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November 22, 1965
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Approved for Release: 2021/01/13 CO2018947 "Plw TO SECRET CI. OE BYE-3O7-65 Copy 7 22 November 1965 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Visit to LTV Electrosystems - Project CHI 1. On 19 November 1965, from D and Lt. Col Seward from OSA visited LTV Electrosy Greenville, Texat,, (b)(3) for initial presentation of proposed modifications to a P2V7 to provide a multi-sensor platform. outlirierTn requirement to modify a P2V7 as a first-base strike recolinai,ance(rIDX3) aircraft. Its natural follow-on employment would be as he hunter/locator vehicle for a near real-time hunter/kill.-- team. It is also likely that the Agency can use this aircra2t for reconnaissance of undefended areas where conventional photography is limited because of dense foliage. One caveat to this project is that no complete new state-of-the an inventions are to be made. I (b)(1) A basic(b)(3) 10 USC 130 agreement was arrived upon in a meeting with the following personnel: D. L. Hearn C. Raines C. V. Slagle C. R. Farmer, Jr. T. L. Loposer E. B. Carne K. M. Maddux Dave Lane Lt. Col. William A. Seward V. Pres. - Greenv;.] o Div. Dir. Engineering Program Manager ORD OSA 2. LTV will submit a basic proposal as soon as possible. this proposal to be amended so that a formal bid can be pre- sented probably in two weeks. is the Program Manager with OSA providing support for aircraft procurement, crew selection and training and definition of communications and defensive systems requirements. 3. The following is a brief outline of initial areas of agreement and description of needs yet to be satisfied. GROUP 1 :xcludocl from automatic downorzlding and doclas5i1icmion CHI OE TOP SE RET LI (y7z, HANDLE VIA CONTRI STEM (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/01/13 CO2018947 Approved for Release: 2021/01/13 CO2018947 TOP ECRET CHIGOE 'WNW a. LTV BYE-3078-65 Page 2 (1) Submit a formal proposal and bid for the complete multi-sensor aircraft. (2) Provide periodic statistical reports in a form satisfactory to LTV, ORD and OSA, (3) Assume responsibility for electromagnetic interference investigation, test and integrity. (4) Assist in providing field support equipmeni requirements. (5) Provide drawings and manuals for aircraft and system relationships. (6) Provide operational crew familiarization during final test phase. (7) LTV needs a primary and secondary source cs supply for aircraft parts. It is assumed that ultimate operators will supply their own parts after final aircraft are delivered. (8) LTV will train operational systems operators in the use of equipment but in conjunction with suppliers of installed systems. (9) LTV will provide a test plan to include the assumption that they will use their own flight test crew to pick up the aircraft from Litchfield Park, accomplish all required flight tests and provide familiarization training to at least one operational crew. (10) LTV desires that their flight test crew be allowed to select from a group of P2V7's which are assumed to be in storage at Litchfield Park. This will have great advantages to all concerned since the crew is intimately familiar with P2V aircraft and has an excellent working relationship with the personnel at the storage area. If this can be done, we are bound to get a suitable aircraft. CHIGOE TOP SECRET IJANI fk BYEAAN CONTROL S Approved for Release: 2021/01/13 CO2018947 Approved for Release: 2021/01/13 CO2018947 TUF WA;NET CHIGOE BYE-3078-65 Page 3 (11) They suggest also that the Terrain Following Radar (TFR) be installed as a manual unit since there have been no definitive studies made for such systems to be linked to an automatic pilot at the required low speeds and low altitudes. (12) LTV assumes, and OSA agrees, that LTV will probably be required to IRAN the aircraft. (13) They need complete engineering drawings, flight test data for the basic P2V7 aircraft and loft drawings as soon as possible. This also will eliminate expensive and time-consuming structural studies which otherwise must be made. b. ORD (1) Provide program manager and overall guidance for entire project. (2) Provide test instrumentation and technical recording and report requirements. (3) Provide interface between LTV and other system vendors. (4) Provide acceptance plan which will provide for a fast sign-off of requirements completed, and ultimately acceptance of the entire weapons system. (5) Select targets for test period. (6) Require vendors to provide instruction manuals for their equipment. (7) Coordinate technical representative require- ments with systems vendors, LTV, and operational users. At this point, we assume one technical representative from Texas Instruments and one for the remainder of the systems will be required by operational units. (8) Coordinate field support requirements (9) Provide GFE to LTV with assistance fr)m OSA as required. CHIGOE TOP SECRET HA VIA BYEMAN CONTROL Approved for Release: 2021/01/13 CO2018947 Approved for Release: 2021/01/13 CO2018947 TOP SECRET ����� CHIGOE BYE-3078-65 Page 4 (10) Coordinate with OSA for contract terms and periodic dispersal of funds. It is assumed that as program manager, will coordinate on all funding authorizations. C. OSA (1) weapons Provide operational guidance for the entire system. (2) Procure a P2V7 aircraft and required drawings. (3) Assist in determining communications require- ments and operational procedures. (4) Provide guidance in selection of defensive and warning systems and ordnance selection and use. (5) Determine crew composition and training requirements. (6) Coordinate with FAA for any special use requirements and for special use of air space during test phase. (7) Coordinate with the military services for the use of overseas test areas. (8) Coordinate with military services for assis- tance in determining operational procedures such as tactical cooperation with fighter aircraft. (9) Write a Specific Operational Requirement. (10) If necessary, provide a TWX link to LTV at Greenville. This will undoubtedly become necessary before long. (11) Determine any special requirements such as sterilization of aircraft, provision for foreign crews, etc., which might arise when and if the Agency employs this type of aircraft. (12) Determine what, if any, security requirements exist and, if they do exist, provide security guidance and control to OSA, ORD and LTV. The LTV Greenville Security Officer is Ed Kyle who is known to Agency security personnel. CHIGOE HAN VIA BYEMAN TOP SECRET CONTROL TEM Approved for Release: 2021/01/13 CO2018947 Approved for Release: 2021/01/13 CO2018947 TOP 7;ECRET CHIGOE BYE-3078-65 Page 5 4. LTV is now in a fairly slack period in which they can devote some considerable attention to this problem. It behoove us to move this project as fast as possible to take advantage of the full-time emphasis which LTV can put on it at this time The first and major task to be performed is to procure a P2V7 aircraft without delay. The second major item is to conclude a firm contract to get work under way. If military crews are to be provided for Agency use of this aircraft, we must anti- cipate approximately nine months time before they can be on board. This means that the military crew will be available a maximum of five months before the planned delivery date of the final system. This also coincides with the predicted flight test period which was to be initiated approximately nine months after a contract go-ahead. The basic factor in the entire prciject is delivery and validation of in-flight sensor systems. (b)(3) WILLIAM A. SEWARD, JR. Lt. Colonel USAF Chief, Plans-for Field Activities, OSA Plans/FA/WASEWARD:lem (22 Nov 65) Distribution: #1 - Plans/FA/OSA #2 DD/SA #3 - D/FA/OSA #4 - PS/OSA #5 - SS/OSA #6 - C&FE/OSA #7 - MD/OSA #8 - RB/OSA CHIGOE TOP SECRET HA . VIA BYEMAN CONTROL sTEM Approved for Release: 2021/01/13 CO2018947