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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
December 8, 2021
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Publication Date: 
January 5, 2010
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Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05492833 December 17, 2009 TO: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST !rnis is a request under the Freedom Of Information Act ( 5 U.S.0 552(a) and New York State Public Officers Law ( 84 etseq. ). wis o obtain copi o a y ard all information per aining to: erry Robena, Dave Ohepli acv Ma (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) ed for Release: 2021/12/07 C05492833 Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05492833 (b)(6) ,f any and/or of my request are deni 0, please list the specific exemption(s) which are being claimed for the with- holding of the information. If you determine that some portions of this requested mater- ial are exempt, please provide me, as per State and Federal � . - Statutes, with the remaining non-exempt portions. I, of course, reserve the right to appeal any decision relating to the with- holding of any requested material and/or information. Addition- ally,. T. am requesting that you provide me with the necessary information as to the Office where such an appeal can be filed. As your agency is aware, the amended F.O.I.A. requires you to reduce and/or waive searching and or copying fees when the release of the required information would be in the Public Interest. It is my belief that said information which I am seeking fits this categoryand, therefore, as that you waive such fees. If this request is processed through the privacy Act however, I expect, as the Act provides, that no fees will be charged for locating the requested files. If there are any fuEher questions regarding this request, e se contact me at the gbove address. . , Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05492833 Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05492833 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST PAGE 2 PLEASE SE ADVISED that the Freedom of Infor.mation Act requires that an Agency respond within ten ( 10 ) working days upon reciept of said request, to: ( either provide the records requested; ( b ) to acknowledge reciebt of the request and inform the requester that the records will be provided within a reasonable date; or ( c ) deny the requester's Freedom Of Information Act request. Very truly yo (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05492833 Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05492833 - (b)(6) (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05492833