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Publication Date: 
April 11, 1966
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Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752576 SE RET MEMORANDUM FOR: Acting Chief, Security Staff, OSA SUBJECT: OSA-1692-66 11 April 1966 CHIGOE Briefing for Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Air 1. Commander Deaton, OPO3R-1, advised me by telephone the morning of 8 April that all arrangements had been made for the CHIGOE briefing for Vice Admiral Rivero, DCNO for Air, on Monday 11 April at 1000 hours in Room 4D581, Pentagon. (b)(3) 2. He also gave me a list of the officers and civilians planning to attend briefing (attached). The access forms for CHIGOE are being handled by Mrs. Barbara Wilson who is secretary to Captain William Craven, OPO3R. You will note in the list that it includes several people who have certain of our clearances already, such as Dr. Joel Lawson formerly of SEI now on the staff of the -Assistant- Secretary of the .Navy for R&D; Captain H. H. Epes,�,Jr. former skipper of the USS Kitty Hawk; Captain Julien F. Lake, 0P352; and Mr. E. D. Greinke of OPO7TD who works with us on Navy film procurement. 3. Due to the limited time available before the _briefing, the above information and attached list were made available to the Security Staff, OSA, 8 April. cc: EO/DDS&T ORD Gli011:' ; Exelt�;t:.;: ?r-m ;�����r j (L���,. ^. uty Direct .r of Spe ctivities Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752576 (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752576 17.11 OSA-1692-66 Page 2 Distribution: 1 - SS/OSA 1 - EO/DDS&T 1 - ORD 1 - PS/OSA 1 - D/Tech 2 - DD/SA 1 - RB/OSA DD/SA/JACunningham/mcm(8 April 66) Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752576 Approved for Release: (:)21/01/11 C05752576 � , A Attendees CHIGOE Briefing 11 April 1966 Vice Admiral Rivero, DCNO for Air Vice Admiral J. B. Colwell, CNO for Fleet Operations & Readiness Rear Admiral R. W. Mehle, 0P34 Rear Admiral S. Brown, 0P35 Rear Admiral William S. Martin, OPO5B Rear Admiral N. Gayler, OPO7B Captain B. Donnelly, OPO9A Captain L. R. Yarnell, OP100 Captain W. B. Ecker, 0P346 Captain A. W. Ayers, 0P503 Captain F. H. Michaelis, 0P72 Captain L. W. Moffit, 0P722 Captain J. A. Honiyak, OPO3A Captain H. H. Epes, Jr., Assistant Chief for Personnel Control, BuPers Captain J. F. Lake, 0P352 Dr. Joel Lawson, Office of Assistant Secretary of Navy for R&D Mr. H. B. Stone, OPO7TB Mr. E. D. Greinke, OPO7TD Comman!lery. Deaton, OPO3R-1 Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752576