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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
January 27, 2021
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Publication Date: 
February 10, 1972
Approved for Release: 2021/01/27 C00022-88 February 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT : Briefing of on Status of Col. P a t riT M. a ion, VAralag REFERENCE: A. JANAF Vientiane 0436, 0190830 Jan 1972 B. MACV/JPRC 6339, 2307022 Jan 1972 1. The PACAF summary sheet on Colonel Fallon, classified Secret, contained the following pertinent information on Colonel Fallon: a. Departed Nakhon Phanom RTAFB 411030 Jul 69. b. Missing: 4/1223 Jul 69. c. Pilot of A-1H, no other crew members, tail no. 52/137512. d. Intended target: Troops in contact. (Location not shown.) e. Loss location: not shown. f. Last contact: on the ground communicating by radio; surrounded by enemy forces; no SAR effort. Two eye witnesses to chute. 2. The DIA PMSEA report for 30 September 1971 contained the following pertinent information on Colonel Fallon: a. Missing: 4 July 1969. b, Type aircraft; A-1H. o. Loss coordinates: 191700N/1030600E, Laos, 3. There was no other pertinent information in JOIC files. DOCUMENT AS REFERRED TO -- --- Approved ;or Re1eas9 Approved for Release: 2021/01/27 C00022828 Date .3.441/79' � Approved for Release: 2021/01/27 C00022828 4. The referent JANAF cable, subject of a query to contained the following inform-in-FE: � a. A recent rallier claimed he visited a crash site in early June 1969. There were charred re- mains of "one pilot" and debris of an F-4H. Source saw one white parachute in rice fields near Phou Teung, and was told it belonged to 'The pilot" who had been rescued by one of two helicopters. �-� b. Crash site: UG 107416, Phou Teung. c, JPRC's P1/MIA biographic data (machine printout JP01R) listed Fallon, Patrick Martin, Col., USAF, PW/M1A NR 0734, pilot of F-4B lost 4 July 1969 vicinity UG 013328. d, JANAF attaches believed source was reporting on the Fallon case. 5. The referent MACV/JPRC cable commented that the above conclusion (para 4.4:1) was in error, that Colonel Fallon's plane was an A-1H, and that the incident mentioned by source was probably the downing of Capt. Wayne E. Pearson on 22 February 1969 at UG 179384. Captain Pearson was piloting an F-40 and his other crewman was rescued. 6. brief 4 __ Ion the above from 1000 to 1005 hours ,� -- ..," 26 January 1972.'.._ _ aske the second reference JPRC 06339, be brought to attention. .9.47'"ant immediately relayed tht ca ew CC Attachments: As Stated 2 Approved for Release: 2021/01/27 C00022828