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Document Release Date: 
March 31, 2021
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Publication Date: 
January 29, 1968
Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C06783659 " � TOP SECRET SC No. 07407/68 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Directorate of Intelligence 29 January 1968 INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM Pueblo Sitrep No. 18 (As of 12 Noon EMT 1. Rumanian party Presidium member, Gheorghe Apostol, and Vasile Vlad, chief of the central committee's foreign relations section, were scheduled to leave Bucharest for Pyongyang on 29 January. The trip follows a US demarche on the Pueblo affair on 26 January to the Rumanian Foreign Ministry which was designed to have the Rumanians use their good offices with the North Koreans. The trip may also be related to thicliftr''tt� ..z.... VIA picinc. over the damper placed on any efforts toward Vietnam peace negotiations by North Korea's "untimely" seizure of the Pueblo. 2. The International Committee of the Red Cross reported today that the North Koreans have not yet replied to its request for information on the Pueblo's crew. The committee sent its request to the North Korean Red Cross Society on Friday on behalf of the US and the families of the crew members. 3. The unusual activity which began on 26 January in the Chinese North Sea Fleet appears to have returned to normal. (bl')(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C06783659 Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C06783659 � TOP SECRET 5. Reported suggestions by members of Kosygin mission in India for an exchange of the Pueblo crew for captured North Korean infiltrators PREFTWa Seoul papers to put out extras on 29 January. Press reaction was universally adverse, reflecting comments of South Korean officials that the proposal was "inconceivable" or "not worth considering." 6. The North Korean official who yesterday told reporters in Damascus that Pyoncyang would "severely punish" the Pueblo crew (see Sitrep 16) is Hang Yang-uk, vice-president-5r-the Supreme Peoplets.Assembly presidium since 1959. Kang holds no post in the ruling Korean Labor (Communist) Party but carries some weight as the uncle of Premier.Kim Il-song. A former Presbyterian minister, Kang is also chairman of the central committee of the North Korean Democratic Party, one of the two minor parties allowed to exist to give North Korea a "democratic" appearance. He often heads goodwill delegations abroad, and in the past two years has twice visited the Middle East-African area. 7. The Ethiopian foreign ministry informed the US embassy in Addis Ababa on 29 January that Haile Selassie has raised with visiting Yugoslav President Tito the question of a Yugoslav approach to the USSR on the Pueblo case. No details are available yet. 8. India is trying to persuade U Thant to come to New Delhi despite the announced cancellation of his trip. The Indians had arranged for a Thant-Kosygin meeting and envisioned that the Pueblo case would be the principal topic,. The Indians state that the North Vietnamese reprcrentative in New Delhi is anxious to meet U Thant. -2- a Nal! TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C06783659 Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C06783659 �� TOP SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM/EACKGROUND USE ONLY -3- FO poRrrelr nISSFM/BACKGROUND USE ONLY TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C06783659