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Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 C05949563 -41* 'Copy NO. 41� 1 WEEKLY SUMMARY 1 0 V Number 6c- 5 AUG190 Document No. ADCD, NO c7.o.Ncr, Class. goitEC7A:S; Class. C 7 I: T3 $ P_'11 i Apr. 77 Auth: rJA 77/11-f.,3 Date: 40/-oi- 78 , elf.3 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Uchival Pecorel lo 12..4 adivi .swpaix. Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 C05949563 c;,350Qc, Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 C05949503 1. This publication contains current intelligence exclusively and therefore has not been coordinated � with the intelli- gence organizations of the departments of State, Army, Navy, and Air Force. 2. This copy may be either retained, or destroyed by burning in accordance with applicable security regulations, or returned to the Central Intelligence Agency. WARNING This document contains information affecting the na- tional defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Act, 50 U.S.C., 31 and 32, as amended. Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 C05949563 Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 (b)( (b)( 1) 3) Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 (b) (b) "Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 � � Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 SEC T CONTENTS 1 � Page HIGHLIGHTS 1 WESTERN EUROPE 2 EASTERN EUROPE 6 NEAR EAST-AFRICA 7 FAR EAST H 10 Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 �� Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 4.1%.� HIGHLIGHTS With Western Europe faced with no immediately crucial issues this week, and the Soviet Union maintaining an attitude of comparative correctness in its foreign rela- tions, some developments favorable to US security interests occurred in Greece. and the Middle East. Estimated guer- rilla strength in Greece has fallen below 17,000 for the first time in nearly two years (see page 8), and Tito's present attitude toward the conflict in Greece may be hurt- ing the guerrillas where they are most vulnerable, namely, in manpower. Meanwhile, the first progress in months toward settlement of the Kashmir dispute was achieved when the Indian and Pakistani Armies agreed on demarcation of a cease-fire line (see page 8). Whether this progress con- tinues, however, will depend in large part on India's reaction to the expected proposal by the UN Commission on India and Pakistan for a joint political meeting to consider truce pro- posals in preparation for a Kashmir plebiscite. ri TA In MI Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 WESTERN EUROPE GERMANY Electoral Prospects Catholic and Evangelical Church support of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in western Germany will not appreciably affect the results of the 14 August federal elections. Both the Ger- man Catholic bishops and the Council of Evangelical Churches have exhorted their followers to vote only for candidates who will support religious education in the schools. The CDU is the only major party which supports the Church's position on the issue of religious education, the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the Free Democratic Party (FDP) having already opposed it at the Bonn constitutional convention. German sentiment against clerical interference in political affairs is so strong, however, that the recent move by the Church will probably do no more than prevent an excessive spluttering of the conservative vote. By increasing the hostility between the CDU and the SPD, however, the bishops' action will make the formation of a stable two-party coalition more difficult and will widen the breach between German Socialists and Catholics. Berlin Economy The financial troubles of western Berlin continue to be a major issue for the Berlin Magistrat, the western powers, and the various political parties taking part in the current electoral cam- paign in western Germany. Despite strenuous efforts by the Magistrat to balance the 1949-50 budget, revenues are still expected to fall short of expenditures by approximately 500 million marks. Only half of this deficit will be covered by a subsidy from western Germany. Moreover, planned revenue from new taxes on coffee, tea, beer, cigarettes, and cigars-- ranging up to 60% of the retail price--may be sharply reduced - 2 - SE Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 � GERMANY as a result of Soviet action in dumping large quantities of these products into western Berlin from the eastern zone. The necessity to convert east marks into west marks will also be a burden for the west Berlin government as law as economic conditions force a large number of west Berliners to work in the Soviet sector of the city. Mean- while, the injection of west Berlin's financial troubles as a major issue between parties now campaigning in the west German elections has contributed to the reluctance of the Magistrat to face the Berlin budget problems realistically. The German Socialist Party is promising, in the event of a clear-cut victory, to extend unlimited aid to the city to insure full employment, while the Christian Democratic Union would restrict aid to loans to private industry. Manpower Problems The influx into western Germany of. refugees and expellees is compli- cating the problem already created by the changing pattern of the German population, a problem which may become in- creasingly important as west Germany strives to regain its prewar competitive poeition in the international market. The postwar population in western Germany is characterized by: (1) a shortage of men; (2) an inadequate number of people In the working-age groups and in gainful employment; and (3) a movement of people from "productive" to "non-productive" employment. The refugees and expellees, who are settling in rural areas primarily because of the extreme housing Shortage In cities and towns, have not yet augmented to any significant degree the industrial production potential of western Germany. The shortage of �men, serious even in relation to the total popu- lation, is alarming in the age group considered most important to industrial production. The number of men and women in the best working-age group (15-44 years) has declined to - 3 - SE ET Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 GERMANY one-quarter of the population. The proportion of men in this age group, which was decimated by casualties during World War II, bas dropped sharply from one-half to one-third. The proportion of the population gainfully employed in western Germany has dropped to 43% from the prewar average of 50%. Moreover, the low level of industrial activity in west- ern Germany, with the attendant high unemployment, has obscured two other basic obstacles to increased productivity in western Germany, namely the advanced age of most skilled workers and the lack of properly trained replacements in the skilled trades. UNITED KINGDOM Colonial Development British economic planners are placing Increased. emphasis on raising the level of production in colonial areas as a partial solution to Britain's long-term payments problem. Despite the large, untapped resources of many of the colonies, British post- war expenditures for their development have been compara- tively modest, awing in large part to scarcities of raw materials, capital goods, and technicians in the sterling area. In seeking non-British capital to expand the development program, the UK is relying mainly on loans from the International Bank and on some ECA aid rather than on extensive US private Investment. Aside from the obvious desire to retain profitable investment opportunities for British use, the UK fears the social and poli- tical reaction resulting from too swift economic development. The Colonial Office has admitted the possibility of more rapid utilization of colonial resources but has also indicated its intention to avoid the sort of unbalanced economic development which has brought colonialism into ill repute in much of the -4 SE ET Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 SEC T UNITED KINGDOM world. With Britain's large stake in colonial development assuming greater importance in view of the UK's stubborn dollar problem and with native nationalism already hyper- sensitive about "exploitation" of colonial territories, the British Government feels it cannot risk the quick profits of an uncontrolled colonial investment program. FRANCE Financial Crisis With Parliament recessed until mid- October, the principal threat to the Queuille Government is an impending financial crisis over the need for 25-30 billion francs to meet French Treasury obligations between now and October. This deficit has re- sulted primarily from: (1) lower-than-expected revenues from taxes on tobacco and gasoline sales; (2) the failure of small savings to increase rapidly; (3) lagging receipts from direct taxes; and (4) the huge operating deficit of the nationalized railroads. Under these circumstances, a crisis could arise that might cause the downfall of the Queutile regime. In an attempt to avoid such a crisis, the French have requested that ECA authorize a special release of counterpart funds. It is likely that the French will comply with the conditions posed by ECA Paris for such a special release. - 5 - SE Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 EASTERN EUROPE GREECE Guerrilla Manpower With guerrilla strength in Greece estimated at below 17,000 for the first time in nearly two years, Tito's present attitude toward the Greek guerrillas and their Slavo-Macedonian supporters may be hurting the guerrillas where they are most vulnerable, namely, in manpower. By "gradually closing" the Greek frontier to the guerrillas, Tito is not only restricting guerrilla tactical movements but. is assert- ing his control over the several thousand guerrilla reserves remaining in Yugoslavia. By his blandishments to the Greek Slavo-Macedonians, he is undermining a hitherto minor source of Greek guerrilla manpower and other support which may become increasingly important to the guerrillas when the Greek Armed Forces summer offensive develops. The influence Tito can exert over the total guerrilla man- power supply, however, is not decisive. Guerrilla reserves in Albania are larger than in Yugoslavia, and both Albania and Bulgaria are more important as bases of supply and manpower than Yugoslavia could be under present conditions. The depletion of guerrilla manpower resulting from any attempted large-scale resistance in critical areas near the Albanian-Greek frontier this summer may provide a decisive test of Tito's attitude toward the Greek Government and the Greek guerrillas. � 6 Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 NEAR EAST PALESTINE Arms Embargo The embargo on shipment of arms to the Middle East will probably be removed by the Security Council as a result of British and French pressure and the recommendation of UN Mediator Ralph Bunche. Bunche believes that prolonging the embargo would be unrealistic in view of the dismantlement of the truce supervision machinery and points out that a strong Israeli argument in favor of retain- ing the embargo would be nullified by airing Israel's past viola- tions of the truce with regard to the immigration of "fighting men" and the importation of arms from Eastern Europe. The British and French have long sought to regain their freedom to export arms to the Arab states, and Israel itself now seema reconciled to lifting the embargo, chiefly because such action would support its argument for removal of Egyptian restrictions on Suez Carla traffic. If the embargo is lifted, Israers efforts to prevent a Near East arms race will probably be exerted through diplomatic channels rather than through the SC. IRAN Oil Contract Failure of the Majlis to ratify the supplemental agreement to the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (A10C) r:oncession, by depriving Iran of approximately 15 million pounds of needed immediate revenue, may have serious economic consequences. Loss of this anticipated revenue means additiciaal strain on the country9s financial resources, already heavilr taxed by a record budget, the recently initiated economic devel(vment program, internal pressure for an expanded military Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 IRAN establishment, and an increasingly unfavorable balance of trade. Maple opposition to the agreement was unexpectedly violent and may be attributed to anti-British sentiment and political theatrics rather than to sober and practical objec- tions to the terms, which would have raised Iran's oil income to a point more in line with recent Middle Eastern oil contracts. AIOC claims that this agreement represents the company's final compromise. It is still possible, however, that additional slight revisions may be made in Iran's favor which, along with greater publicity for the AIOC concessions already made, might promote favorable consideration of the agreement when the MOM con- venes in the autumn. INDIA -PAKISTAN Kashmir Dispute Agreement by the Indian and Pakistani Armies on demarcation of a cease-fire line marks the first progress in months toward settlement of the Kashmir dispute. Whether this progress continues, how- ever, will depend in large part on India's reaction to the expected proposal by the UN Commission on India and Pakistan (UNCTP) for a joint political meeting to consider truce proposals in preparation for a Kashmir plebiscite. Although Indian economic advisors are reportedly recom- mending to Prime Minister Nehru with increasing urgency that the Kashmir problem be settled, India is very reluctant to risk the loss of all Kashmir through a plebiscite held in the near future. Therefore, any efforts which the Indians might make toward a speedy settlement would probably be directed toward the partition of Kashmir roughly in accord with the present cease-fire line rather than toward a - 8 - SE ET Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 � Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 INDIA-PAKISTAN plebiscite as demanded by Pakistan and as originally promised by India. Inasmuch as the Indian partition plan would probably be unacceptable to Pakistan, and in view of India's antipathy to a plebiscite, it is unlikely that India will do much at this time to facilitate a settlement of the Kashmir dispute. Unless economic considerations force a change in the Indian attitude, the problem in its present dangerous state will probably revert to the Security Council for further discussion. THE GOLD COAST Communist Activity left-wing nationalists In the Gold Coast are now receiving material and money from Communist sources in the French Ivory Coast, the Belgian Congo, and Ethiopia suggest that the USSR is con- cerned about the growing economic importance of colonial Africa and is becoming more active in fomenting political unrest there. The recent expansion of the Kremlin's anti- colonial radio propaganda beamed at Africa is further evidence of Soviet interest in this area. Heretofore, con- tacts between Gold Coast nationalists and Communists have been slight and mainly through certain London associates of the Marxist-Influenced leader, Kwami Nkrumah. The reported transfer of a battalion of Grenadier Guards to the Gold Coast reflects current British concern over maintain- ing public order there. 9 (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 Approved for.Release: 2021/05/06 C05949563 SECIET F A R EAST CHINA Communist Advance Chinese Communist military opera- tions continued this week with little Nationalist resistance. In south central China, the Commu- nists have apparently not yet started their final drive toward Canton, preferring first to gain firm control over the Changcla- Hengyang area. Meanwhile, the Communists have intensified their political and military preparations for eventual conquest of northwest China. On the military front, the present Commu- nist offensive into Kansu may be the beginning of a full-fledged attempt to eradicate the rabidly anti-Communist forces under the Moslem war lord, Ma Pu-fang. It is more likely, however, that the Communists hope to be able to contain Ma's troops while driving south toward the Szechwan border. Concurrently, the Communists have increased the tempo of their political offensive in the northwest. A "Northwest Corps," made up of student administrators and political cadres, is being re- cruited in eastern China and a propaganda campaign boosting the Communist line. of "autonomy for racial minorities" is being beamed at tilt; Chinese and Turki Moslems, as well as at Mongols in the aorthwest. BURMA Official US Visit Burma Foreign Minister E Maung during his visit to the US next week hopea to discuss the extension of te clinical assistance to Burma under the Point IV program and the passibility of developing defenses against the spread of Communism in Asia. Despite some reports to the - 10 - Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 C05949563 Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 BURMA contrary, the Foreign Minister appears to be making a gen- uine effort to establish closer Burmese relations with the West in order to restore stability and safeguard Burma's independence. Mating is an influential cabinet member, and the continuation of the Burmese Government's trend toward a more moderate policy may depend on the success of Maung's visit. PHILIPPINES Quirino's Visit Philippine President Quirino's forthcoming visit to the US may have a significant effect on the outcome of the November presidential elections. At the moment, Quirino's prospects of defeating ultranationalist Jose Laurel are considered only fair. However, if Quirino returns from Washington with promises of additional financial and military aid, his chances in the elections will be improved. Even if Quirino is able to report no more than increased US interest in Philippine economic and military affairs, a con- siderable portion of the electorate will be favorably impressed. On the other hand, nationalist leaders and the opposition press will continue to cite Quirino's US visit as substantiation of their campaign charges that Quirino has induced the US to Interfere in Philippine internal affairs. Sp�T Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 C05949563 SECEET KOREA Pacific Pact Chiang Kai-shek's visit to Korea this week Is undoubtedly for the purpose of promoting the proposed Pacific pact. Korean President Rhee apparently remains unconvinced that Chiang's participation in a pact would diminish its chances of success and persists in believ- ing that such a group has a good chance of procuring additional US military and financial aid. Although Rhee may not at this time formally agree to enter into a narrow Pacific union which includes only Chiang's tottering regime and the Philippines, there is a possibility that the impending conversations with Chiang may result in some formal Korean commitments to Nationalist China. In this event, the Republic of Korea may find itself at a considerable disadvantage should other Pacific nations succeed in forming a more viable union excluding China. - 12 - Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 C05949563 Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 ha LI LIA:1 DISTRIBUTION 1 The President 2,64 � . . . Secretary of State 3,4 Secretary of Defense 5 Secretary of the Army 6 Secretary of the Navy Secretary of the Air Force 8,70 Chairman, National Security Resources Board 9,71 Executive Secretary, National Security Council 10 Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Air 11,69 Chief of Staff, US Army 12,13,14 Chief of Naval Operations 15,16,17.. . . Chief of Staff, U S Air Force 18 Director of Plans and Operations,General Staff, U.S.Army 19 Deputy Chief of Staff (Operations) U.S. Air Force 20 Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Operations) 21 Director of Plans and Operations, U.S. Air Force 22,23,24. . . . Special Assistant to Secretary of State for Research and Intelligence 25,26,27,28,29, Director of Intelligence, General Staff, U.S. Army 30,31,32,33,34. 35,36,37,38,39, Chief of Naval Intelligence 40,41.42,43,44. 45,46,47,48,49. . Director of Intelligence, U.S. Air Force 50 Director of Security and Intelligence,Atomic Energy Corm. GI Executive Secretary, Military Liaison Committee, Atomic Energy Commission 52,53,54,55,56. Chief, Acquisition & Distribution Division,CCD,Dept�State 57 Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation 58 Secretary, joint Chiefs of Staff 59 Chief, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State 60 Secretary of State (Attention: Chief, Policy Reports Staff) 61. . . . � � � Deputy Director, joint Intelligence Group, joint Staff 62,63. � � � � � � Secretary, Joint intelligence Group, joint Staff 65. US Air Force Representative on joint Strategic Survey Committee 68 Administrator, Economic Cooperation Administration Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563 Document No. , 1:42, BD OtYGM in Class. 0 ErusTA.su -1 CMass. 1-`: TS VAtic4% Apr 71 MAW D.4A r. 7. 7711763 Dots: ofroz-78 Br: _0,3 Approved for Release: 2021/05/06 005949563