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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
December 8, 2021
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Publication Date: 
July 8, 2010
PDF icon F-2010-01463 INITIAL REQU[16011721].pdf427.94 KB
Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 26 / 6 Central Intelligence Agency Information and Privacy Coordiator Washington, D.C. 20505 3 June, 2010 This letter is to inform you that I believe that I have been placed under surveillance by unknown agencies and that an act of criminal intimidation toward me has occurred. I have previously made a Freedom-of-Information Act request of CIA for any information held about me � see reference F-2009-01031, dated 14 May, 2009. The response at the time of my request was that any information held about me could neither be confirmed nor denied. While I appreciate the security concerns behind that exemption, I am currently in a position where I must validate my integrity and authenticity to the Government and possibly other foreign security agencies. I would prefer to avoid the expense and annoyance of moving through the U.S. law courts in order to obtain information held about me by CIA, but I have been forced into a situation where I have no alternative, I have reason to believe that I have also undergone a clandestine interview and surveillance by American security agencies. I would be pleased if CIA could provide me with any and all information held about me. Alternatively, a clear statement that no information is held about me by CIA would also be acceptable. Otherwise I will seek this information through the appropriate U.S. legal framework. Please see the enclosed letters and 'chronology' for evidence of my recent correspondence to agencies. I have also enclosed a copy of my current gas bill for proof of residency, as well as a copy of my birth certificate and current travel document. Please destroy the enclosed letters and documents or return them to me with your response. You may use the mailing address as shown below. Kevin Smith (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 (b)(6 Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 ---------------------- �Chrono[ogy. of event �he ts ar.e.cc�ratE:b he dates al of.rny.recoilec:tJon) (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 (b)(6) Approved for Release. 2021/12/07 C05556720 Approved for Release 2021/12/07 C05556720 (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 Approved for Release 2021/12/07 C05556720 (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 Approved for Release 2021/12/07 C05556720 (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 Approved for Release 2021/12/07 C05556720 (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 . Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720 Con (b)(6) 4.'Cot CC) '^`) Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05556720,'