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April 14, 1953
PDF icon LETTER TO THE HONORABLE E[15978912].pdf182.94 KB
Approved for Release: 2021/09/20 CO2212761 nriett4441.--- Ea-3-9038 ik Ri The donorable _dward J. Ii( 6hairlan, Select Lla.Aaittee ca united states Seaate .hingtoa 25, L. ,ezda r. GhairAan: This is to acknowlede ret,eipt larch L1,, regarding the i.obanon language newspaper cubliseci in -Their n. lish The publisher of the Beilat Da. tr is Kaiel owa (also speileu ,..urumira). he is also the pubLisher cf aToputar Arab daily newspaper in Beirut. .1r);4a aL1eged1y raise� the loney to start the Daily star froa :hiite i,ebaneae, alio' the paper's circulation is repo crebislag. it :q.14 be noted tha n1ii la,iLuae 1eapers publisv,u in this area are riot eiiera1ly0Insi6ered useful bj us as a guide for assessin pliblic o= awn ..Ln tne -iddle-k.ast as the - represent the views of only a very alaalk segAent of the population. 'th kindest regards 1Ance ,114in TA. irf.ctur OGC:WLPforzheimer/ble Rewritten: DCIPSE/Inth Distribution: Orig & 1 - Addressee 2 - Signer (Official;w/basic,o,' Reading) 9 - laPforzheimer 1 - C/NEA, DD/? DOCUMENT NO. NO MODE CH CLASS. 0 egrinCLASSIFIED GLASS. CHANCEa TOI NEXT .CLUTHt flU 1(4 Q AP ;ante'1ILREVIVIERt- 14r- w4/ 07a70240/ >eclvy tof-Triatkn Approved for Release: 2021/09/20 CO2212761 kaki. Approved for Release: 2021/09/20 CO2212761 ER- The Honorable Edward J. Thye Chairman, Select Committee on Small Business United States 6ienate Washington 25, D. C. Dear Mr. Chairmail: This is to ackruiWledge receipt of your letter of 19 March 1953, regardingjhe Lebanon Daily Star, an English language newspaper published in Beirut, Lebanon. The publisher of the liteirut Daily Star is Karnel Mrowa (also spelled Waruwwa). He is also the publisher of a popular Arab daily newspaper in Beir4. Mrowa allegedly raised the money to start the Daily Star film Shiite Lebanese, and the paper's circulation is reportedli-i4ncreas3.ng. There is no in- dication in our files that the Daily tar is being financed either directly or indirectly by the Ameri4n-Arabian Oil Company. It should be noted that English laskguage newspapers are not generally used as a guide for assesitng public opinion in the Middle-East as they represent the viers of only a very small segment of the population. With kindest regards. I am Sincerely yours, OGC:WLPforzheimer/b1c Orig. & 1 - Addressee - Signer W./basic 2 - WLPforzheimer - Chief/NEA, DD/P Concur: us edke DePu.4proved for Release': '2'021/09/20 CO2212761 Allen W. Dulles Director (b)(6) Walter L. Pforzhp(ner Legislative Counsel ReR c740 Approved for Release: 2021/09/20 CO2212761 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON 25, D. C. OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR The Honorable Edward J. Thye Chairman, Select Committee on Small Business United States Senate Washington 25, D. C. Dear Mr. Chairman: This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 19 March 1953, regarding the Lebanon Daily Star, an English language newspaper published in Beirut, Lebanon. The publisher of the Beirut Daily Star is Kamel Mrowa (also spelled Muruwwa). He is also the publisher of a popular Arab daily newspaper in Beirut. Mrowa allegedly raised the money to start the Daily Star from Shiite Lebanese, and the paper's circulation is reportedly increasing. Triverriatrifttrft.- 0.4.4444 It 14=d be noted that English language newspapers Are not generally as a guide for assessing public opinion in the Middle-East As they represent the views of only a very small segment f the population. With dest regards, I am Sincerely yours, Allen W. Dulles Director Approved for Release: 2021/09/20 CO2212761 Approved for Release: 2021/09/20 CO2212761 Nee 7 April 1953 Memorandum for: The Director Subject: Proposed reply to Senator Thye 1. Attached herewith is a proposed reply to Senator Thye's letter for your signature. As I knew there would be some delay in preparing this answer, I informed Senator Thye's office by tele- phone that it would take some time to look into the matter of the Senator's request, and we are therefore covered from the stand- point of time. Walter L. Pforz eimer Legislative Counsel Attachments Ie/4/ 0224ol Approved for Release: 2021/09/20 CO2212761 Approved for Release: 2021/09/20 CO2212761 � � EDWARD J. THYE, MINN., CHAIRMAN CHARLES W. TOBEY, N. H. JOHN SPARKMAN, ,kftl HOMER FERGUSON, MICH. RUSSELL S. LONG, LA. LEVERETT SALTONSTALL, MASS. GUY M. GILLETTE, IOWA ROBERT C. HENDRICKSON, N. J. HUBERT H. HUMPHREY, MINN. ANDREW F. SCHOEPPEL, KANS. LESTER C. HUNT, WYO. JAMES H. DUFF, PA. GEORGE A. SMATHERS, FLA. LAURANCE G. HENDERSON, STAFF DIRECTOR WALTER B. STULTS, ASST. STAFF DIRECTOR '*11Crtifeb Zia:fez Zenate SELECT COMMITTEE ON SMALL BUSINESS (CREATED PURSUANT TO S. RES. 58, 81ST CONGRESS) Yarch 19, 1953 Hon. Allen W. Dulles Direct of Central Intelligence Central intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. My dear Mr. Dulles: In August 1952, the Senate Small Business Committee published a report prepared by the Federal Trade Commission on the inter- national oil cartel. The report has been the subject of considerable discussion since its publication. Our Committee has been particularly interested in the comments of the Lebanon Daily Star, an English language newspaper published in Beirut, Lebanon. We would like to determine the financial support of this newspaper. We have received information that it is published by the former head of the German propaganda agency in Lebanon, who spent most of World Mar II in Germany. I am sure that the Central Intelligence Agency undoubtedly uses the Lebanon Daily Star as a source of information on public opinion in the Middle East. In evaluating this newspaper's comrents, you have undoubtedly checked an its backing. I would appreciate any information that the CIA has as to who actually supports this news- paper. in the event that the CIA has no information, would it be possible to investigate this matter? Sin, ely yours Pir Mward J. Ghairman Alit/ 20/ *4.Approved for Release: 2021/09/20 CO2212761