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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
September 15, 2021
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Publication Date: 
June 21, 1962
PDF icon CUBAN REFUGEE CHILDREN[15974208].pdf40.61 KB
-INN 14 '*3 IdJ; 'Approved for Release: -262170-9/13-60013681 8 TIi1114)tfii I 1 t 1 (I I'm NI, onni Doiooi of ff. Un,faff St � � � lb. monn.r el th* Et eariacm LOWS hue 1 I. U.C. Sea c:,*;97otrild 7c.9"474Ififfennetmc feivnlofion of vighlioll in veiny F11.011flOnti t10*(1' n ignZtliorisetilpefsen Ppfohibilird by low. � C-0-11 T 4.444-1. COUNTRY CAS , e441- te72 SUBJECT cam new, child:vs DATE OF INFO. "1/1 PLACE & imaPokATIN 462 RATE ACC). REPORT NO. 00� DATE DISTR, NO, PAGES 1 REFERENCES THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) '113 souRcE: national esseced is dutise position to ,:eport scouraW3.71 (This rnert vu developed by as AlMal Air rove reproesstatift assigned to Us &Wise or preparation.] 1. Daring the week o a definite imp is the amber or Climes elalben Inertias fres Cube ter the lin. Amiss this vest, ie sotioed the hisbeet drof in vossoceipanied etildrva tremens. to the 11$ fres Cube darted the past at annths. 2. la the past vs Ikea bees aversogiag 200 *kilt:ran per week title% **(Missed vatil abet* Uses yeas age.5ie theca vs have bee* reesiring sone 6040 elkiltirso pas' seek. Datios the 'reit 1.6.16 Joss* 77 obildreu erase 'but all errivei la the first two doze of the bask. East ileineedoy, )3 Jim, ve iseeivod clay 144 chitlins per do. Vs Nave sot rseeived aro isforsaties fres Cuba as to shy this evidaa drop is the amber of uesseesvented etildres. l!hert is a possibility that Castro is Ilt2v oareevass en order that. 112122024Oplatli4 eltildren would sot be parietted to tretel to the It3. Cs the other basil it imelft be as a result of the bon Ox2 /series* poctal end bask =soy orders idlieh is jirst sow tablas offset. It will probably be eareisi woks before v. us get isfersatioe as the audios eut off. Sa "Oa. C.041.4.114-A4, Cla)CP X Isolated from wassail,* Approved for Release: 2021/09/13 C00130818