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Publication Date: 
July 28, 1970
Approved for Release: 2021/04/06 CO2692332 MEMORANDUM FOR: mx". Memanis Per your telephone request, I am returning herewith Mr. Hustonls memorandum to me, Subject: Domestic Intelligence, dated July 23, 1970. Richard Helms � 28 July 1970 ( DATE )� FORM NO. 1 AUG 54 101 REPLACES FORM 10.101 RICH MAY SE USED. II Vki'" ' � :1 ..; Approved for Release: 2021/04/06 CO2692332 j i:11 � 28 July 1970 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Discussion with Attorney General Mitchell on Domestic Intelligence 1. During a private meeting with the Attorney General on 27 July 1970, it became clear, to my great surprise, that he had heard nothing whatever about the President's instructions on "Domestic Intelligence" until that very morning. In other words, the Attorney General had not been told of the meeting at the White House on 5 June 1970 or of the ad hoc committee meet- ings chaired by the FBI which had followed or about the report which was sent to the President around 1 July, setting forth constraints on domestic intelligence collection. As I understand its the Attorney General first heard about these matters when the Director of the FBI complained to him about a memorandum from Mr. Tom Charles Huston which must be essentially the same text as the one I received under date of 23 July 1970 � 2. I told the Attorney General that we had put our backs into this exercise, because we had thought that he knew all about it and was behind it. The Attorney General was frank with re. In addition, he said that he had told Mt. Hoover to "sit tight" until he (the Attorney General) had an opportunity to discuss this whole matter with the President upon his return to Washingtm from San Clemente next week. 3. In connection with the problems involved in domestic intelligence collection, I again suggested to the Attorney General that he havea talk with Mr. Sam J. Papich who, I pointed out, has now fully retired from the FBI. The Attorney General again wrote down Mr. Papich's name. RicheHelms Director Distribution: Orig - DCI's file 1 cc - ER IV 3 4 .-N-� -1 .4 Li Approved for Release: 2021/04/06 CO2692332 Approved for Release: 2021/04/06 CO2692332 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON July 23, 1970 TOP SECRET HANDLE VIA COMINT CHANNELS ONLY MEMORANDUM FOR: RICHARD HELMS, DIRECTOR CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SUBJECT: DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE The President has carefully studied the Special Report of the Interagency Committee on Intelligence (Ad Hoc) and made the following decisions: 1. Interpretive Restraint on Communications Intelligence. National Security Council Intelligence Directive Number 6 (NSCM-6) is to be interpreted to permit NSA to program for coverage the communications of U. S. citizens using international facilities. 2. Electronic Surveillances and Penetrations. The intelligence community is directed to intensify coverage of individuals and groups in the United States who pose a major threat to the internal security. Also, coverage of foreign nationals and diplomatic establishments in the United States of interest to the intelligence community is to be intensified. 3. Mail Coverage. Restrictions on legal coverage are to be removed. Restrictions on covert coverage are to be relaxed to permit use of this technique on selected targets of priority foreigx. intelligence and internal security interest. 4. Surreptitious Entry. Restraints on the use of surreptitious entry are to be removed. The technique is to be used to permit procurement of vitally needed foreign cryptographic material and against other urgent and high priority internal security targets. TOP SECRET (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/04/06 CO2692332 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2021/04/06 CO2692332 HANDLE VIA COMINT CHANNELS ONLY -2- 5. Development of Campus Sources. Coverage of violence-- prone campus and student-related groups is to be increased. All restraints which limit this coverage are to be removed. Also, CU coverage of American students (and others) traveling or living abroad is to be increased. 6. Use of Military Undercover Agents. Present restrictions are to be retained. 7. Budget and Manpower. Each agency is to submit a detailed estimate as to projected manpower needs and other costs required to implement the above decisions. 8. Domestic Intelligence Operations. A committee consisting of the Directors or other appropriate representatives appointed by the Directors, of the FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, and the military counter-intelligence agencies is to be constituted effective August 1, 1970, to provide evaluations of domestic intelligence, prepare periodic domestic intelligence estimates, carry-out the other objectives specified in the report, and perform such other duties as the President shall, from time to time, assign. The Director of the FBI shall serve as chairman of the committee. Further details on the organization and operations of this corn/nit-tee are set forth in an attached memorandum. The President has directed that each addressee stbrnit a detailed report, due on September 1, 1970, on the steps taken to implement these decisions. Further such periodic reports will. be requested as circumstances merit. The President is aware that procedural problems may arise in the course of implementing these decisions. However, he is anxious that such problems be resolved with maximum speed and minimum misunderstanding. Any difficulties which may arise should be brought to my immediate attention in order that an appropriate solution may be found and the President's directives implemented in a manner consistent with his objectives. ,n TOM ftUkyrtai lt..LES H1 TON Attachment cc: The President H. R. Haldeman TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2021/04/06 CO2692332 Approved for Release: 2021/04/06 CO2692332 TOP SECRET ' HANDLE VIA COMINT CHANNELS ONLY ORGANIZATION AND OPERATIONS OF THE INTERAGENCY GROUP ON DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE AND INTERNAL SECURITY (lAG) � I. Membership. The membership shall consist of representatives of the FBI, CIA, DIA, NSA, and the counter-. intelligence agencies of the Deparments of the Army, Navy, and. Air Force. To insure the high level consideration of issues and problems which the President expects to be before the group, the Directors of the respective agencies should serve personally. However, if necessary and appropriate, the Director of a member agency may designate another individual to serve in his place. Z. Chairman. The Director of the FBI shall serve as chairman. He may designate another individual from his agency to serve as the FBI representative on the group. 3. Observers. The purpose of the group is to effectuate community-wide coordination and secure the benefits of community- wide analysis and estimating. When problems arise which involve areas of interest to agencies or departments not members of the group, they shall be invited, at the discretion of the group, to join the group as observers and participants in those discussions of interest to them. Such agencies and departments include the Departments of State (I & R, Passport); Treasury (IRS, Customs); Justice (BNDD, Community Relations Service), and such other agencies which may have investigative or law enforcement responsibilities touching on domestic intelligence or internal security matters. 4. White House Liaison. The President has assigned to Tom. Charles Huston staff responsibility for domestic intelligence and internal security affairs. He will participate in all activities of the group as the personal representative of the President. 5. Staffing. The group will establish such sub-committees or working groups as it deeins appropriate. It will also determine and implement such staffing requirements as it may deem necessary to ena.ble,it to carry out its responsibilities, subject to the approval of the President. TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2021/04/06 CO2692332 Approved for Release: 2021/04/06 CO2692332 TOP SECRET HANDLE VIA COlVaNT CHANNELS ONLY -2- 6. Duties. The group will have the following duties: (a) Define the specific requirements of member agencies of the Intelligence community. � (b) Effect close, direct coordination between member agencies.. (c) Provide regular evaluations of domestic intelligence. (d) Reyiew policies governing operations in the field of domestic intelligence and develop recommendations. ft& (e) Prepare periodic domestic intelligence estimates which incorporate the results of the combined efforts of the intelligence community. (1) Perform such other duties as the President may from time to time assign. 7. Meetings. The group shall meet at the call of the Chairman, a member agency, or the White House representative. 8. Security. Knowledge of the existence and purposes of the group shall be limited on a strict "need to know" basis. -Operations of, and papers originating with, the group shall be classified "Top Secret-Handle Via pomint Channels Only. 9. Other Procedures. The group shall establish such other procedures as it believes aptaropriate te, the implementation of the duties set forth above. TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2021/04/06 CO2692332