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October 25, 1966
PDF icon CHIGOE AIRCRAFT TESTING I[15863519].pdf312.18 KB
Approved for Release: 2021/01/12 C05752610 TOP CM= TS-196415 Cow of 7 2 5 OCT 1966 MIORANDUM FOR: Chief, Far East Division, DD/P 11111.110.V THROUGH: SUBJECT: RMELA1-71C : Acting Deputy Director for Science and Technology Deputy Director for Plans CHIGOE Aircraft Testing in Laos Background and Options (b)(1) (b)(3) DDiaa 4814-66 (b)(3) 1. Summari. Numerous opportunities will dst for the emhlov- ment of the CHIGOE aircraft on AgencYaasignmeats in Laos during the first half of 1967. This memorandum describes the schedule for deployment and utilization of CHIGOE, and sets out the minimal ground rules, now in force, which define its official and unofficial status in various situations. With this background, the options for Agency utilization are outlined. 2. Schedule. The CHIGOE aircraft is currently going into the US flight testing Phase of development. Its USN-USMC flight crew is now taking over from the contractor various functions of maintenallrel pilot- ing, test and evaluation, and security Deployment to Tan Son Whut, South Viet Nam, will take plere in January 1967, and SEA operations will continue for 4 to 6 months thereafter. At that time the CHIGOE task group will be comprised of the element described below. 3. Assets: - one P2V aircraft, modified for independent night reconnaissance and attack at low altitudes - multilateral flight crew, ground maintenan e crew, and mission planning staff - civilian technical representatives to maintain special sensory and navigation equipment � special marking ordnance for the delineation of targets Identified by CHIGOE and -passed to on-station tactical air- craft for immediate attack - minimal sensor system spares, for L. to 6 months operation - minimal aircraft snares, with anprooriate priority for addi- tional support from 'normal USN sources. -41L;611--SELBEI..�v' (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) � Approved for Release: 2021/01/12 C05752610 Approved for Release: 2021/01/12 C05752610 TOP SECRET TS.,196415 Page 2 - Minimal special ground support equipment required for sensor maintenance. 4. Personnel: - approx. 10 specially trained USN and USNE officers, cleared Agency SECRET, who are the principals of the flight Craw. The , senior USN officer is also the overt Military detachment commander. 5. - two USAF officers, cleared Agency SECRET, who will be assigned by the Agency Program Manager to maintain opera- tional 14alor4 with overt militarY intelligence units and headquarters in South Viet Nam, and to aid in military mission planning - approx. 30 USN and USAF enlisted maintenance and support personnel who have been additionally trained in the special sensory, navigation, and communications/ECM equipment on board. Their clearances will be DOD SECRET. - two to four civilian technical representatives, cleared Agency SECRET, for maintenance of the more sophisticated electronic and optical equipment - the Agency Program Manager and/or other designated ORD officers who will coordinate and who will, through the military detachment commander, exercise overall program authority co - a small number of interim DOD observers, Agency-cleared, who are nominated by cooperating DOD elements to gRin CHIGOE experience for follawon DOD program and to assist in the joint evaluation of CHIGOE itself. The USN detachment 10 currently under .administrative control of Weapons - Test Unit, Patuxent 'River Naval Air Station. It is anticipated that it will be attached for support to CTF 1150 Tan Son Nhut, which is , 4 Naval patrol group concerned primarily with operation MARKET TIME, The nominal lines of command. will thus be back through CINCPAC to.CNO. The actual Agency-USN coordination is maintained :through the ROAISON channel (Reconnaissance, Electronic Warfare, and Special Operations) , TOP SECENT (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/01/12 C05752610 Approved for Release: 2021/01/12 C05752610 TOP `v TS-196415 Page 3 which exists through a series of project offices in all major com- ponents of USN, and which works closely with the Intelligence Community. The CHIGOE task group has been ass bled jointly with the REWSON Office in Naval Air System Command, currently commanded by Capt.. M. D. Carmody. The REWSON offices in Chief Naval Operations and Chief Naval Materiel are coordinated, and the Agency Program Manager serves as the point of contact. He is also provided USE individual cover and identification, as a civilian consultant to REWSON/ASO, which will be maintained throughout CHIGOE field tests. The USE cover designation for the CHIGOE project is MUDDY HILL (ii). This title is also included under the THIN program of USE, which is a long-range conceptual approach to a night, tactical reconnaissance and interdiction capability. There is an analogous program in USAF, called SHEDLIGHT, and our USAF contacts and coordination are me through this channel as well as by the traditional Agency-USAF means. 6. Physical Cover and Security. The CHIGOE P2V has an external appearance and configuration which is reasonably distinctive. There are two external sensor pods which, to a knowledgeable person, would identify the aircraft as reconnaissance-related. The finish is glossy black (same as STSPIN). The US narkings ("stars and bars") are miniature USAF types which can be overpainted quickly. The tail number is smaller than normal and will be of a low-contrast color, as will all legends and decals other than the US markings. The internal configuration is completely distinctive and would, to a knowledgeable person, reveal at least the overall principles of � system operation. All flight and ground personnel will be either active-duty military types (e.g. the ORD personnel). 7. Options. The multiple objectives and capabilities of the CRTGOE program and the joint Agency-USN participation in its "proof- of-concept" tests allow several options in its application to Agency problems in SEA. Briefly stated, these are a. Overt Military eration. The aircraft with USE crew leaves a U.S. military base and flies to some checkpoint in the military traffic pattern. There it departs the pattern, overflies the objec- tive area for reconnaissance only, and subsequently returns to base through the military pattern. The reconnaissance take is processed and readout by military or Agency facilities as appropriate, but only the Agency team members and the key flight personnel are know- ledgeable of the elements of the mission and its location. Disaster Plans, E&E� and Rescue are set up through routine military channels. TOP SEC1T Approved for Release: 2021/01/12 C05752610 Approved for Release: 2021/01/12 C05752610 TOP SECRET TS-196415 Page �4 DD/P personnel do not interface with other than Azahey members of the CHIGOE task group, who do the actual mission planning. b. c (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) say ,A.v. V +4, y k.. � / d. Agency Crew. No specific operational restrictions would apply, but two to three months specialized training by CED would be required for flight crews already (b)(3) fled in P2 aircraft. 8. Next Stens. In the case that options other than la above (Overt military) are selected or considered likely, it is essential that initial operational planning begin now, and that such planning continue through the remainder of the U.S. test period. This will involve Working sessions between the ORE program personnel and the appropriate Headquarters, station, and field elements of FE/DD/P. By the tine of the initial visit of ORE personnel (Nov. )J4-28) enough mutual background familiarity should be established so that all those problem areas are identified which will recuire coordin- ation in the field. ORE will take responsibility for the necessary USN coordination during December and January. TOP SECRET (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/01/12 C05752610 Approved for Release: 2021/01/12 C05752610 TOP SECRET TS-I96415 Page 5' In addition, ORD would welcome the opportunity to disseminate more widely in DD/P specific knowledge of the capabilities and potential of airborne reconnaissance/delivery systems which are optimised for tropical regions. CHIGOE is only the first step in the development of wider national capability, and while CHIGOE itself is an Agency program, its wider exploitation is currently and exclusively by the military services, for purely military applications. In its role as an advisor on future technical needs of the Agency, OR]) takes the position that those intelligence applications for which the Agency is exclusively responsible will, sooner or later, absolutely require an Agency recon- naissance capability along the lines now being established�by CHIGOE. Whether or not the Agency will have such a capability in time, and of such performance that its requirements are met in the future, will depend largely on actions and attitudes taken in the present. The basis for these actions should be thorough knowledge and careful evaluation of the best current systems, exemplified by CHIGOE, on the part of all potential users in the Agency. ROBERT M. CHAYNAN Director of Research and Development TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2021/01/12 C05752610