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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
May 14, 2021
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
December 23, 1960
Approved for Release: 2019/04/23 C06766022 EE CLASSIFICATION - DISPATCH .1i,.. ..,IGN SYMBOL MVO ND. - .. EGOA -12799 TO INFO Chief of Station, HEADQUARTERS FILE NO. 201- - EE, MLB, BOB FROM Chief of Station, Germamy DATE 23 December 1960 SUBJECT � ALLIKAK/UPHILL Transmittal of Intercepts on Max MERTEN RE: "43.3- -(CHECK "X" ONE) MARKED FOR INDEXING x NO INDEXING REQUIRED ACTION REQUIRED INDEXING CAN BE JUDGED BY QUALIFIED HQ. DESK ONLY REFERENCE(S) ' 1. US by Berlin request. 1960. mail coverage coverage only. 2. they are rseneLtb.originals Transmitted herewith are copies of telephone intercepts passed to . Base on Max MORTEN. This coverage was initiated at UPHILL The enclosed intercepts cover the period 1 November - 7 December For a short time, when the coverage was first put on, BOB received as well. The mail coverage was cancelled (only telephone had been requested) and we are now receiving telephone intercepts We are forwarding such mail coverage as we received. The procedure for forwarding the intercepts on LEN is as follows: sent to COS, Frankfurt by BOB and scanned here. We make copies, to MLB for passage to UPHILL, and send the copies to COS, We will forward copies of all future coverage to you as it is received. 3. MLB: We are not sending you the coverage discussed in paragraph 1 above, since you have already received arme directly from BOB and through the CALLIKAK channel. Copies of all future coverage will be sent to you. _ Approved: Attachment: 1 pn3y h/w Distr ' 2- � w/att EE w o att 2 - MLB w/o att 2 - BOB w/o att � / V' '''.31Z2r5k. MI; 53b USE PREVIOUS EDITIOM. REPLACES FOAMS . CLASSIFICATION PAGE NO SI.28. 51.28A AND 51.211. (CM WHICH ARE OBSOLFTE. l. A I. 'E . CONTINUED 1 HQ COPY HQ COPY �1� Approved for Release: 2019/04/23 C06766022