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PDF icon CIA DECLASSIFICATION WEEK[15890275].pdf247.18 KB
Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 UNCLASSIFIED*Hz)e- 13 January 2011 MEMORANDUM FOR: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: CIA Declassification Center' e Archives ,rdh,lI it he NSC Report 7- 13 January 2011 UNCLASSIFIED Al Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 UNCLASSIFIED *tit, inti11igincc community : 2 ta s (LI The status of production against the FY 2011 goals as of 8 Jamiai� 2011 is pr Chart" be OW, This chart includes 2011 de.:iciline Mlitcrial and other latcr de idline material. Se cd in the "Thermometer (U Note that this chart presents "Pages RC ViC \N. cd this Fiscal Year and displays some key product nes. Thus counts in this chart reflect material that has completed the review process this FY (i.e., "certified" or equivalent). It does not reflect pages that have completed the full production process (i.e., been "delivered") but reflects progress against the Executive Order requirements. The chart below is organized by key goals, i.e., overall total review/release: NDC review; automated revioi (our highest value on-line redacted product): and Presidential Libraries. (Note that Overall Total subsumes NDC and Automated. and Automated subsumes the Presidential Library product Because the Overall Total includes some categories that are not displayed explicitly such as manual review, special media and "QART." quality assurance revioN at the NDC-- the Overall Total is not the simple sum of the three sub-categories to its right on the chart) UNCLASSIFIED*Hzfre Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 UNCLASSIFIED APd UNCLASSIFIED7Mrr� Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 UNCLASSIFIED*1110� (17/A-1)- Progress Towards the 31 December 2011 Deadline (U/7*ITTIT These thermometer charts provide a measure of completeness against the CIA records that must be role d by 31 December 2011. These records include hardcopy CIA records dated 1986, special media dated thru 1981 and external referrals due in 2011. The very large Manual Review number (i.e., s largely special media reviewed before FY 2011 but technically due in FY 2011 (e.g., microfilm, motion picture film, etc.) The referrals reflect certification of CIA Archive material or Presidential Libraries (via the RAC Program). (Referrals for CIA at National Declassification Center�NDC--- are excluded due to the NDC procedures. NDC now controls the review deadlines at NARA per the E0 but has not yet formally established these deadlines for NARA material). Though there arc many uncenainhes due to the new E0 and cslablishment of the NDC, based on current information, if the records included below are not reviewed prior to 31 December 2011, they are at risk for automatic declassification. In this case, the thermometer goes through 31 December 2011. The first chart reflects data current through 10 January and includes 2011 deadline material processed in the current and prior FYs. The second chart reflects data current through 10 January and excludes 2011 deadline material completed prior to FY 2011. (U//,kft1771 The first three thermometers measure progress against certification for material being processed manually or accession to NARA or exemption) and via automated system (for delivery on CREST at NARA or via the RAC Program to the Presidential Libraries). The fourth thermometer measures overall progress (manual � automated). As in other "Thermo" charts, the targets arc above the thermometer: the current pages processed to date ("production") is provided below the hi o thennomeler: Ihe hei divide the large( MU) should be compleled by the cu indicates more �vork 10 be done. valeta represents pages processed to date graphically; and at the right are tick marks that equal weekly sub-targets. The horizontal line ("slider") indicates the number of pages that k of the FY assuming a linear production rate. Above the slider is good; below (U/1 You may nohce that the target numbers at the top of the thermometers may change from week to week. This is due in general to the largos being estimates that are refined during the year as derided review progresses. For example, page count eshmates can change since microfilm estimates are often difficult to make prior to detailed review. This can add or subtract from the original target estimates. In another situation, certain records that are initially assigned to the automated category undergo a pre-review ("triage") and may be moved from the automated to the manual category. Last, but not leas( some pages can drop out of the 2011 due date counts completely, once the records get processed and the final determination deems they are due in a year other than 2011. (Note that unprocessed records are assigned automatic declassification dates based on data in the SMART2 retired records database and related databases in the NCS.) (U//AU ) UNCLASSIFIED-Atta- Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED-A1U5-- Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 UNCLASSIFIED*Ft0- UNCLASSIFIED- Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 UNCLASSIFIED7!\-tete- UNCLASSIFIED ArFU49� Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 UNCLASSIFIED-AIM� (U) Of General Interest . . . (UtharfetY) DRRB Weekly Activities (U/7A-11444 Certifiers and reviewers are focused on 2011 review, certification, and product generation activities. Team-specific activities or comments for the week are noted below. (U/ht14444 DCIA/DS&T/DS Team (U//2tItT8 The team is continuing its review and certification of documents due in 2011, as well as its quality assurance effort on the triage of OGC records to ensure that proper exemption code have been cited. Many of the documents certified in the DCIA queue this week dealt with calendar entries for then DDCI McMahon. (U/k41-144+). DI/NCS Team (U//74,443Q4 The team is working on the review and certification of 2011 and later material, and the product generation (PRODGEN) of documents previously certified. DI material reviewed for release this week consisted primarily of Intelligence Assessments, liVeekly Summaries, and research papers from the 1960s-1980s, dealing with the Middle East, the Soviet Union, China, Latin America, and IEEW serials. NCS material reviewed consisted of 2011 and later documents and the DIF re-review of 2011 due date material. In addition, reviewers and certifiers continued the manual review of finished intelligence, triage of NCS AARC documents, and the electronic triage of both DI and NCS documents on the FLIRTS system. (Uther143444 Presidential Libraries (RAC) Team (U/Mirlirtr In May 2009, the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library referred to CIAndocuments from the collection of the Richard Bissell Papers. The CDC/RAC Team recently completed the review of these documents, with the appropriate referrals to other government agencies. As the Library is preparing to release the Bissell Papers in the near future, the documents from this collection that were certified for release were provided to the archivists on an unclassified CD and delivered this week to Abilene, Kansas. (U//741444 The RAC team is engaged with the review, certification, reconciliation (RECON), and product generation (PRODGEN) of documents from the Presidential Libraries and the Henry Kissinger Library of Congress (LOC) collection. Certifiers are reviewing RAC documents referred to CIA by other government agencies on STAIRS. This week, NSC memos from the Reagan Library were reviewed for release. (UHAIU0) Quality Control/Training UNCLASSIFIED HIU0 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 UNCLASSIFIED-Aithfr (UllAIU0) nnfiniied draftipg guidance for various Covert Actions, specifically focusing on International Front Organizations last week, continued working on the STAIRS project. was on leave. (IN/Altil* NARA Operations (UHAIU0) Database problems preclude a report this week. Reporting will continue next week. (UHAIU0) External Referral and Liaison Team (U/A44404 Referral Operations (U11044,14 For the week ending 7 January 2011, there were referrals pages) sent out to OGAs and referrals (F7pages) returned from OGAs. ER&L account managers processed/documented docs AMDB and forwarded them out of ER&L for final processing. pages) in (U/44430). OGA On-site Activity (U//7tIttej- During the week of 7 January 2011, the following agencies conducted on-site reviews of library documents in STAIRS: DOS, OSD, DIA and CIA. (U//Ari�144) STAIRS support continues to conduct QA/QC on presidential library material completed by OGAs in STAIRS. During the week of 7 January 2011, there were �documents pages) reviewed in QA/QC and passed to the burn queue. (U//441344) MDR Activity (U//741441Q) For week ending 7 January 2011, the Presidential Libraries submitted 90 Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) requests for =documents These documents were processed and pouched to other government agencies for review and return to the library. (U/rAttT13) Declassification Services Branch (U/M1443}- Document Declassification Support System (DDSS) (UHAIU ) This report covers the period of 6 January through 11 January 2011. During this reporting period, the following activities were ongoing: � Army The team continues to coordinate with Army regarding anomalies in the shelf location data provided by Army. Army provided a new data upload file to replace the damaged one. UNCLASSIFIED AlUO Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 UNCLASSIFIEDAfEter� � DDSS Build The DDSS team awaits the Infrastructure Software Branch's response to its request to upgrade the current servers to WebLogic 9 so that they will be able to host the new DDSS build that will be ready for deployment shortly. � DDSS Agency Products List Waivers The DDSS APL waiver to use Java Server Faces expires on 2 February 2011. The DDSS Information System Security Manager concurred with the Architecture Review Board (ARB) briefing and the IMS ARB advocate forwarded the briefing to the ARB staff for review. � � � External Referral Working Group continues to prepare the ERWG slides for the January ERWG and running queries to capture the DDSS metrics for calendar year 2010. CDC Technology ontinues to research technologies regarding automated indexing and presented a new version of the briefing to C/DSB and made the recommended changes. A meeting with CDC leadership is scheduled for 14 January National Declassification Center ontinued preparation of a presentation regarding the capabilities of DDSS in anticination of a meeting with NDC's contractor that is conducting an information systems requirements analysis. also provided a copy of the DDSS team's mapping of DDSS data to NARA data to assist in his data support efforts for NARA. (U/444-E43) CADRE Duplicate Detection, Resolution, and Reconciliation (U/444T3et � Metrics for the period of 2 January through 8 January 2011 are included below as well as the cumulative metrics throughout the duration of DDR (25 June 2002 to the present). The percentage of duplicates discovered for the period is ompared to a cumulative average of UNCLASSIFIED*Hzfre- Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 UNCLASSIFIED A-Hde U/444,1414 Guidance Research/ Action Items � An Action Item Meeting was held on 12 January. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 16 February 2011, from 14:00 to 16:00, in 1E38. � Preparation of review guidance for Costa Rica is nearing completion. � The draft guidance for Guatemala is in IRO coordination. � The draft guidance for Honduras is in office-level review. (U/IAIU0) CADRE Support (U/tAi4404 � Participated in a meeting with CADRE, LSU, PIPD, and IRO representatives regarding a possible court-ordered re-review of the MKULTRA document collection and options to undertake the review in CADRE. � Continued to coordinate with members of the JFK migration/validation team to plan a status meeting and to ensure progress on the effort to identify gaps in the data fields required to process JFK documents in CADRE. � Met with members of the CADRE test and training teams to discuss a potential discrepancy in Release 2.5.1, the recently deployed release focused on implementation of a new workflow for OGC/LD. Reviewed notes from discussions held regarding the design of the workflow and from testing activities to assist in the determination to UNCLASSIFIED-Ai-6Q- Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 UNCLASSIFIED-Aflzter create a DR. Also, documented the outcome of a meeting in which several business rules for the workflow were determined and distributed the notes to the team. � For SRS-2007922, "CM:C00536230 is listed twice in F-1982-00782," updated the SRS ticket with feedback from the Chief, Privacy Act Branch, PIPD on approved actions to remove burned documents that were improperly migrated from MORI to CADRE. � Attended the DSB ERB, initiating a discussion of the automatic application of release dates to burned documents with RIPPUB or RIFPUB release decisions in cancelled cases and the possibility that these documents can appear on Requester Reports. As directed by the ERB, met with a CADRE developer to discuss a possible solution to the issue and created an RFC to assign "not distributed" distribution codes and to prevent the system from applying release dates to these documents. � Monitored messages sent to the CADRE Close Support Team to keep up to date on user issues and problem resolutions and to provide back-up support as needed to the Close Support Team. Followed up with a member of the O&M Team regarding a request to supply missing OCR text for a specified document, ensuring that the responsible member was aware of previous tickets to address this issue. (MAW* CDC Help Desk (U//744+10) The CDC Help Desk continues to work with CDC Metrics on the MS Access 97/2000 to 2007 conversion. The important part is complete � Metrics converted all databases that were 97 to 2003. Several test subjects (including the ER&L group) were switched to Access 2003 and were able to bring up the AMDB successfully. The team will now proceed to provide the rest of the CDC and IRRG user community with removing Access 2000, installing Access 2003, and shortcuts to the various databases they use. Four CADRE-related SRS tickets were opened but no hardware tickets were required. Four AADS requests for CWE account renewals were submitted. The team assisted two users with their annual CWE/Notes/CADRE/ST password renewals, and three users with their Passport/blog password renewals. (Uh*H4444 CADRE System Status Summary (U/b4r1443) UNCLASSIFIED AIUO Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 UNCLASSIFIED Mtlfr (UNAIU0) As of January 8th: Open 25-year SRS tickets = 120 25-YR SRS's Opened 5 Closed 5 Net Change (since previous week) 0 (U/P21t113) Agency Scanning Center (ASC) Support to CDC (U/hk-1444-} 25-Year Production Statistics (U//.41.40) The ASC scanned Pages of DCI and DI material and indexed during this period. (U/A4U0) Upcoming Week documents of DCI and DS material UNCLASSIFIEDAlt.8-- Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934 UNCLASSIFIED*Fb)e- (Uh'-}4dtt7) Work continues on FY 2011 production and the 2011 calendar year deadline (U/MeitJ�e).) The ERWG takes place on 19 January next week. (U/77ZM6,f-We have several meetings on the Advanced Classification, Collaboration & Categorization Environment (AC3E) scheduled for this coming week. CC: Reviewers Comments: Chief, CIA Declassification Center UNCLASSIFIED711JC,� Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775934