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Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 UNCLASSIFIED Reply to Sender Categorize �Att Record Copy: No Notice: Information contained in this message may have originated from a source outside of the CIA. This message should be considered with this in mind, and any attachment(s) should be examined for malicious content. 10 January 2014 MEMORANDU VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: FOR: CIA Declassification Center Wk1 Report 2 - 8 January 2014 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED/A-14G� (U) Next Automatic Declassification Date is 31 December 2014! (U) Of Management Interest (U7/ From the Agency Archives (U) Haiti: (UHAIU0) A DI Team reviewer found this Note in the President's Daily Brief that was briefed to President Lyndon Johnson on 28 April 1968. In part it reads: (U) "The streets of the capital hay been almost deserted at night for the east week The reason: rumors that roving_amg,s are picking up unwary pedestrians UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 UNCLASSIFIED (U/A4i*J^601-Comment: Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier ruled Haiti from 1957 through 1971 in a dictatorship that only became more brutal after the opposition reacted to a blatantly rigged re-elections 1961 and a "unanimous" 1964 referendum that allowed him to claim the title "President for Life." The Kennedy Administration had been deeply troubled by Haiti's brutal dictatorship and misappropriation of aid -- the US cut off almost all aid in 1963 -- so the topic doubtless remained of great interest in the Johnson White House. Moreover, Haiti and the Dominican Republic almost came to blows in 1967, with the latter supported by the US as an anti-Communist, anti-Castro ally. (UHAIU0) The full PDB document, CADRE (U1 lik41444-)The 31 Dec 2014 Deadline was released in part. (UHAIU ) (U// The thermometer chart below provides a measure of completeness against the CIA records that must be reviewed by 31 December 2014 (records that have reached either their 25-year deadline or their 50-year deadline). Against the 25-year deadline, for example, these records include hardcopy CIA records dated 1989, special media dated thru 1984 and CIA Presidential Library (PL) material and external referrals (to CIA) due in 2014. (Referrals for CIA at the National Declassification Center---NDC---are excluded due to the NDC procedures. NDC now controls the review deadlines at NARA per the EO but has just begun to establish deadlines for this NARA material. NDC also controls the deadlines for PL material and has explicitly established deadlines for a subset of the material dubbed Priority.) The charts below include PL Priority deadline material or a nominal 3-year deadline for other PL material. Though, notionally, missing the deadline may result in automatic declassification for AARC material or external referrals to CIA outside of the NDC, that is not the case for PL Priority or the non-priority PL based on current NDC procedures. The first chart reflects data current through 6 Jan. The second chart also reflects data current through 6 Jan. (U/,4471+terT The first three thermometers measure progress against certification for material being processed manually (for accession to NARA or exemption) and via automated system (for delivery on CREST at NARA or via the RAC Program to the Presidential Libraries). The fourth thermometer measures overall progress (manual + automated). As in other "Thermo" charts, the targets are above the thermometer; the current pages processed to date is provided below the thermometer; the height of the thermometer represents pages processed to date graphically; and at the right are tick marks that divide the target into equal weekly sub-targets. The horizontal line ("slider") indicates the number of pages that should be completed by the current week of the FY assuming a linear production rate. Above the slider is good; below indicates more work to be done. (UllAtt7T+34-You may notice that the target numbers at the top of the thermometers may change from week to week. This is due in general to the targets being estimates that are refined during the year as detailed review progresses. For example, page UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 UNCLASSIFIED count estimates can change since microfilm estimates are often difficult to make prior to detailed review. This can add or subtract from the original target estimates. In another situation, certain records that are initially assigned to the automated n ergo a pre-review ("triage") and may be moved from the automated to the manual category. (UHAIU0) UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 UNCLASSIFIED (U/171-1-U-414)-FY 2014 Production Status (Ull-MUO) The status of production against the FY 2014 goals as of 4 January 2014 is presented in the "Thermometer Chart below. This chart includes CY 2014 deadline material and other later deadline material. (UHAIUO) Note that this chart presents "Pages Reviewed this Fiscal Year and displays some key product lines. Thus counts in this chart reflect material that has completed the review process this FY (i.e., "certified" or equivalent). It does not reflect pages that have completed the full production process (i.e., been "delivered") but reflects progress against the Executive Order requirements. The chart below is organized by key 2014 goals, i.e., overall total review/release; automated review (our highest value on-line redacted product); and Presidential Libraries; and Manual Review whether involving AARC documents or NDC documents. (Note that Overall Total subsumes Automated and Manual, and Automated subsumes the Presidential Library product. Because the Overall Total includes SPREE which is not displayed, the Overall Total is not the simple sum of the three sub-categories to its right on the chart.) UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 UNCLASSIFIED (U7/41-E() PDB Progress (U/lAtt34) The PICL/PDB collection has been divided into two tranches for completion in CY 2013 and CY 2014, respectively. The CY 2013 tranche (Kennedy and Johnson Administration) was successfully completed prior to 31 December 2013. The CY 2014 tranche includes records from the NLN and NLF administrations and runs up to 20 Jan 1969. The CY 2014 tranche runs from 21 Jan 1969 through the end of 1974, covering all of the Nixon administration and the first few months of Ford. This splits the collection almost precisely in half. (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (U//-In addition, CDC is focusing its page counting on the review of the "clean" versions of each day's document. In general, a second duplicate copy marked up with sourcing information has also been scanned and loaded to CADRE to serve as a reference record for the reviewers. The duplicate source copies are being Denied in Full (on the basis of 1st instance of exemptible information) and will not go out on CREST. Therefore, the page targets have been adjusted to only account for the clean versions of the PICL/PDBs (b)(3) (U//A71404 The total review target for CY 2014 is 77pages. That is the number of pages in the "clean" versions of the PICL/PDBs from 21 Jan 1969 through yearend 1974. Our charts reflect this as a goal for each stage of production. Included are data as of 4 Jan 2014. Also note that while CDC normally counts pages as "done" when CIA staffers certify the review, we have added post-certification production steps for external referral coordination and product generation QC as well. Nothing can be finalized and delivered until these steps are also done, though not every document will require external referral coordination (there is no "target" for this step; it is content driven). UNCLASSIFIED (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 UNCLASSIFIED (U) Of General Interest (U7/ARIO) DRRB Week!)' Activities (U/hk1+144) DCIA Team (U/h8r1(.10) The DCI team has moved smoothly into the review and certification of documents due in CY 2014 and FY 2014, UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 UNCLASSIFIED and is occupied as well in performing triage on records due in 2014. received one of the new IRRG "STAR" awards (Special Thanks and Recognition) from C/IRRG. It's peer-nominated, and C/DCIA Team nominated her. It was for her initiative in offering to train a certifier new to the DCIA Team. (U/A+1�0) DI Team (UHAIU0) DI material reviewed and certified recently consisted of Intelligence Assessments, Weekly Summaries, IEEW serials, and National Intelligence Daily (NID) reports from the 1980s. The DI Team continues work on the first tranche of PDB documents dating mostly from the 1960s (Kennedy and Johnson Administrations). (U//44440) DST and DS Teams (U//444g9 The DST and DS team finished with their CY2013 goals as well and have embarked on 2014 materials and beyond (U/ NCS Team (U/hiffiri�ej- NCS material reviewed for release consisted of raw reporting from the field called Field Summaries In addition, reviewers continue the manual triage of IRs and AARC documents, plus RIP re-review and triage of NCS documents on the FLIRTS system. Manual SPREE review continues as well. (U/hirftit Presidential Libraries (RAC) Team (UHAIU0) RAC Team certifiers finished documents considered part of the CY 2014 goals, including the last minute certification of some nI\IDC Priority pages in the ER&L Certification tool. Reviewers and certifiers also continue the review, reconciliation, and certification of documents labeled 2015 from the Reagan Library (NRL) (U7/741-F19) External Referral and Liaison Team (U/ ) During the week ending 4 January 2014, ER&L received documents via CADRE which resulted in referrals ER&L account managers batched for OGA on-site review referrals ER&L received ompleted referrals pages) from OGAs, which ER&L account managers processed and returned to the teams for final review. (UHAIU0) e-Return Scanning Activity (U//744471480)During the week ending 4 January 2014, ER&L account manager scanned OCR on and completed (U/ ) Satellite Review (UHAIU ) Carlisle Barracks (Military History Institute): ER&L is in the process of working with Carlisle to make arrangement to return post ER&L review and certification (UHAIU0) Missile Defense Agency (MDA): ER&L is in the process of working with MDA to make arrangements to return UNCLASSIFIED (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) ((b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 errors and UNCLASSIFIED post ER&L review and certification. IV/Atti9) Note: The State of the Art Inter-Agency Referral System (STAIRS) is a stand-alone system that supports the review of presidential library documents by other government agency personnel. (U//74-1J0) STAIRS Support team continues to conduct QA/QC on presidential library material completed by OGAs in STAIRS. During the past week were reviewed with failed for review failed for referral errors (three documents with CIA equity). A total of locuments were passed to the burn queue. (U//21r1i544 STAIRS Support team conducted PRODQC on presidential library material completed by OGAs in STAIRS. During the past week were passed and were failed for various reasons. (U// Other Government Agencies' On-Site STAIRS Review (UHAIU ) During the week ending 4 January 2014, the following agencies conducted on-site reviews of library documents in STAIRS: DOS, OSD, DIA, FRUS and CIA. (U//7414i17 STAIRS Support team processed pages) of NSA Returned Referrals. of NSC Returned Referrals and (U/MIU0) MDR Activity (U// During the week ending 4 January 2014, Presidential Libraries submitted Mandatory Declassification Review requests for These documents were processed and forwarded to other government agencies for review and return to the library. (U7/AIU0) National Declassification Center (NDC) Operations (U) This report covers the period 0f30 December 2013 - 03 January 2014 (U// Team members working on the NDC Kyl-Lott Evaluation Teams completed review of one FRC box, adding no tabs for missed CIA equity. They also reviewed Hollinger boxes, adding bs for missed CIA equity to documents totalling pages. (U//tft444 Team members working on the REAP (Records Equity Assessment Program) reviewed for missed CIA equity to documents totalling rpages (U/174-I-bWr Document Declassification Support System (DDSS) & CDC Systems Integration (SI) UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) ID)p) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (10)(-3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3)) Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 UNCLASSIFIED Support (u) This report covers the period of 19 December through 8 January 2014 (U/A440) DDSS Cloud Rehosting & Support to the National Declassification Center (NDC) (U//4&110) � The ISSM presented DDSS at the 17 December InfoSec Program Council (IPC) meeting. The IPC chair asked that the DDSS team provide evidence that its final two critical items are resolved at which time she will request a FULL Authorization to Operate (ATO) from the CIO without further vulnerability testing (to include from the Certification and Accreditation Branch). The CIO has been briefed on the situation. � On 19 December the ISSM notified the DDSS team that the Certification and Accreditation Branch (CAB) is required to review DDSS documentation before the ISSM can take the project forward for final approval. CAB has developed a new format for the Security Controls Traceability Matrix (SCTM). CAB requested a major overhaul of the SCTM, which the ISSM approved in June 2013. CAB, the ISSM, and began working on the revision together. A major part of the update is that CAB is requiring information to be included on how Amazon Web Services will meet various security controls. � The DDSS team provided the requested clean security scan to the ISSM during the holidays. � The ISSM indicated that CAB wants the DDSS team to update the System Security Plan to include the new controls being added in the SCTM. � C/DSB requested a meeting with the ISSM. On 7 January, C/DSB met with (DDSS Lockheed Martin PM), the DDSS COTR, and the DDSS ISSM to discuss the status of DDSS achieving ATO. � prepared and presented a status briefing. � The ISSM explained the requirement for CAB to review the project documentation. He also indicated that only one other project has progressed this far under the new ICD 503 process and emphasized the detailed nature of the new procedures. � The ISSM is personally working with the DDSS team on the SCTM. � The ISSM requested all of the scans for him to provide to CAB to review. � The ISSM indicated his goal is to have DDSS fully accredited by the end of the month. With the level of detailed scrutiny from CAB and the novelty of the process, this goal does not appear to be achievable. � explained tha s the author of the SCTM and SSP and other technical documentation that CAB may want updated but that due to sequestration he has been off of the DDSS project since 31 December. The Lockheed Martin attendees, C/DSB, and COTR met following the meeting to discuss DDSS team resources to support this ongoing effort that far exceeds what was expected. � documented the meeting and provided to all participants. � On 7 January, the DD/IMS requested a DDSS briefing which is scheduled for 16 January began preparing the briefing package. � On 8 January, the ISSM requested the DDSS team to update the projects Configuration Management Document and UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 UNCLASSIFIED � � � � expects to have this completed on 9 January Global Communications Services contacted l Ibefore the holidays that it intends to move the legacy DDSS servers within its data center and that the server addresses will change provided rationale requesting that this not occur until after the AWS hosted DDSS receives its ATO and the legacy DDSS system can then be decommissioned. The DDSS team does not have the resources to support both the AWS hosted DDSS system AND all of the effort that will be required as the result of theLl address change on the legacy servers. This request is working its way through GCS. The ISSM weighed in with GCS to leave the legacy DDSS servers alone until after the Cloud system is fully operational. GCS concurred on 8 January provided input for the IMS Portfolio Monitoring and Re-balancing Report. (U/Aft117 CDC Other (UhhOrItteYr � � � attended the Cadre Next Generation Discussion on 8 January coordinated a meeting between ERM and CDC for 9 January for ERM to update CDC on its machine learning and other initiatives and provide demonstrations and to discuss ERM's request fo CADRE pages. provided additional information regarding the NSA redaction initiative and its "Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme" document and provided input to CDC management. researched redaction software and provided his findings - he also discussed the state of the redaction software community with a key member of the Association for Information and Image Management, Int'l. (UHAIU0) CADRE Duplicate Detection, Resolution, and Reconciliation � (UHARrito, has not had time to continue analysis on potentially missed duplicates using the QC tool developed by the Metrics Team. � Annual metrics for the period of 1 January through 31 December 2013 are included below as well as the cumulative metrics throughout the duration of DDR (25 June 2002 to the present). The percentage of duplicates discovered during the year is ;ompared to a cumulative average of This is the largest number of pages that completed scoring in the 11 years the system has been operational. This is the highest percentage of duplicates discovered in any year of DDR operations. During the year, DDR surpassed: � � � � � Forwarding a documents to resolvers and resolving over UNCLASSIFIED documents. Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 UNCLASSIFIED (U//,Arfb`e) (U/MIU0) CDC Help Desk CDC Help Desk activity 30 Dec 2013 � 3 Jan 2014 � (UHAIU ) The office moves continue, but are almost complete. � Four instances of corrupted MS Access 2003 were reported and fixed this week. � 25Y and CM CADRE-related ESMT tickets were opened this week. � No CWE profile resets were required this week. � Two CWE workstations needed rebuilding this week. Several AIN workstations needed power cycling, but otherwise remained stable. � CDC Help Desk assisted nine users with their annual CWENotes/CADRE/Oracle Wallet/ST password renewals. � CDC Help Desk submitted four AADS requests for annual CWE account renewals. � The TeamMetrix print server remained stable this week with no reboots required. � Congratulations to everyone who completed their mandatory training courses for 2013! I will advise everyone when UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 UNCLASSIFIED the new 2014 training courses become available! (U7/41&9) CADRE System Status Summary (U117441744} U/MIU0) Agency Scanning Center (ASC) Support to CDC (UHAIU0) 25-Year Production Statistics UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938 UNCLASSIFIED (U/itrIt+49) The ASC scanned iages of DA, DCIA, DST, & NCS/DO material. ASC indexed documents of DA, NCS/DO, NLRR & DCI material during this period. . (CIO/IMS/ (U/I-Aitlfrj Special Projects/ASC Tech Team Report (U1I*11117Teamilletrix replacement now has an admin account but he is still waiting to be added to the correct group to have access to the servers. He has an approved EARRS request in, but it has not been completed yet. Once he is part of the SM-CIO-PTS-SVRADM group he should be able to login. (U//7t1116-) finished drafting a Configuration Management plan and has completed the first tems on the SCTM. He has also been in frequent contact with the ISSM to help reduce the number of edits required through the process. (U11414404 Upcoming Week (U/ ) Work is ongoing on FY 2014 production and CY 2014 EO deadline production. CC: Reviewers Comments: Chief, CIA Declassification Center Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIEDHAIU0 UNCLASSIFIED (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) \ (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775938