/nolmonT, - Ti- S ORRT QMly q I SME j�p WAVY ARMY 1 WSRB I- a DISTRIBUTION ..-1 I I- - 1 pifrum e n tiwl.t1,4 o a i 1 . -it 6 ' NO MANGE-In-CIass. 0 + 4 iL 0 DECLASSIFIED � 1111 E Class. CHANGED TO: TS DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 Auth: DA REG. 77/1763 4 Late:/ A /....41A" pproved for Release: 2022/04/12 CO2638631 ......���������,���������� Approved for Release: 2022/04/12 CO2638631 eemeeeommezeleb SWORte/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL IveireeIGENCE AGENCY (b)(3) - 2 - 7. After much delay by the Chinese Communists*****, Eloesser finally presented to the Foreign Affairs Bureau an ultimatum on the condition that, if it were not met, he would withdraw his entire program. He set 7 March 1949 as the deadline for the following terms: a. Written Chinese Communist agreement to UNICEF's acceptance of ECA supplies. b. Written permission for a ship, loading eight tons of medical supplies at Hong Kong on 9 March, to dock at Tientsin. c. Registration of the ex-ECA vehicles to be granted. d. A Chinese Communist decision on continuance of the UNICEF food program for a year -- the supplies for which were then being held up awaiting this decision. 8. These terms, on which no action could be taken in Peiping, were wired to MAO Tze-tung for decision. TUNG Pi-mu was in Peiping at the time, but returned to Shihchiachuang without contacting UNICEF. 9. On 9 March WANG Yin-pu gave permission to unload the supplies, but said that written permission for two UNICEF officers from Shanghai to come with the shipment must be obtained in Shihchiachuang. In reference to the Chinese Communist agreement to UNICEF's acceptance of all of ECA's supplies, WANG said that UNICEF was the best judge, and that the Chinese Communists would be glad to see them accept the materials. 10. Eloesser's present practice regarding prospective employee a is to submit the names and job qualifications to WANG. So far all have been cleared. Clearance for personnel coming from outside the Chinese Communist area is apparently given by hAO The-tung. 114 Eloesser is very hopeful for the success of his program. ** Copment. According to monene prior to 18 February 1949 in Peiping. is Dr. Eloesser spent the six c lachuang� then returned to Comment. Although this statement contradicts oelievea to be correct. (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) it (b)(3) eel.* Comment. TUNG Pi-wu has also been identified as Chairman (b)(1) (b)(3) oi tne mor h China People's Government. 'Comment. Presumably from the Communist authorities. (b)(1) *****Source Comment. Eloesser was surprised at the Chinese Communist slowness (b)(3) in agreeing, because his previous experience with them in rural areas was good; and, when he arrived in Peiping, there existed a mutual confidence between the two parties and a tendency for Eloesser to excuse their delays and inefficiencies. GMF-R-E411MtV JA/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved for Release: 2022/04/12 CO2638631