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August 13, 1951
PDF icon STATEMENT OF FUNCTIONS, P[16103776].pdf101.61 KB
STANDARD FORM NO. 64 Approved for Release: 2022/08/10 CO2315462r Win I Office Memorandum � UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO FROM : SUBJECT: Deputy Director of Training William J. Morgan Statement of Functions, Psychological Staff 0/TR 1. Basic Mission of Psychological Staff VTR DATE: 13 August 1951 a. To provide psychological services to the Office of Training and to other offices and units of CIA, as authorized by the Director of Training. 11. Major Functions. a. To advise and assist the Director of Training and other mem- bers of his Staff on training problems that involve technical phases of psychology. b. To develop plans and implement procedures for the testing, assessment, evaluation and guidance of Career Corps Trainees. c. To develop plans and implement procedures for the testing, assessment, evaluation and guidance of all students in train- ing. d. To direct and engage in operational research for the improve- ment of psychological techniques in 0/TR. e. To direct surveys of existing psychological services in the agency with a view to their more effective utilization and coordination. f. To coordinate and, if necessary, direct all psychological services under the jurisdiction of the Director of Training. 111. Major Tasks Now Being Done a. Career Corps Trainees. 1. Testing prior to training. 2. Analysis of aptitudes. 3. Guidance interviews. 4. Development of evaluation procedures. Approved for Release: 2022/08/10 CO2315482 "Misr Approved for Release: 2022/08/10 CO2315482 wirmurgalla 111 -2- 0. un/A Students. b. Russian Language Students. 1. Testing prior to training. 2. Analysis of aptitudes. 3. Rejection of those not qualified. 4. Er preparation of evaluation reports by (b)(1) and o/TR. (b)(3) 5. CorrIllation studies between effectiveness of nredicting language proficiency and evaluation by (b)(1) (b)(3) 1. Testing prior to training. 2. Analysis ofjptitudes. 3. Supervisioniltreparation of evaluation reports. d. Agency Psychological Services: A coordination of ETS survey. e. Clerical Refresher Course: Pre-training and post-training '5;441 programs for clerical skills. f. Liaison with Personnel Section AGO, Department of the Army, and the Classification and Field Branch of the Bureau of Naval Personnel, Department of the Navy. g. Compilation of norms and analysis of statistics for purposes of prediction and classification. Personnel Swart. a. One secretary full time, b. One secretary part time, c. One testing assistant part time, d. Periodical scoring assistance by uncleared pool employees. Major Tasks Completed. a. Career Corps Trainees: Testing, assessment, evaluation and guidance plans (see Appendices C, G and J in "A Program for the Establishment of a Career Corps in the Central Intelligence Agency"). b. Personnel Procurement Division, Interview Training Course. c. University of Wisconsin Recruitment Project. d. Evaluation procedures of Clerical Refresher Course. (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) SEMI Approved for Release: 2022/08/10 CO2315482 Approved for Release: 2022/08/10 CO2315482 'Amer _ 3 _ e. Evaluation procedures by instructors at f. Original preparation of Training Request form. g. Analysis and review of Mr. training report. h. An analysis and review of assessment. report on Major Tasks Plan Near Future. a. Spoken Russian aptitude program. b. OSI evaluation study. c. Preparation of an overall plan for coordinated psychological services in CIA. d. Implementation of a Career Corps Program as it relates to the Psychological Staff. This will include recruitment of personnel, establishment of procedures, development of test, and considerable statistical research. SEGREI Approved for Release: 2022/08/10 CO2315482