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Publication Date: 
March 9, 1966
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� Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752581 (b)(3) 7- 1,1k4 ws,41 '1117:11 Cy C�of oys_ BYE - 2 3 0 8- 9 " -*oh 1946 asmoaatmus FOR THE RECr' STAMECT: ?Matter Qf SPZU Ai rom 4a1,4.4 Ai Sass to Creta-4i11s, Texas 1. On thiS date. 4 ltarch /W. 1 co-er necessary actions within 06A to release the from Edwards Air Force Base to an LTV iligh terry back to Greenville, Texas 2 1 called Cf.51 Doyle at Edwards and te2 we would Ile releasing the 5-P2.11 aircraft next aud that wolald tall LTV to autbari7* th m to Ierr tbe arcr!t. The contacts at Edsarde ror LTV to use Till te iv Sam Johnson. and Mr Eert Gritrin whose telephone nutlfters / gave to LTV.- I asked Col. Doyle if he corld put aviation fuel 10 the 'ME and_charge_it_to hie alog,ouat, and he agreed that this 14AS no problem. G. / then called' Mr. Dave Lane at LTV and a eed he Com10 pick up the EP2H at any time, with Monday, 966,'Veing recowmeaded for arricial at Edwards. At th1 time 'we plan to fly the airplane crat on the Sth or 9th 0:12 Uarch. As a result of the recent tmetiag R'ith the Nally on the 4th of March, I also advised Mr. Lane that if his rew'had ally Problems with spare parts for the aircraft at E4wards, he could call on the BoWops representative at Dallas for epares. Any problem there would te resolved, and authority confirmed, if his people wotld call it Mat - tarazza, vhose telephone numbers / gave Dalr's Laie I also advised hi % that we would fveI the airplane rom our on soerees at Edwards. 4.Bince Lane did not ktiow all the of the 7Nemhers who would be going out to Edwards,1 asked him to ascertain these as moos as possible and then ta call either Mr Johnson or r Griffin at Edwards au& so ajvlse them before the crew members leave Greenville, This he agroe4 to de.I later coordinated this action th ecurity aft/OSA Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752581 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752581 u After tor t t tette the ao woold have twity _peep e probe These ecrit 10 the exi tent* of tbe ol-le-TA the Iat blem this time,. SIGNED A 51WARD0 teAF j. agf ,Ae) Cy 1-- Cy 3 - D/BA Cy 4 - 0/ORDI Dr Brewer Cy 5,- 9./PAAJEA 6-cyi DiTECHIOSA Cy 7 -, SZ/OSA Cy $ SS/109& Cy 9 - BB/Oa& 128/ORA:VASewar4 Ji Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752581