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Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05751014 A.403 02.1:3X OelJX DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY BUREAU OF NAVAL WEAP WASHINGTON, D. BUWEPS INSTRUCTION 10000.1D IN REPLY REFER TO 41, \ BUWEPS 10000.1D .1 (7:':\ NWSA FTM-3226 , 2 Jul 1965 ., _ -1,-1 70_ L'e q., 1 -- d'�:'- ,,,, N ., � , From: Chief, Bureau of Naval Weapons KY/ To: Distribution List A Subj: Material support of certain Chief of Nava perations special projects Ref: (a) NAMOMPT Manual Vol. II (b) BUSANDAINST 4600.56A, Subj: Transportation of things financed through the Navy Management Fund; information related to 1. Purpose, This Instruction promulgates information and invoicing instructions to supply activities when furnishing material support for certain special projects. 2. Cancellation, This Instruction cancels and supersedes BUWEPS Instruction 10000.1C of 7 July 1964. 3, Background. The Chief of Naval Operations has directed that material support be furnished by the Navy to the following aeronautical special projects: Project Project Code BENT AXLE ZZ1 RED CHERRI ZZ2 OLD CHEVRON ZZ3 IRON MIKE ZZ4 NEW BILL ZZ5 4. Information, Activities may expect to receive requisitions denot- ing that the requested material is required in support of one of the special projects listed in paragraph 3. Requisitions will be received from official government sources via various media (messages, telephone calls, DD Form 1348, etc.). Regardless of the requisitioning format, expeditious action must be taken by the supplying activity. 5. Action, Activities receiving requests for material in support of the special projects listed in paragraph 3 will process the requisition as a Priority Indicator 5 request regardless of the type of material involved. Issues will be invoiced to the Property Accounting DepaFE=7 ment (Acctg. No. 170), U.S. Navy Finance Center, Washington, D. C. 1 20393. Invoices shall clearly signify the special project to which the material was issued. The following specific expenditure instruc- tions will prevail: k' �0-4/ -//1 /3- > Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05751014 Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05751014 OLIJX - � VVEPSINST 10000.1D Jul 19,65 BUREAU OF NAVAI VEATONS a. NSA charges: expend at stock rec..;rd price. b. APA charges (Cognizance Symbol 2A, 2T, 4T, 2.7, 2R and 2V material) (1) Items having a unit cost of $5000 or less expend at 40% of stock record price if repairable exchange item is turned in. (Expend 60% of stock record price to "Other Government Departments without reimbursement".) (2) Refer repairable items exceeding $5000 in unit cost to the Bureau of Naval Weapons (FT4 for determination of billing cost. (3) If exchange item is not turned in expend at stock record price.' c. When transportation costs are incurred; the current fiscal year Navy Management Fund transportation appropriation, expenditure account and bureau control number as indicated in reference (a) will be used.. Transportation Account Code� (TAC) N554 will be indicated on all Govern- ment Bills of Lading as required by reference (b), 6. Concurrence. The Comptroller of the Navy and the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts concur with this Instruction. 7, Effective Date, 1 July 1965. HN E, PARK By direction Distribution: (W activities estab, qtys.; others 2 each unless otherwise indicated) , M9; N27 (Norfolk, Oakland, Pearl Harbor); 1428 (Subic Bay, Yokosuka); 1453; 1461; WIA; WIB; W1C; WIE; W1G; Will; W6B (Burbank, Dallas only); 713; W7C; W7E; W7F; W7J; M7K; W7P; W7S; W7U; W7V; M8A;Nll; (Kwajelien); 19B; W9C; 1,J9E; W11A; W11C; W11E; W1IF; W1IH; NUL; 112A; W12G Copy to.: (2 each unless otherwise indicated) A2A (NOCONYT only), �A4B (BUSANDA: SA.4 (10 copies); }IMPS: DOS-251 (8 copies), DOS-321 (40 copies), FTM-3 (10 copies), TM-32, FAE-1431, MBE, MS); E22 (Wash., D.C. only); 1469 (Wash-CL only); J30; W11A (Crane (Code 1000)); FRC; GSA, Alexandria; W127; 1112H Stocked at SUpply Dept. (Code 514.32), NAVSTA, Wash., D.C.2.0390 2 Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05751014 Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05751014 2 March 1966 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: CHIGOE 1. Dave Lane action now on following authorized to items: Item initiate purchase order Est. Lead Cost Time No. APN - 153 doppler radar. 20K 120 days ASN - 25 computer 4K 120 days APN - 167 radar altimeter 7K 3 months APQ - 110 terrain follow- ing radar 200K 6 months TOTAL 230-240K (Informed Dave that Messrs. wired in on this authorization). were also The additional long-lead items (inertial nay, system - 300K) is not firmly designed as yet and selection between two systems cannot be made; accordingly, contractor was instructed to wait the necessary 10-14 days and get separate Hqs. procurement approval on it at such time as the item becomes firm. 2. Informed Dave that (a) in all likelihood Bill Seward (333-3158) will be the individual who authorizes movement of the vehicle; (b) go-ahead on the vehicle could be next Monday, (7 March 66) for his own planning purposes; (c) (628-1083) will be out there next Monday and link should be available shortly thereafter; (d) (783-4874) is taking place during absence. (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05751014 Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05751014 1 March 1966 MEMO FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: CHIGOE called today: Contractor (Dave Lane - Ph: 214-455-9397) is preparing a list of long lead-time items on which they desire to initiate purchase order action now Thp liqt is to leave Greenville 1 March 66. Both will be away from Hqs. for the next week or so. ( is leaving 3 March). He stated that he does not want to give the contractor a blank check by authorizing procurement action in advance; rather, he wants the contractor indoctrinated in the practice of going thru the cycle with Hqs. and getting Hqs. approval after their review. He wants to impress on them the quick reaction potenia1 of TTis In the present case this should occur, stated, when the list is received, Contracts Division has his approval to notify the contractor to proceed to procure the long lead items in the list, without waiting for return and review of the items. Stated the amount of such items may-be in the range of $100K - $200K,, Security notified of the possible delay received by either and asked to expedite the Secretary (X-4517) problem in the list being before they depart, distribution of mail accordingly. If the list arrives after departure he is to be notified in so the contractor can be given go- ahead to procure. (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05751014 Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C057510144 W (b)(3) MEMORANDUM - CHIGOE 23 February 1966 1. ' Ref telecon Dave Lane/ this date, contractor is becoming increasingly concerned regarding normal routine maintenance of the vehicle during the interim until it is flown to Greenville. In addition the aircraft is badly needed to do measurements, etc. Contractor suggested, if easier for us, that perhaps we would want to send in a Navy crew to ferry to Greenville. Contractor pointed out that the longer the vehicle sits at Edwards the better chance that parts will be needed prior to ferry. He mentioned that probably the individual who is procuring the microfilm (Cmdr. Dick Warren) would be very helpful in obtaining spare parts and other supply support. Contractor also emphasized that the vehicle's engines can't sit very long without attention - the vehicle should get normal squadron routine maintenance - also mentioned the PRT's on the engines (power recovery turbines) and their sensitivity to non-use. 2. As 'a result, telecon authorized Contractor t ground crew to update maintenance. (b)(3) /Seward send back in its 3. This proved unnecessary. Bill Seward in telecon with Edwards confirmed that Kelly's people are giving the engines normal engine pre-flight run-up every 3 days and the jets every 5 days. Bill stated this is normal Navy practice. Also, that we will continue to do this until the vehicle leaves Edwards. 4. Dave stated that for the time being at least, they would "stick with the quote of $3071 for reconditioning and ferry the aircraft." 5. Regarding implementation of some portions of Phase II, he feels that there are some items - long lead time type - which are firm enough that procurement action could advantageously be initiated during Phase I. However, nothing in connection with the installation work could go forward due to interface requirements. He stated that any other work is dependent upon results of Phase I before any cost figures could be developed. We notified him to discontinue efforts in this direction - attempting to cost separate work elements on Phase II which could be commenced. Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05751014 (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05751014 6. Regarding 3rd party liability insurance, his inquiries showed that LTV does carry-this type insurance as applicable for any. time LTV people are in control of an aircraft or any time trouble resulting from work performed by LTV is LTV's, fault, They do not carry insurance coverage for Government aircraft per se. .7: Contractor was requested to submit certified coverage of-list of flight crew members to insure certification .Coverage under the flight risk clause, should the authority to fly: the vehicle occur before -anticipated.- � 8. Also advised Pave that we are considering -adding two new items to the work statement to, cover Conditioning and ferrying the ,vehicle by Contractor personnel. Considering incorporating both items in Combined FP of $3071 per Contractor quote. Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05751014