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Publication Date: 
December 7, 1948
PDF icon PREPARATION OF OPC PROGRA[16000667].pdf171.49 KB
Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 CO2373417 7 December 1948 TO: Messrs. Offie (b)(3) (b)(3) 511.B.LCT: Preparation. of OPC Programs for CIA Project Review Committee. 1. Pursuant to agreements reached at the Staff Meeting on 4 December 1948, the following factors will be given appropriate consideration in revision of Program outlines: HS/CSG-/iJ I a. Discount costs (compensation, lb,Q and travel) of military personnel. b. Discount costs (compensation L&Q and travel) of deep cover personnel. c. Take advantage of savings thneffapted by central service facilities to be supplied by (b)(1) (b)(3) d. Take cognizance of funds from other sources. e. Give consideration to savings effected through use of organized resistance groups. f. Give consideration to existing limitations in resources such as time, funds and personnel. 1610) /1-6) I / g. Give adequate consideration to inevitable tithe lag in plahning, selection, recruiting, security-checking�.._ training, transoorting and coordinating personnel. Discount for policy- priorities. i. Take advantage of savings that will be effected through coordination and elimination of duplication between various CPU programs. EtSTORICAI Destroy 0r27 with e.:cent of the }AP; Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 CO2373417 Name: Date (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 CO2373417 2 j. Eliminate expenditures that can be handled through vouchered funds. 2. On tne basis of the above factors, attempt to effect as much reduction as posible without seriously impairing proposed program. The following table is offered as a idel (Column A sets forth the amount of funds reflected in preliglhary draft; Column IT3 indicates the approximate maximum amount which it is deemed advisable to present to the Director; Column C indicates the estimated amount which the Director might be willing to allocate out of knolim resources.) BUDGET ESTIRATES (in thousands ot doaare 3. The following suggestions should - s the revision: be incorporated in a.For nurposcs of uniformity, use only the terminology set forth in If certain items are not ac,, leave them blank. Tlis will not prevent the use of sub-breakdowns under major items as long as they can be incorporat.ed in a consolidated report by group and office. b. In your worksheets, show totals of all personnel and indicate the discount and final cmputing factors that have � been used. Also show subtotals for each major budgetary n-oubing. c. Eliminate signature sheet and substitute a title page. Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 CO2373417 Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 CO2373417 d. Prepare an original and 5 carbon copies. Fursuant to Mr. Wisner's suggestion, there will be another staff meeting at 1000 hours on 11 December to review the revised proposals. In the preparation of these revisions, it is suggested that individual conferences be held as necessary. with EXAT to dis� cuss statistical matters and the elimination of duplication and with DADPC to obtain concurrence on policy questions involved in the narrative presentation. EJG/ fir! cc: Wisner and Ruddock Approved for Release: 2021/11/15 CO2373417