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Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775921 15 January 1999 E ORANDU FOR: FROM: SUBJECT: REFERENCE: (AIU0) ADD Wi4k1ii Report 7-13 Jan 1999 Note Timing of this Weekly: Thurs-Wed (t) The Aut (U) Activities and Accomplishments Hi2h1i2hts ation Date is 17 April 2000 (b)(3) (b)(3) naernent Interest: )ril Production Week! Prod I/lion Hip] lights This week, 4DDshattered its record for total pages certified, ex-cc ding pages in a single week. The bulk of Me (b)(3) pages cm-like( came from Me t�No special Drocessing projects -- ground photos and \VDC iranslations, witn the holiday break over, on-line revioN (0)(3) rdurnedlo its pre o dproduction rafts of neark pages completed at both Level I and Level IL In electronic conversion, the Document Conversion (b)(3) Center indexed it page, (b)(3) 4# The AM) External Referra' Unit (ER ii) Pilots Electrum( Rftrrai to the National Security Agency (NSA): In an efforl lo csMblish a Communilv of Inleresiprojecl \vial potential bend-0 lo other Agency componeMs, the AuMmatic Declassification Division has embarked on a pilol project to utilite Intel:ink for referral of scanned documents to NSA for declassification coordination, Five documenk �N. ith 10 pages �N. ere sclecled for referral, These documenk �N. ill be attached lo an ICE (IC Inielink E-mail note) and forwarded lo the NSA declassificakon program. Declassificrs at NSA �N. ill review the documenk in their electronic revioN and redadion system and rdurn them lo CIA, If the pilol proves successful. ADD �N. ill explore scalabilift and expansion opportunities to other agencies, (b)(3) (AIUO}Personnel: (AlUO) mother passed way last week and he has been on leave for the funeral. �CerrtFFBENT-141.� P2P) Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775921 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775921 �C-611fltrEITruz� ( ) Production Metrics: CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775921 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775921 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775921 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775921 (b)(3) -(-A-Wer Highlights of HRB/Raytheon Production Labor Contract Status: (AIU0) CIA/NARA Production (AIUO) Scanning production was down to pages for the week as the team attended INFOSEC training. NLJ (National Library Johnson): (AIU ). We are now in a hold situation for deployment to NLJ pending the finalization of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between NARA and CIA. We hope to resolve the MOU issue at a meeting scheduled for 20 January. We originally scheduled to have the document separator system shipped to NLJ on 5 Jan. we have been forced to delay this shipment. -44444)-Engineering and Operations: CONFIDENTIAL rtt107 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (0)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775921 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775921 _CCLINIF-1�3�11TrAt -(41+49). STAR GATE Operations and Support Efforts: (AIUO) Except for the remaining folders awaiting release decision resolution, a set of floppies with index information have now been built for the previously printed STAR GATE pages. These are now ready for INFOSEC review and ultimate construction of an unclassified searchable index database. "r4ff40)-External Referral Processing System (ERPS) Data Staging: Thus farr�batches of the Eisenhower Library (NILE) total have completed the indexing step. Training is now being finalized to prepare the External Referral Unit (ERU) team to make referrals to Directorate Teams in a couple of weeks for the Kennedy Library (NLK) documents. A preliminary readiness status review for the Remote Imaging Team (RIT) deployment to the Johnson Library indicates that two minor technical issues remain, with only the outstanding required Memo of Understanding (MOU) with NARA unresolved. We believe the MOU issue can be closed out on 20 January when D/OIM meets wit1 at NARA. -(741-144) Original Records Repository and ERWI: (AIUO) With the last failure mode identified (uncontrolled ERWI Server Indexing), backfill of the STAR GATE data has begun. Thus far n:Ioxes or one-third of the total have been inserted in the Original Records Repository (ORR). Although a hold of further data for several days will occur to assure our selves of correct operation, it appears with careful monitoring, that between can be inserted each week. With the initial backfill process underway, deployment of the OCR Service has begun. This deployment will take a couple of weeks of integration and testing. -f-A44404. External Referral Unit: ONFID Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775921 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775921 .C.0411�Plaeli-TIAL� (AIU0) Remote Archive Capture Program: -+A-RfT�el The Community Review Tool (CRT) is now up and running CRT provides Other Government Agencies (OGAs) a tool to review their presidential library material. We will begin contacting OGAs this week in an effort to get them to comerto look at their Kennedy Library (NLK) documents. NLK documents for CIA are to be ready in IWAS on 20 Jan. -(41440) NARA Team: "144.Q.) The State Department declassifiers at NARA have approval to start processing Treasury records, and are well into the process. They are tabbing equities for OGAs (including CIA), but not for Treasury (at request of Treasury). CIA has previously reviewed nearly half of the Treasury holdings at NARA (tabbing and withdrawing only CIA equities), but this State initiative will help us greatly eAtTICIT The Team participated in discussions with State and NARA regarding if/when State will begin "re-reviewing" their Withdrawns at NARA, in line with their "promise" to the State Historical Advisory Committee (HAC). (State starting of this process will presumably impact CIA/NARA, as we also "promised" to follow State in the processing of the State Withdrawns.) -4444), PIRD/IRG is supporting the Agency response to the new "Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act" and is coordinating her effort to introduce the Agency players to the NARA players and to the relevant NARA holdings (primarily the OSS Withdrawns). Four Agency ICs have been designated to review documents at NARA, their clearances are being forwarded, and a first meeting at NARA is tentatively set for 21 January CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775921 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775921 CONFIDENTIAL NARA Scanning Metrics: (AIUO) DCI Team: -+AitterThe DCI team chief spent most of the last week completing a manual review of Washington Document Center translations of captured WWII documents. One of the documents reviewed concerned follow up actions to Dr. Von Braun's 1941 suggestion to build guided liquid-propelled rockets at Peenemunde. The project, codenamed "Wasserfall," was supposedly to be used for antiaircraft defense. Another captured German document dealt with their perception of Soviet counterattacks at Stalingrad, along with maps. The rest of the DCI team continued to focus on material from the late 1940's and early 1950's. tirIUO) DS&T Team: 4444} The DS&T team continued work on general U-2, FBIS, and OSA documents. The team provided input to the updated declassification guide concerning imagery-derived intelligence. Work continues with the NIMA team on an Intelligence Community guide for declassifying such intelligence. Finishing touches continued on the STAR GATE collection; all of the audio tapes will be exempted and unclassified video tapes will be passed to NARA with copyright restrictions. (AIUO) DI Team: DI Team members divided their time between normal Image Workflow Automated System (IWAS) review and preparation of ground photos for shipment to NARA. Nevertheless, Dreamteamsters continued apace on interim production goals on the march DI Team Chief and redactor-supenor met with and from IRG and CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775921 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775921 to discuss a six-month The discussions indicate that much needs to be done by the IROs in developing a strategy for combing CIA files for relevant information. A number of adjustments also will have to be made to IWAS and further development of review standards and subsequent training will have to be provided to support the declassification review. Follow-up meetings are expected shortly. Finally, has been elevated to Level II reviewer status on the DI Team effective 16 January. Congratulations to 4,41+Jit-DA TEAM (AIUO) In our efforts to put guidance documentation online, ADD personnel entered index entries for the Declassification Guide into Microsoft Word. We will proofread, review, and add to the list for inclusion in the online guidance. We will also review the index terms for completeness and consistency; then the guidance/index information will be ready for programming so that IWAS users can access the guidance via an on-screen icon. �E4444444- , DA Team Certifier, reviewed a -page SECRET document entitled CIA Historical Staff Chronology 1946-65. This document has four columns: the first cites events of world-wide significance; the second contains events of national interest; the third cites developments in the intelligence community; and the fourth contains milestones in the development of the Agency. has asked the Historical Review Group to assist in the review of this document. (AIUO) certified low-hanging fruit (mostly exempted material) and about of the Office of Security (OS) Monthly Statistical Reports (dating from about 1962-70). There are at least more of these monthly reports in Image Workflow Automated System (IWAS); they are predominantly sanitized (release-in-part) material. Several of the documents have been referred to EHU for guidance due to problematic references. (AIUO) Exception Handling Unit: (AIUO) The draft of Version 2.0 has been revised and improved by the results of detailed reviews by ADD staff. Among the notable features of the draft are a sharply reduced number of guideline codes and the much more substantial guidance under CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775921 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775921 Exemption 6 (foreign relations and diplomatic activities) prepared by who is also drafting an Appendix with supplementary background information for the exemption. Following approval of the draft by C/EHU, it will be considered by members of the ADD Declassification Policy and Procedures Review Board at a meeting early in the week of 18 January. Revisions will be made as appropriate, and the revised draft will be sent to C/ADD for his review and approval. The ADD version of the guide will then be forwarded to the IROs for review en route to the Agency Review Panel for final approval. The end of February is the target date for an ARP-approved Version 2.0 for submission by the DDA to the Information Security Oversight Office for approval by the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel. �(44444 DO Team (MUO) The DO Team has just about completed the review of hardcopy Intell Report referrals from DIA. These reports were a mixture of MIA/POW and other information concerning Air America. -(-41491 C/DO Team and Level II Redactor, attended a meeting with representatives of Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office. This meeting was hosted by representatives of External Referral Unit (ERU) and covered issues related to our redaction efforts and other ERU issues. (U) Upcomin2 Week (U) Declassification and the march towards the age goal will continue apace. (ARA)) D/OIM, C/ADD and C/ERU will meet with NARA personnel on 20 January to discuss the proposed MOU on Remote Archive Capture (RAC) Program scanning and RAC and NARA document review. (FOU ) A meeting of the External Referral Working Group (ERWG) will be held at Archive II, College Park, Maryland, will be held on 20 January Bill Leary, NSC, will be the keynote speaker and will discuss the Kyl Amendment implementation plan which he was a key participant in developing. -tk-147l49)-A meeting will be held with Automation Group on future systems planning (AIUO) Planning is underway for an ADD off-site 28 January on Meeting FY 1999 Document Review Production Goals. The purpose of the off-site is to investigate ways of meeting ADD's ambitious page review target through review strategies and overall productivity enhancements. D/OIM has agreed to attend the dinner and wrap-up session. CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775921 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775921 CGN-FeENTIRE Chief, Automatic Declassification Division IRG/OIM (U) Note: Portion Markings pertain to all portions below the marking until a new portion marking is encountered. IU0 except indicated Para and Indicated Cover Name(s) CC: CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775921