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March 21, 1963
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Approved for Release: 2019/06/25 C06730889 Briefing for Rouse Armed Services Committee CONTENTS 21 March 1963 NR Record 3. MIDDLE EAST New Iraqi Government New Syrian Government Iraqi-Syrian Relationships with Nasir, Faysal, and Rusayn NR Record Approved for Release: 2019/06/25 C06730889 Approved for Release: 2019/06/25 C06730889 REZ 21 March 1963 IRAQ I. The coup on 8 February which ousted the psychotic *Qasim brought in a young and untried regime which is faced with the task of bringing order out of the economic and political chaos left by four and a half years of Qasim. A. Iraq's new rulers are a combination of Iraqi nationalists and pan-Arab socialistic Baathists. The Baathists dominate the government but depend on the army, which has many anti-Baathist officers who resent the Baath's leadership. Dissension in likely to break out soon. B. One of the toughest problems faced by the new regime is its relations with Iraq's 800,000 Kurds, about 15-20 per cent of the population. They successfully rebelled against Qasim and held off the Iraqi army over 20 months. The present regime is attempting to reach an understanding with them whereby the Kurds will be allowed some sort of local autonomy.. So far negotiations have not progressed very well and the war could break out again. C. The Baathists are strongly anti-Communists and have crushed the Iraqi Communists, jailed Approved for Release: 2019/06/25 C06730889 Approved for Release: 2019/06/25 C06730889 wAtelitsz hundreds of party members, and executed several of the party's central committee. Relations with Moscow, excellent under Qasim, are now bad. Relations with the US are good--five members of the cabinet are pro- ducts of US universities�and the Iraqis have asked to buy US helicopters and tanks, items previously purchased from the USSR. There are indications that the regime wishes to loosen Iraq's ties with the Soviet Bloc and gradually replace Communist technicians with Western experts. However, the regime fears to give the impression of having too close ties with the West and outwardly professes a neutral foreign policy. Another unresolved problem is Iraq's relations with the Iraq Petroleum company (23.75 per cent owned by Standard of New Jersey & Socony). Qasim seized over 99 per cent of the company's concessionary area and imposed a high loading fee on oil going out of Basra. As a consequence the company did not increase its production. Since the country depends on oil income� (about $206 million a year), and governmental -SEVirgr.. Approved for Release: 2019/06/25 C06730889 Approved for Release: 2019/06/25 C06730889 and development costs are rising, settle- ment of the dispute is important to the new regime. Approved for Release: 2019/06/25 C06730889 Approved for Release: 2019/06/25 C06730889 A-teitar . 21 BArch 1963 SYRIA I. Syria's Baathist-inspired coup on. 8 March came exactly one month after the Iraqi one. The new Syria regime is even more heavily dominated by the Baath than that in Iraq, but is much more shaky. Pro-Kasirism is stronger in Syria and the country is deeply divided into a number of factions. The army, which is the key to the sit- uation, has a considerable pro-Nasir element. Its leadership at the present time, however, is pan- Arab in its inclinations, but desires to retain Syria's national identity. II. Syria traditionally has been a pawn between Egypt and Iraq. The present Syrian regime will retain control of be overthrown on the issue of its rela- tions with Nasir's Egypt. Syria has been very un- stable since 1949 and has undergone eight military coups since then. The army has continually inter- fered in the civilian government. -12- IvEeRE. Approved for Release: 2019/06/25 C06730889 Approved for Release: 2019/06/25 C06730889 � '.21 March 1963 THEIRAQI -SYRIAN RELATIONSHIP WITH NASIR I. The establishment of Baathist-dominated regimes in Iraq and Syria has produced a competition for leadership of the Arab Nationalist Movement. While standing for much the same things in the economic and social fields, Baathist leaders and Nasir are split over the form of Arab unity. The Baathists do not want Iraq and Syria swallowed up in a Nasir-run super Arab state. Nasir's popu- larity among the Arab masses, and much of the in- telligentsia and army officers, however, has put the Baathists on the spot. Syria has become the battleground for this clash of ideas. II. Realizing its vulnerability to Nasirism, the Baath leadership in Iraq and Syria has attempted to ward off a Nasir takeover in Syria by proposing federation of the three countries. Each would re- tain control over its internal affairs but would cooperate with Egypt in matters of defense and foreign policy. III. Negotiations are being carried on at the present time in Cairo over this question. A combined Approved for Release: 2019/06/25 C06730889 Approved for Release: 2019/06/25 C06730889 SweRcri Syrian-Iraqi delegation left Cairo last Sunday after fruitless negotiations. The Syrians re- turned suddenly on Tuesday and are being joined by the Iraqis on Thursday. Apparently Nasir is being tough in his demands for a Cairo-controlled union. The Baathists are resisting this to the best of their ability, but are fearful of being charged with blocking Arab unity. Opposition to Nasir's demands could spark a pro-Nasir coup in Syria; agreement to them might bring about the ouster of the Syrian regime by anti-Nasir army elements. Meanwhile, Nasir's propaganda embar- rasses the Baath by hammering on the theme of Arab unity, while his agents stir up pro-Nasir demonstrations in Syria. Approved for Release: 2019/06/25 C06730889 Approved for Release: 2019/06./25 C06730889 21 March 1963 IRAQI-SYRIAN RELATIONSHIPS WITH FAYSAL AND HUSAYN I. Jordan and Saudi &alibis have become isolated in the Arab world as the result of the Iraqi and Syrian coups. Both the Beath and Nasir have Openly declared their opposition to monarchist regimes and they are targets for .Baathist-and Nasir�instigated sUbversive operations. II.. Saudi Arabia now appears to be the most promising target. The Saudi involvement in the Yemeni affair has been unpopular with the majority, of Saudi Arabians 'and for several years there has been 4isaffection'An the Saudi. armed forces. Nasir paradropped'arms into Western Arabia in mid-February, apparently to equip 'anti-regime elements. Most of these were recovered by the Saudi regime. III. A revolt in the Hijaz--the area along the Red Sea coast--is possible and Nasir might send troops to sup- port it in much the same manner that he backed the Yemeni revolutionaries. IV.. Jordan's position is somewhat different. While King HUsayn's regime is unpopular with much of the popula- tion, his army is believed to be generally reliable. Also, Baathist and Nasirist elements are reported not -15- Approved for Release: 2019/06/25 C06730889 �Approved for Release: 2019/06/25 C06730889 max to feel strong enough at the present time to carry out a successful coup. Assassination of the King is always a possibility. V. A factor which might put a damper on Nasir, or any other potential revolutionary, is the threat of Israel's reaction. The Israelis at times have threatened to seize that part of the country lying west of the Jordan River should HUsayn be overthrown--- almost certainly if they felt it was a pro-Nasir coup. -16- Approved for Release: 2019/06/25 C06730889