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Publication Date: 
June 1, 1961
PDF icon CURRENT INTELLIGENCE WEEK[16068154].pdf165.22 KB
Approved for Release: 2022/05/19 C06498249 IDTAIT1AL COPY NO, 76 OCI NO. 0282/61 1 June 1961 CURRENT. INTELLIGENCE WEEKLY SUMMARY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY , DOCUMENT HO. �eit OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE Pa) CHANGE IN CLASS' DECLASSSED CLASS. CHANGED NEXT rtzviEvy DATE: AlITH: 1114 70.2 DATE: ki/s/daymnEwER: 01030 Approved for Release: 2022/05/19 C06498249 Approved for Release: 2022/05/19 C06498249 cquqNT PITI*;q0i# 11,Etia4 =MART DOMINICAN President Malaguer and oth- er Trulillo aeSoCiatei retained control in tWDoMinican'Repub-' lie immediately follewing the diciatorasSassinatiOn on 30 May bY:a retited'arMY'gendral, Joan .Toisa Diet; who bad been in close Contect-with.a.pro4iS; riddle-of- the-road diesident.eivillangTooP, An internal power struggle is likely, The capital'eas'under tight security measures en%31 May; Manydissidenti'weire biding out in theheMes:Of'friendsi and a WOO of panic foOdliuyiegWaS developing, le* reports were available on provincial areas. �� General Diaz is reported to be iniiiding.inthe interier'ese the. policia'and units Of the Do- minican armed forces round-up:in- dividUale believed to have been associated with him, Be may be heading for. the traditionally. dissident Cibeo region in the. east-central pert of the country. Meanwhile, the late dicta- tor's two eone' the Dominican Republic after a hastily arranged Charter fileq from Europe : The elder son; Ra- fael "Ramfia" Trujillo; Jr.,.: is a general and a minister without portfolio and is believed, .with� his military associates, to have a. Ore Of; fanatical support in the 'air force mobile infantry unit Statiened'neieCiUda&Tru.= .iillo. This military unit, rough- ly'equivalent to,4 Up wood War II regimental combat team; is 14504 td,PlAY an important -1)4r in any struggle toi power. The two arMy':brigadeastatiened in the. CapitalCityare commanded by relatives of theiatesdietatt* TOP 0/40.:.ardurld 'IReMfis" includes the de .EnciC head of the 'hated Military Intelligence Service, jOhn.4bberS, *40.110 been involved since 1957 injrujille".s subversive in other , - . MEPDBLIC Latin American countries. It also includes officials of liadi0.4ribe;'weSeYprOCiStro and bitterly'entiDS and anti- clerical diatribes over the past ten menthe have probably contributed to at least some degree of,anti4iS feeling *Meng' the :Dominican peeple: Ihe longer an interne]. power struggle in protracted,. the greater will be the opportu- nities Offered to pre-Castro eie- m0:00.1 bstb'inelde'the country and in exile. miring the past ten Menthe'ProCastrOgreUns within the Country hAiire been, strengthened OY the dictator's OWO political Machinations:: Lest week told\-047AMerican:Consulatethat the_efficersinVolved in the plot hoped the US would have military -strength available in . the area in casea,post-Trujille government .asks for: assistance in contrelling the internal situation. Reaction in the.restnf Latin AMerica te.Trujilio's death Was generally ene:of'grie Satisfaction, Chilean Foreign Minister CrtUzar.told newsmen that the assassination was "a natural end that issitsall die- ators.....wbo Make a. mockery 01 the rights and freedoms Of man." on tWsame island With theDominicaninepublic, the reaction wasnne of.alarM as thegovernmenteenttroOpe to the border and mobilized the President's special militia. In Cuba, comment in the Castro- controlled preSsatrOseed-the hope'that-the dictators death will Mean the "tide liberation' of the Dominican people, who nc4, MagnifiCent op- portunity to recover their fre0c*:" . Inifenetuela, where tireg- ident-ReCao 20A*Ourt was the target aim almOsi-s0C- Oese1U1-aseiesination-attempt mounted by Trujillo List year, the -Cham00. of DePUtiesunanimously passed a resolu- 7 tioo solidarity with the yeep,1 f he. riepAio 1AOLt 1 June 61 rE2XLY,agyi PA e6nt 21 Approved for Release: 2022/05/19 C06498249