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Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 C06394727 (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 C06394727 Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 006394727 ortoenr., TO � � FROM : SUBJECT: Richard CHRISTMAN 23 October 1946 Diu (b)(3) 1. Transmitted herewith is a copy of an interroga- tion report from ACofS-,G-2, WBS, Subject as above, dated 24 September 1946. (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) 2. The Paris FBI representative has the following additional information concerning Dr. KATZEN: "De Tikhmeniv, a German agent who has furnished information to the Allies, advised the British that he met John DoLLAR in the Champs Elysees near the end of September 1942. DOLLAR told Tikhmeniv to come to his address at 34 or 134 rue de la Tour, Paris 16. DOLLAR told him he could mention his, DOLLAR's name if he got into trouble. A few days later one KATZEN called at Tikhmeniv's home in the rue Ville Bois in Marevil, announcing he was a friend of DOLLAR's and asked Tikhmeniv to accompany him to his home. KATZEN gave his address as 5 Square Maubeuge and on arrival asked TIKHMENEV questions regarding his crossing the Demarcation Line. KATZEN asked TIKHMENEV his attitude politically sta- ting that he, KATZEN, was a doctor of medicine having spent 20 years in the U.S.A. at the University of Columbia and said a great deal about the Anglo-Saxons. He had a telegram from Berlin on his desk. In January, 1943, he sent TIKHMENEV a post card suggesting a meeting at KATZEN's new home at 6 Avenue Clement Marot, Paris, France. KATZEN then appeared - to be with the black market and asked TIKHMENEV if he could buy or sell anything for him. TIKHMENEV said he never saw, KATZEN again but was sure that he was assisting DOLLAR in the recruitment of German agents. Investigation in the United States has revealed the true name of this individual to be Dr. Edwin KATZEN-ELLENBOGEN. He was employed at the Danvers State Hospital in Massachusetts around 1910. In 1912 he com- menced lecturing at Harvard University and after about two years at Harvard he went to Trenton State Hospital in New Jersey. He married in the United States but went to Europe leaving his wife here. He was seen in Kiev, Russia, in the summer of 1915 where he said he was doing field work for the Red Cross. A photograph of subject taken in 1915 is being maintained in the files of this office. He wrote a letter to a relative in the United States by marriage in 1939 stating SECRET Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 006394727 et4rILW- s. � Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 006394727 miswww2-4� ct 1 that he had an 18-year-old daughter in Europe at that time. When he wrote he gave his address as c/o Sign. Pilat, 7 Via Piccola, Boratigheral Italy. "KATZEN is the chief of Boris LEOVCHINE� a well- known Abwehr. He is engaged in recruiting French aviators and teaching them as agents to operate in Great Britain and North Africa. "KATZEN was arrested in Russia as a German spy in 1918 and was detained by the Dutch throughout World War I. "Personal Description: Name -- Edwin KATZEN- ELLENBOGEN; Age 60; Height 1.70m; Weight 85 kg; Hair, Brown; Eyes, Chestnut; guild, muscular; Voice, slow, baritone." 3. Dr. KATZEN is listed in our files (probably same British Source) as Abwehr agent, arrested by the Germans for black market dealings and imprisoned at Compiegne.- Released almost immediately and continued his former activities. Associated with LOEWSCHIN and KOEPKE (Pedro) in an organiza- tion which recruits high grade agents for the Abwehr, of which he is himself said to be the principal. According to a good source, this organization recruited thirteen agents despatched to the U.K. between June and October 1943. Of Gruppe RUDOLPHE and OTTO at Hotel Lutetia, Paris. 4. It is interesting that Dr. KATZEN is not among DOLLAR contacts listed in the No.1775/DSDOC All report dated 24 July 1945. � 5. According to a letter from ACofS1G-2, WBS, dated 17 October 1946, of which a copy went to FBI Paris, Yolande BEMOVA (see pages 9 & 10 Subject report) is at present re- siding at 320 East 57 Street, New York City, Apartment 11-E. The letter says further that Yolande BEMOVA will arrive in Paris from New York in about two weeks. Distribution: Washington (2) & 2 photostats (1) & I photostat (WO) Hei el urg (1) & I photostat (b)(3) raent-ralitegistry (1) (1) & original (b)(3) SE Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 006394727 (t' Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 C06394727 A 0 , *P'N � 1 i 17.A1)uARTRIS liASE S:CT1ON U.FO!-CE-St J :Ort:ATIiHATFR Office of the ACofS, APO 513 24 September 1946 SUBJ VCT I Richard CIIRISTRANN. TO s THE OFFICM IN CHARGE. I. Richard CRRISTVANN is at present detained it French Prison of FR7rN73 (Seine) Cto 12051, Cellule 106, Div. 3. CHTII,;7CN was intorror,nted .on the 9 SepteMber 1946 And atated the following. 2. I was born 13 NevoMbor 1905, Richard, Ludwig, W Beim Ciin in &ONTIGNY near METZ, of Carmen nationnlity. , Detause of personal quarrels with my family, I entered the French Foreign Legion in ICTZ on 26 February 1926, but wan discharged on 13 December 1932 and want to France. I resided for various periods att a.. LYON � VILL3RDAN1 (Rhone) b, PARIS, 27 rue Vouffetard. � t. FARIS 11 rue de Navarre, d. PARIS, 6 rue Tournefort. a, ASNIERES near PARIS 4 rue de Stranbourg. On 17 October 1937, 1 WAS told to leave France and went to OSNADWCE, Germany, to ay mother. I was immediatoky arrested by the Gestapo as former Foreign Legionnaire. Through intervention of RI sister, RIEDE qtRISTI!ArN and former olaaectaton, I was set free four weeks later, but remained under folice observation. Residences Goorgsmnrienhutte, near osnAmucK, on Rehlberg 9. Towards the end of Uarch 1939, I was called to the Gestapo at OSNAECU0K. EriminalRatrIAElaRST Asked me, if I wanted to become a free parson again manning without police observation . under certain conditions ? I accepted. Shortly after, I was ordered to report to ttA131/1411:STELLE't (AST) Munster in West� fel*, getting in contact there with Captain KAYSER and let Lt. 3C07.griards. e r Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 C06394727 Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 C06394727 - ' is I reedited ardente floo to Holland An a Garman deserter and to try to got in C fl- tact with the French 2nd Bureau. Towarde the and of tiny 1939 I eetnblieLed cnntact with* n, Ca' ' na TWAT, French Military Attache at THE 1/1111:. b. Capitains FONTA44 Chief of the French 2nd Bureau for Holland. I have given my Correct mere to FOTAS, those of the Foreign Legion, With my genuine nate ciKaTgANN. FONTES gave ma a Danish passport with the name of Roger, Ole CLASS- born 11 December 1904 in PADBERG, as wallas papers as traveling ea �Oman of a Rolland Import and Export Firm. (Firm Eandam in AME- 'TERUO). I receiVedarders to proceed On observation trips to Germany and ob- tain certain infOrmationi a. On all the Military units in the big German cities, primarily HAUBURG, North and North East Germany, etc.... b. to get all particulars about heavy armor, strength, armament, etc... 0. Shipetraffic in HAMM, STETTrN, XCMN1GSBMG, DANZIG, B11941211 LUBrCK, all_butZFA. d. Freighttrain movements, mainly transport of heavy armor from East to West. e. Flak positions. f. All other military information. Above orders I carried out from beginning of Juno 1939 until beginning of 7-arch 1940. In HAMBURG, I had my steady residence on Oborbeckstr. AS aaa, but also traveled in Germany under the names of CORDES and NASS with German papers, which I reeeived from FOL'TES, (French 2nd Bureau, Hollaria7 Al]. results of ma Observation trips, I had to present in BF2LIN. There, the results 'were totally or partially released for publication and diatribution. During All this time I have gotten acquainted with Admiral CAVAHIS in MUENSTER. At the beginning of larch 1940, FONTES offered me a better position. I WAS given ;Kea papers with the name of Rudolf CHURER and sent to LILLE (By way of Selland* Belgium), in order to take -a course in Radio operating. The papers in the name of CHIMER:were false and for that reason FONTES had notified the Holland border Felice in MOSENDAAL not to give me any difficulties. The course took Plate At the Rotel.Terminue and lasted four weeks. After termination of the course I returned to HAMM via Holland and arrived there with a transmission set on Or about 1540 April 1940, I transmitted from a farm in DUXTEHUDE under Su- pervision of APT HAW= (Captain GIST). Transmission traffic could not star- ted before 6.q May 19401 up to 17 May 940 only two or three messages were 02..� changed, then we had no more SuCCeSS. At the beginning of June transmission traffic ' J F Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 C06394727 Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 C06394727 was terminated. On 18.jehe 1940 I wad aeeignod together with Captain GIMES to AT PARIS; I tarried the netle sum. In PARISiat AST Dept. IU C 2 my nein job wan the aearth for an even- tual eValUatitin of arpament dossiers recovered at the French Ministry of War Production. I watt also to recruit and instruct French collaborators (known to Us as Vten). I succeeded in contacting several V-men and plated them into various French 04 Channels.. There were only a few groups left over of the former French 2nd Bureau, who were engaged in aping activities, liALMOST ALL OF FRANCE COLLABORATED VilTH THE GERMANS, EVERY DAY rE RITEIVED SEVERAL HUNDREDS OF ANONYMOUS LETTERS, CONTAINING FOR US IMPORTANT STATEMENTS AND DENUNCIATIONS. THOSE LETTERS WERE EvALumu OFTEN CONTAINED VALUABLE INFORMATIONW Towards the end of 1940 I was carried officially by my right name ON,IISTAANN and received, - an account Of a peroonel r000mmandation of Admiral OANARIS the rank of "Sonderfuhrer" (a) Lieutenant* .In correspondence I was always called either "Sonderfuhrer ARNO" or C.V. 564. During October 1941, Major GISKEE was nominated chief of AST Holland, rapt. III F. I put in for my transfer there, mainly because I had gotten engaged with a French girl (my present Wife), and we could not get married in France. In AMSTERDAM/ Holland, was a German courthouse where we married on 25 February 1942. I get my transfer to III F. Hollands as "Sonderfuhrer" (z) and was given the mis- sion to re-organize the entire staff of the, since the German Counter Intel- ligence activity was very much disorganized* I dim sod the greater p of the old IT-men, got myself new ones and also taught them 'myself. The ob wans to get our 114non into the newly activated HollanC resistance ents. Since the V-men did not succeed in getting precise reports on size adactivities of the Resistance movements, I decided, be got in contact with them MYSelf. was introduced to Holland circles by one of my V-men as a fugitive Frenchman, net up with the Hollander RIDEERHOF of gUnOto I was hidden 4y a Holland faitily for three (3) to four (4) weeks and one day was intro- ducedto a "Chef" of the Holland resistance movement. This men was the,formeryoliao Commissioner of ROOSENDAAL by name of VAN _DEN BROI alias GOO= or GOUDSMIT. When he saw mes he immediately recognized me as an Agent of the French 2nd Bureaus because it was hes who in March and April 1940, checked and took care of my papers on the Oolgium-Holland border, when I carried the name CHURER. So he had the proof that I was ',genuine, and he then asked me, to help him build up his sabotage organization. This day I succeeded in getting eight (8) to ten (10) of py V-men into this organization. (1.4 f7,-) 7 x4r) t7t tls.3 ?IT) L !; Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 C06394727 . . ' Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 006394727 I, ,p. . , Hy the end of 1941, after all of my Agents had been placed in the Holland Reeistance Movement, VAN .D.FX_BEFA gave Me false Holland papers, in order to he able to return to Franco, oohing me to emuggie five (5) Holland Officers with ma to PARIS. There, I nhould deliver there At a certain address for continua- tion of their journey to Spain. One of theme naval officere by name of DONC411 hes been arrested on the way, through his own fault, by the OFP (Secret Field. Polied) in RETHXL. The other four officers were delivered safely in PhRI". After that I returned. to Holland and directed my men, keeping myself out of sight. About the end of &Amery 1942, we finally wore ell set to arrant ell the aGeneineo Hollanders. The resiotance movement which wan called INORDraft from then =omen now in our hands entirely. ,The ',NORDPOLft lasted exactly two years, up to the and of February 1944. Wring this ti mo we received. fort (40) transmission sets from LONDON, of which always twenty-two (22) were kept in operation, 7:e alsorteeived'flfteen hundred (1500) tone of armamonta and sabotage materiel which were parachuted to us on numerous marked places which constantly changed. their positiona. :More than eighty (CO Aponte parachuted down to us. Vest of them were captured by our own. soldiers. Part of them continued to work for us under our supervision and Some others paratroopers were sent to inspect our organisation and were than supposed to return to =DON to submit reports. For this purpose, a transport line from Holland through Belgium to France WRO established. and LONDON created various connections between the Belgian and French Resistance. A part of the agents returned to LONDON through this means of transportation and I can (still rem-sr:bar the following names* about J e0JulY 1943. "NOL" nAKKEM flFRANSTI "APOLLO" litrarrusfi about November4seamber 1943. Another part of the agents was unable to return to LONDON either because they worked torus or because they were captured; for that reason they were replaced by my Viva and these were arrested in France. as soon as they got into the hands of the French ftTrenspertlineett. In order to prove the mod functionningr of the nines about twenty-five (25) to thirty (30) American pilots were returned to LONDON out of Holland and Belgium. On the Englieh side the supervision of the parachute throwings and the radio connunicatione were under the Da.itiet Lt. Cole-. nel BLUNT whose assistant was the Holland Captain MM. The work was no tremen- dous and 6uolum0Ln bdeere so powerful that the main work was divided up as follower: ToP-eupervisionr Lt. Colonel 9ISKES. alias Dr. OFAMANN,� alias Dr. OERHARD. Evaluation of documents and reporting be BERLINt Captain WM. Preparations for parachute receiving places and supervision of the ground comnendo4 Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 006394727 Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 006394727 P .kajOir Ks_Wrpli, alias AM b. CA ,ptsin RECM11. Sondarfuhror gup alias RAW In special Cases do Sonderfuhrer UN alias 5df Ala.� aline 1.,1(:H IT alias OWLET. Also the N.C.0.1a and ".:!. of the Department III P. Supervision of an radio communicational Sonderfuhrer NUNT,VANN and Itia staff. Supervision of the Transportlinesi Sonderfuhrer cHHISTHANN and his aides 'daimon o f cern In matters "NORDPOL" to Belgium and Prance. a. Sonderfuhrer (Sechmeister) auvis alias Cx__DI.,_HOOg for Holland' Brabant and BA7177 . b. Sonderfuhrer (K) MISTUANN for France. All English Agents of NORDPOL have been interned in the Priest :;eminary of HAARSN, Holland. They had all the privileges, yet they were strongly guarded and were kept isolated. About the end of november 1943, two agents succeeded to escape. in Order to make their get�away itapossible, press, radio and film all over Holland was notified on the pretenee that the two fugitives were two well known murderers. In spite of all these preeautions, they succeeded in reaching Switzerland end alarmed LONDON. At the end of January 1944 one by one of the eozmunieations and transmissions were broker up by LONDON and at the and of February 1944 we broke up the lest two contacts ourselves. At the and of October 1943, HAPD_LLOn was moved to LYON and we received a radio message for'co-worker ARNAUD!. This was my covername for LONDON. The ^adio message contained congratulations for my good activities and also the statement that I had receive a medal, This, I should pick up after the war � in LONDON using my number lint', my name and sovername. After MORDPOLa was dissolved, our office was completely disorganized and was moved to MUSSELS; Holland retained a small detachment in DLIEBERG:14 (FAT 365). 1 returned to PARIS April 19/14 for the purpose of handing over the entire "NOWOL" files and documente. In MIS I got sick and returned to mussas on 2 septctber 1944. About try activity in PARIS between May 1944 Et nd augus t 1944 1 am ping to report separately because this activity was not in line of duty. When I arrived in BRUSSELS on 2 September 1944 the detachment was just brea� king up and we fled the morning of 3 September 1944 in direction of MAASTRICHT, 17: C 746) Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 006394727 � f� � Approved for Release: 2021/05/21. C06394727 / After having eatAblithed several eomnuniention cones, we eettled down IA .DARSDORF near SDNI; on 11 September 1944. I MEI sent to Holland on 12 Aptember 1944 in order to meot t mAn there who was eueposed to come to UA frlm the Allied front. This man's name WAO Christian LINDE4ANH from HOTTERDAU aline "Y110-K0Nr, alias "CC" who has been an agent of the British secret service since 1936. "CC" came to us Wsout April�Nay 1943 through contacts with V-men Frans '71= from AUSTERDAU. in Order to prove his authenticity, "CC" gave us a great Amount tf reports concerning Englith agents, active in the West. "CC" WAS a direct edbordinate of It, Colonel OISKES and book orders from him only. "CC" knew me well because I had met him several times in BRUSSELS during the absence of GISEE4e .-dISKES had left "CC" behind on 3 September 1944, in MUSSELS with the order-671a in touch with the Allied General Staff and to try to get back to Holland (Thru the frontline!). As secret cods for the German sentries served the following' "CC" seeks contacts with Doctor GERMAN in "Sondorstab 010.; - nrie- bergen." _ On the night of 15 September 1944, I received a telephone call from the let Parachute company in HERTOGENBORCH that a man with above mentioned code message had been captured by the sentriel. (I want to mention that the FAT 365 in DRIBBFAChli was ealled,Sonderstab OKW as a cavouflaged code name for telephone calls). The same night "CC" was brought to DREIBERGEN. The following is a report given to us by "CC": "In BRUSSELS, "CC" imediately got into contact with a British Captain BAKER who had his office in the Hotel Uetropole 4th floor. His office was ig;d I.S. 0-2 Section (or eimilar), Captsin BAKER brought "CC" to Allied Headquarters in ANTWERP� believed be be in Hotel Central. There, "CC" received orders to go through the front to EINDROM in order to notify the Philips electri- cal plant that the liberation can be expected in a few daya. From 16 Septerber 1944 all the Holland special troops were to be mobilized in order to prevent a destruction of- the Holland industry by the German troops. "CC" -then told me about the situation in BRUSSELS and AMER? and also that the past of ANTARP ums hardly destroyed. "CC" EURTHEAR REPORTED THAT HE SUCCEMED IN CETTIM AKERICAn AND ITISH OFFICERS It TALK OF A BIG AERIAL UNUNG, To TAKE PLACE ON THE 17TH T( 18TH SUMMER 1944. "CC" GAVE US THE EXACT POSITION OF ABOUT FouR HUN1RED (40)) HEAVY CANONS, THE AERIAL LANDING AS TO TAKE PLACE IN THE EINDHOVEN, N1HLG2N AND ARNHCH AREAS* IN CASE OF SUCCESS OF THIS LANDING, SEVERAL OTHER LANDIrOS HAVE BEEN PLANNED IN THE AMERSFOORT �STRAND AND ZUIDERSFA AREAS, WITH TA 00AL TO DRIVE A WILIETEDGE INTO THE MICAH FRONT, TO REACH.BREUEN. "CC" also precisely reported thich ones of the locks in the port of ANTWERP had to be destroyed, (Through nabotage) in order to make the port unuseful for the Allies. He further- more described to us the exact routes on which the Allies would mend their Agents into the German oecupied territory. on nil these reports 1 made up two (2)-summa- ries that same night. One report covered all general information and the second one covered the prospective aerial landings. The second report was alreldy in the (17/ ) Approved for Release: .2021/05/21 C06394727 , Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 006394727 hand* Oft a. The let Parachute Company the morning of 16 SepteMber 1944. b. A.O.K. XV 4 t. The staff of W.B.N. (General OHRMLANS7A) d. With special courrier to 1107 MALIN. The notified depart- ment did not know' and etre guessing if there was any truth to the prospective aerial landings and refused to send troops for center measures. Only the nuxi- nary troops* pollee, S.S. Scheel ARNHEIM, Holland militia and other troops were ordered to be ready. WITHOUT THE PRE:74=E OF Tim& TROOPS IN THE ABAHZIU AREA THE AERIAL LANDING ON 17 SEPTFIADER 1944 WOULD HA gE SUCCEEDED. On the 17th or leth Septeftber 1944 I took "CC With my car to EINDHOVEN and let him get off a Short dietande from town. At that same moment, about 1430 hours/ the attack on WINDBOVRN started. Without much difficulty I reached DRIED:ROMs In vain I waited for the return of �COn between lE September 1944 and the end of October 19446 Later t found that I was recognized by the Allied secret services and arrested, . During this time I was ordered to get several Holland V-mmen through the frontlines for the following purpose: A. to get precise plans on the destruction in the port of ANWERP. b. to find out all troop units and their e'rength. Host of these people were later on captured. _LAM& Dormer police afrandittioner in HILVERSUM, LOOLAAN. Has been in ANIWWtwice and returned successfully. 2. ROWENDAkL Harrym alias =GUNN alias Vp,DEN BFAG. Has been in ANTWERP once, Tawaltsuctesstaky. Both men received for that a medal of merit. 3. FranaLNtsus from AUSTFADAU was arrested on his first trip, 4. DAUM from DEUHAAG, alias 5RCGSE, did not return end of Septebber and prolEaly did not get captured. 5. BAWNW, city official, MIST-ADA/4 captured. 6. Alias "TESENBINDETI no report if captured. 00"." - 6 in) (-1 1 Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 006394727 Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 006394727 On account of reports from +Tett= And liOnliDAA4, the "OCHANSKIWJFAZfi, - later employed in the ANTWFEP Port Area And destroyed the leeks there. About the middle Of October 1944 I received the order to take over the proteetien of the V4 bases. For this purpose I was in direct contect with the special Staff Bertha in De Biltzoiat which was working with the V-21e excluoi- vely, My mission was secret and except the chief of the AFT 365, Major ;EU- SAIWTZR, nobody of the detachment knew about that, _ I had sone mission to recruit more Dutchmen with the aseiatance of my 'Holland Vefteh, and give theta assignment to turn in reports on the V-2 bases. We made them believed that they are working for the Allies. The results of these observatione were extremely good end wore immedie- telly reported to the chief of "Special Staff Bertha". So the loopholes could be filled Out properly. After about two and ahalf month, (the beginning of J ^enSary) the fiCounfir Intelligence Nett, against the V4's marked so perfectly that I.coulo turn over the supervision to one of my co-workers. Up to the end of march 1945 I remeinmi in Holland, only doing administrative and clerical deltas. About 213:11aren 1945, I received orders from PAK 306 (Major FLLTNANN) to atert_a wenrceir Organisation in Holland. For this purpose several men were assigned tome, French pen and Dutch who had already received special training in VIENNA. I refused to accept this mission becauee I recognised the uselessness of such an undertaking, risking the lives of those people so ahortly before the end. At that time, the chief of FAT 365 was Captain Bt..-1,121, of BR7SLAll, an old fanatic Nazi vita whom I get Along very badly. He reported gy refuse,, of orders to the FAK 306, BRE= and sent re to BIL1.W for punishment on3 or'4'April 1945. On route I fled and got to HAMBURG as a French civilian whet*, the Dritiah took At into custody on 3 Ilay 1945. AdditionakinfOrmation on several personalities known to CHR1STMANN. KATUNBILENDOGEN, alias Dr. augE, alias Dr. tile, alias Dr. DDGEN Czech-Jew from PRAGUE (Cseckoslov-iij-lho married several times. Lived for - several years, in the United States where he practised medicine and claimed to be a nerve a ecialiet. His daughter born in 1922-1923 was an agent for the S.D. in PRAGUE. She was sent on a mission to France about tho beginning of 1940. Arrested in MARSEILLE*Oho unveiled her accomplices and the nature of her aftiatle. She Ile liberated by the advance of the German troops ard beets!, appear before the ter Council in PRAGUE. KATtENELLENBOGEN was detained by the French about the beginning of 1940, following the arrest of his daughter. He was detailed as a doctor for a camp of political deportees, Liberated by the French in June 1940 he continued his former assignment for the French 2nd Bureau in the Southern pert of . France. He then worked for a branch of the 2nd Bureau in CHATSAURCUX and mana- ged to be hired as an agent for the III Ru. I.N. of BOUTTe4e. Arriving in PARIS in Eby 1941, he was arrested by the end of June 1941 by the n.w.r. 603. He Confessed all the information which he know about the 2nd Bureau. He was released* little while later end then served the III Wi of Abwohr, working at the sane tiro for the S.D., the III Wi not being notified of it. � �.", 0 V: PI r � . Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 006394727- � � Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 006394727 He then, established a German buying office and undertook numerous speculations. Accused of several violations he was arrested again about the end of 1943 and deported to Germany es a Jaw. At this tire he claimed American Citisinahip and Wee granted a preferred trestement. He was named Doctor of camp fOr deportees in Germany and at the samr tine served as a stoolpigeon for the Gestapo. . It appears that KATZEITIMR9C121 has been set free by Allied troops and Succeeded to Obtain a good job in an American service. OTBERFILEHRDGEU was noted every where as a subject thoroughly pro- Soviet, despite AUmerous checks and surveillances they never succeeded in confounding hit-self. Baronne de 11710MS, Dutch national, about 46 or 50 years old with a daughter about 22 years old, is a resident of Holland. These tro /omen were tied in with o'SSYSS IN3UARTTI, also were possibly the mist:essee of ''SSTSB)RCCAll It is certain that Mr. PEKEHNA, the mother worked for the Service' of the REICHSKOUXISSAR in Holland after having made several offers to Colonel HAUSWALDT, then chief of Abwehr in Holland. These offers ware rejected as they feared that Urs. FUSNHA spoke about her work with AgS4INQUART and this wouldn't have been desirable for Abwehr. About the nonth of Ltay1.942 the Abwehr found a secret correspondence which indi- cated that 5SSZUART mould said PSKENHA to Switzerland to meet her husband, the Baron PXIHAJ mho at that ame.found himself in England and who was supposed to oars to Switserlane under the pretext of receiving T.B. treatments* Baron PENA was supposed be give his wife political and mili- tary information 0 great importance. The abwehr judged this voyage to Switzerland too dangerous. � a. ea member of the Dutch Resistance had knowledge of this voyageo- . b. becauee mrs. Pnglina could have had knowledge of the !MIMI, affair which had already been announced as the largest success of the German Counter gepionnage F). It is for the above mentioned reasons that the voyage wasmtopped by Abwehr end that the Baronne PSKFX0A and her daughber were forced to elect a residence in B4USSXI.S. where Cneylived in the Metropole Hotel, � In MSS= they carried on relatione with the services of the S.D. at Aveoue Louise. Wends MOD% wife of CUM% born about 1919-1920 near PARIS of Czech parenta. BLROVA was arrested in April 1941 by the French who accused her having harbored a German deserter. She furnished us, against air promise to set her at liberty, the list and pictures of all agents of her Dormer lover, P. SIOISUGHD. SECR-T �7.. Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 006394727 , Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 C06394727 SECHE During the months i5f May end Jane 1941 elhe inrked ea an agent for the Ab- wohr, III C2 of PARIS denouncing a group from WILLY which was printing illegal passports end certificates, She also furnished the addredoes of the PARIS residences and the country home Of =MONA, *deb permited the Gerrens to setae important doeurents, revealing all aspionnage activities of the SIpISVONTs Croup. ABM July 19410 BEVOVA, seeret1y married the eon of the HAITI Gonna to LE HAVRE named faIl_rt who was than chancellor to the Consmlate of HAITI in PARIS. The corm: pURAND. the_father0 was agent for the German EMbaelay but WO8 WOrking et the tdMe tire in the interests of the USER; and the fact was discovered,' The R.U2/..Q &slily left PARIS for mrw YORK, vih Spin. After having contacted in NE i YORK the services of SICISTOND, the GURANp fami1y returned to HAITI where the 61421Alahad since died* Frantiseek SIGISJOND, ex-minister of Czechoslovakia in 1938, took refuge in France after the annexion.� Created in France several industrial firms, the anal important of Which waotatabliehed in HEMS (Uievre) manufacturing gas protecting textile hoods. His commercial activity was only a cover. In reality, SIGISVOND was head of an important group of Czechs working for the inte- rest of !,Service de Renseignemente of the USRR. His Agents, one of thro his brothers made numerous trips to the Balkan countries, especially Greece, between 1938 and 1940. SIGISUOND played a double role. After the occupation of France, the various 47;;Taire Of SI .ON were aearched by our cervices. Some decumente which were found ehoeed that SIGISMOND and his group worked at the same time for the USRR and French 2nd Bureau. The payment received by the French 2nd Bureau for his activity and the services rendered added up to more than 2.000.000 francs. In June 1940, SIGISMOND fled as well as �lithe members of his group. A little while later we found him in NEW YORE where he was pursuing hie work for the nServiee de Renseignemente of USRR. Before leaving PARIS, SIGISMOND had a mistress whom he had set up in a superb appart- ment at 1 Avenue Paul Doumer, PARIS, 166. The girl was of Czech nationality named Mande BEt01A daughter of Up. 220 manager of the Cintra Opera Bar. Pierre .(ARTY,- ;thief of the Automobile Serviced of the Sultan of Morocco, living at RABAT, in the interior of the Palate. Re accompanied the Sultan in all his trips and he was one of the Sultans' friends. In 1937, he had as his mistress oAndree GILLErn born November 30, 1911 at mum IA CHSVRK. She � was a mathematics professor at the Pigier School Of CASABLANCA and later director of the labor feminin office in RABAT. arlwes an influential neater of the civilian section of the 2nd Bureau'. Hems charged with reporting all the 2Private trips,' of the Satan and the activities and rumers of the people inside the palace. Ayproved�for Release: 2021/05/21. C06394727 . � � Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 C06394727 C Harry yr:74, 8. Freiherr/ moldier with the Foreien Legion for five (5) yearn in 14256 Ass gned to the 1st Foreign Regiment of Cavalry in (Tuaisie). Discharged in 1930 us psalm' of the Legions living in rUNIa *here be tarried a Russian profeasor of piano. Between the period 1930 to 1941 his activities were unknown to no. In 1940-1941 until the departure of German troop' he vas found working in Tunisia for the count of the AO. weir, Group II under the orders of Vajor 'Amoy, later on Lt. Colonel in 19444945, at FiA�t� 3076 VOR_STLFP4V$ found himaelf at the time of the German retreat as s lifoldwebeln of Group II in the LILLE Area, Is ie be- lieved that he was mimed at the end of 1944 as one of the moribers in the famous jadkonmando load IT ,siouznya, I had been detained at FRESNES Prison nine� 25 Uay 19461 when I met (on 2 duly 1946) s tan by the nane of pou_sap in the hall of the prison, Since Iskileith0 WA, accused of having worked for the Abwehr. I am attemp. ting to relate the following facts as precisely as possible, la gy relations with ADOCHISAID (who knew me under the name of Jr. pumArr) 'ere only those of friendship. The fact that my wife and �mall daughter were guest* at gra, paatt home several times is proof of our friendship' I never mixed work relations with thoae of peraonal life. 24 I knew SAID since Jane 1940, At that tima, I vas engaged in a secret inquiry.on a Naval Captain by the name of GRAM' who had astat. bliShed his office at the Hotel Rovarro, the hotel traivnanaced at that time by MU SAID. It was hero that .I firat mat hits . , 3. Unaware, it leant till the end of 1943, that I was a meMber of the Secret Service, SAID never gave me the least information, either poli- tical or military. Afterward our routings became quite frequent, 3/110 procured.liquors for at from his cellar at reasonable prince. 4. Vbile I was stationed in PARIS, from Altie 1940 till the end of September 1941i I intervened tany times in favor of SAID who, during this time tWas on bad torts with the Germen naval services stationed at Hotel Roverro, It was proved that the Insurance Compaey which owned the Rovarro Hotel had bribed several German officerei especially the naval Captain OURS, to obtain the arrest of SAID as anti-German Subject. Thanks to my intervention and that of C.F.P. 607 tCommiesioner LEW, I was able to have SAID from on arrest which I thought was unmerited. The insurance company obtained, with the help of tha nKriegamarinett services, the mere diamiesal aim., at that time manager of the Hotel Rovarro, and the eelaure of his properties in the Hotel: If. SAID has been a collaboratori you can tell imagine that it would have been easy forme to have him liberated eventhof he had had previous trouble 4th the aortic� of the "Kriegemarinen, This in especially true if the question of liberation had been up to the Insurance Company (whose name I have forgotten) 5. At the end of September 1941, I left PAM2 to join the nervieo III F in Holland. Before my departure, I 'me asked by my comrades to give them the napes of py agents And contact's in PARIS' When giving them thin information I also gave then numerous addresses of griends and contacts associated with food supplies and ether questions which had nothing to do with the service. Among the addresses " Pot a Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 C06394727, Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 C06394727 y rob . r ikgr � given was D 'who was able to furnish py friends with liquors and spirits. Being in PAt for a short tiro about the end of 1941 I was *eked by Captain AMER of III P. PARIS, to estab/ieh conteet between one of the men of Group II and, SAID. I agroged having previously warned SAID to refuse to have any activi � with the Carman &state of Info:elution. When introduced to the German represen- tative he acted in accordance with my advice. 64 At the beginning of 1942# during another trip to PARIS, I found out that the Croup II had intended to contact .C.AIS again concerning a special mission to North Africa. I than became very angry and requested, thnt, in the future. 22 should not be bothered further. I wanted to avoid, by all means, Xing parsons]. sod service relations. At that time, SAID had eepressed the desire to visit hia aged, mother in Algeria. I maeira, but not without difficulty to obtain his nteleser.0passere, belieging that the main purees, of thletrip was purely connemeill. theteiddis of 1944 during.another trip to PARIS, 1mas toll that Lavial-back,flei Algeria: For .purposes of enhancing his prestige, . It. KLINGNIEURZ, alias "the Baker*, alias "PATZEe of Group II* had announced that SAID would bring hack interesting information from his trip. On deman- ding seem of the report from Captain gmEgA immediate chief of .KLINGmum, report supposedly furnished by SAID I Iiiihed of ELINGENTtnIs deceit. KLINCFNEAM, stated that, not only had SAID not promiesd any report � or given any Information; in feet, thej*OUR-fUrnithed by him concerning SAIDSonspacities and opinions had bien7done without the latter 'a approval. Mina has been made prisoner in kity 2945, near UTRECHT). I was stung by the merrier personal,riletions, which etre copplete4 cotside.the-setvic4.1ere abused, and �mansged,to obtain from colonel RUDoUR � Chief of the aboahr of PARIS, the punishment of KLIgGENBURG. 7. At Use Oda 1943$ �#11, told -mwthet 'he cads the acquaintance of a .esitaintolonolliagg, supposedly s Gestapo chief. I then advised him to � *stabile firendWriIatibut,with BPJB (without revealing to AD, DFST4Mle nag:An-the Costio01-as.that san cO14 be of some help in case VM-Insurance company anlawsuit against �Wrould try to bother him again, either directly or by the intermediary of the services of the Kriegamarine. , - - 2 an tbselntelytertain'SAID never worked for the Ahrehr or the Gestapo andithialfetthe falomingreasonse � 1.e.-liyAntereestaion at the.Abeehr against the Group II clearly deo, manstrated that:SAID was not amen to ahem a a:lesion of any tort could he / confided. b. SAID weuldnit have failed to let re know and consult me if he had over oortgamTer the Gestapo. SECRET 7' � Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 C06394727 , � �Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 C06394727 t. Besides, I cannot see iA at. way SAID could have been of on) . use to an information service because of his ago and opinions, 741:ch wore clearly pro-French and known to everyone. The above montioned statements are Um) essential facts of the AV J .A1,7,! ease; if 1 remember any new details, Itd he willing to give you a mipplemantary Stetcrent. Dr. jOKANOVICHt Authority on kidney troubles. Residence, 3 me Cansini, PA-11S. Me is an agent for some foreign power for whom is not clear. Captain CAVAILHE prisoner at FRESIM uns very active agent for Abwehr. Wes supposedly to be contacted by some U.:3. Agent. This was prevented by SCOISSAR1 the only French official through Who.m perrdssion could be cotton. Reason: CAVAILHE has contacts to a German Uajor FUCHS mho - in turn - is 'In touch wid-771511 who is in Germony. Some of the inforration which cores from this source: 1. SKORZEUTis in.P.RI:; and rking for 2. A man by the name of ITIELAITD alias 7AI, alias wItily good friend and former egsociato of CHRLSTMANH is supposedly rking for U.S. in PARIS, 3. DOFXANN has issued orders to all German aoenta in France to cooperate to the 17= With U.S. authorities but not with the French. Colonel 1101,--IANZUT, high ranking French official at present. The near Agent of Abwihr and SI, LONDON knew that he was giving information to Ger- mans but never realized that he gave very important news in exchange for thoroughly censored information from the Germans. The French, who know the prisoners pro-American, anti-French sentiments, are dressing up Frenchmen in US uniforms and try to get the prisoner to talk that way. This CWRISTMAHN can substantiate-by the following fact. Joultpui gave CHRISTUAHN the address of the CIC and CID at NEUIIIX 30 that CHRISTMAN and his wife could get in touch with us. Mrs CIMISTIIAM went there and found. out they had moved to a new address: 121 rue de Grenelle at ST UMW. Thief' address turned out to be the DRCE (Direction Renseignements Centre Espionnage) which is now located CHATEAU DE VINCENUES. -13- Approved for Release: 2021/05/21 C06394727