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PDF icon AR 1-18B CIA UNIVERSITY[15799665].pdf139.21 KB
Approved for Release: 2020/03/16 C06229349 UNCLASSIFIED7- Date: 11/10/2009 Category: 1 - Organization OPR: HR Title: AR 1-18b (U) CIA UNIVERSITY CL BY: , CL REASON: , DECL ON: , DRV FROM: (U) REVISION SUMMARY: 10 November 2009 (UHAIU0) This regulation supersedes AR 1-18b, dated 29 July 2002. (UtA115.9) AR 1-18b sets forth the organization and functions of CIA University (CIAU) and prescribes the governance model for training and education at the Central Intelligence Agency. (UHAIU0) AR 1-18b has been revised to reflect the addition of AR 1-18b, Appendix A, Chief Learning Officer, dated 9 October 2009, which discusses in detail the authorities and functions of the Chief Learning Officer (CLO), formerly the President of CIAU. (U) Because this regulation has been extensively rewritten, boldfaced text has not been used to indicate revisions. (l) This regulation was prepared by Human Resources/Corporate HR Programs/Policy Staff b. (U) CIA UNIVERSITY (U) SYNOPSIS (U/47441444) This regulation describes the organizational structure and functional responsibilities of CIAU and includes the addition of AR 1-18b, Appendix A, Chief Learning Officer, which discusses in detail the authorities and responsibilities of the Chief Learning Officer (CLO). (U) Table of Contents (This table is UNCLASSIFIED.) Mxiarr tion 1R4g; I. Authorities 3 II. Acronyms 3 III. Policy 4 Iv. CIAU Organization 4 4 4 A. CLO :IAU (core) Approved for Release: 2020/03/16 C06229349 Approved for Release: 2020/03/16 C06229349 L'IAU (system) 4 V. [CIAU Responsibilities 5 5 5 5 5 5 Lore Training Programs gency-wide Approach to Leadership Training pirectorate and Component-Led Schools kdvise Senior Leadership on University-Related Matters ,oint Training Programs VI. Summary of Responsibilities 6 References 7 I. (U) Authorities A. (U) The Government Employees Training Act of 1958 (GETA), 5 U.S.C. 4101 et seq. B. (U)The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Act of 1949, as amended, 50 U.S.C. 403j. II. (U) Acronyms (The following table is UHAIU0) CIAU Central Intelligence Agency University CLO Chief Learning Officer D/CIA Director, Central Intelligence Agency GETA Government Employees Training Act IC Intelligence Community III. (U) Policy (1.31A-MUO) CIAU was created to enable a shared, one-Agency vision for all training and professional development programs on behalf of the employees of the CIA. (UHAIU0) The core of the University includes three University-led schools. The core elements of the University fall organizationally within the Office of Human Resources. In addition, six Directorate and component-led training and educational programs comprise the University structure. The CLO (formerly the President) of the University is designated as the strategic leader for Agency-wide learning. The authorities and responsibilities of the CLO are outlined in of this regulation. IV. (U) CIAU Organization Approved for Release: 2020/03/16 C06229349 Approved for Release: 2020/03/16 C06229349 A. (U) CLO (UtA-11443) The CLO is the designated Operating Official for CIAU. The CLO heads the core elements of the University which includes the centrally funded schools listed below. Further information regarding the duties and functions of the CLO may be found in B. (U)CIAU (core) (UHAIU0) The CIAU (core) refers to the centrally funded schools, programs, and staffs which comprise the following organizations: � (Uthk-14449) Central Intelligence Language Institute � (1M*-A4449) Central Intelligence Leadership Academy � (114Afg-13) Central Intelligence Mission Academy C. (U) CIAU (system) (U7`704) The CIAU (system) refers to the broader set of schools, programs, and staffs that comprise CIAU including: V. (U) CIAU Responsibilities (UHAIU0) The mission of CIAU is to provide Agency officers with appropriate training and learning opportunities throughout their careers. To insure consistency and an integrated approach within the University system, CIAU is responsible for the following functional areas: A. (U) Core Training Programs Approved for Release: 2020/03/16 C06229349 Approved for Release: 2020/03/16 C06229349 (U) Create and sustain Agency-wide core training programs based on shared values and purposes that link with component-based training; B. (U) Agency-wide Approach to Leadership Training (U) Create an Agency approach to leadership training and development; C. (U) Directorate and Component-Led Schools (U) Guide and assist any Directorate or Independent Office that seeks to create its own component-led school; D. (U) Advise Senior Leadership on University-Related Matters (U) Provide a mechanism to advise senior Agency leaders on training goals and resource needs. E. (U) Joint Training Programs 1. (U) Develop, coordinate, and conduct instructional, educational, and training programs for personnel from other federal agencies in accordance with law. 2. (U) Support appropriate intelligence-related training conducted at United States (U.S.) locations when and overseas for other personnel, including representatives requested by a Director or Head of Independent Office in accordance with law. 3. (U) Support the particular requirements of personnel from other elements of the IC or other government agencies who are, or will be, engaged in activities in accordance with law. VI. (U) Summary of Responsibilities (The following table is U17*if4A) Responsible Officer or Office CIAU Description of Responsibility reate and sustain Agency-wide core training programs ireate Agency approach to leadership training uide and assist creation of component-led schools ,dvise senior leadership on training and resource needs ',wort joint training programs for members of the IC and in accordance with law (U) References (U) This is a list of references made throughout the regulation. Approved for Release: 2020/03/16 C06229349 Approved for Release: 2020/03/16 C06229349 (This table is U75A-1430) Document Number Date of Issuance Office of Primary Responsibility Approved for Release: 2020/03/16 C06229349