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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
June 24, 2021
Sequence Number: 
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Publication Date: 
March 31, 1959
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Approved for Release: 2021/06/23 CO2059780 01-1'11L-11- X DDIP 4-414- 24114.1ftaliDU14 FCE"'.Aui4t.L1t DIrec-t.- suFtzar; Pjitt WAIMT .4,s4tel )f 2C I. Max)er3 euLtf the sompatibl- Itte WAQIJ 31 Mirth 1959 of the 161B '.:,", 11.mmit,eclo.:i.� Time ',7,r.� OI, A* assure you VsT. the suhstam*e t :Tour letar web thus more eat,1 4cri1y leer, ti: :;!-.4rut ei'.L ii � ,1.2...r&�"t; ai.ilarjVertri-77 ;, I t,4U..1 be glad. tc mitt write rtr1; earoal toward Lie tad4rli, I tiprotaie to t s xpid to satisfacticia: . Lat s% gort yoiw7" wra tbs ntati 41,/6.17 4124' ;;;+-044 oar purpoes4 v1 41t--44,1 h IJ j4.1441 WaL,Nt7T oautextcf /stems redisoas a. Ala.. pertireut u! 1;:h referen.;:is tt :4 t Ve .t n t e Lrif 4 =Mat. It is AG Z.61 ; ;D-CArt .,12 OKI &gad pits& C!..4.4tcomit 4,14 :IA ;41:Thriery,cu.4itte retritcrei 5y ?w puwept far as 3. :1.; tAztts,1 1,! 1.,er".1 pcolore 6 �th La swellablr In crpr 'war, it; :f 1:413 of.1461 r atabjeat, crta with �...,r):L4A:erlirrts2.1.10ipsille coots:ht. IX1:11'4 VtALAVI ierlit-t*1 10, 4,.t sy4t0tes a4 t.ttise*s tlis-"us *7'6 . 0E4 F7tt1ilrI.,. posttiirs is** 404 btt � onducto ,A;ocriowneLt. wAszur -SETRET- Approved for Release: 2021/06/23 CO2059780 _ ----- Approved for Release: 2021/06/23 CO2059780 I IL. I 0�14.111. 4. AA � tiret steep, I would like to sweat that tr. Welter Jessal, perhaps jointly with ISM personnel, rebrief your Camsittes au the present status of WALNUT for taeir information and possible interest. Perhaps c full lay semdmar, of tads type erreneAd for the PbAlco cosputer, is callpt,1 for. ln the process, 44 mann technical detail 40 fou say wish say be furnished' on the potential compatibility of the ty with any othe: tor in ezistenee ar planned. 5. Nay I edd, ecf epprecia of the constructive cooperation of OCR in the enterprise. Irmo it this early the test�donstratas aow nlosely proceestug tex:nniques� 'peed, amd qualified feedback are interwoven 4.itn the key droblems of and operational lowerep. I ea fcalowilag the kr.cexese cf the great interest and hop, that it v.LI c0uttuu4 IA; 11..1,107 you full Approved for Release: 2021/06/23 CO2059780 (b)(3)