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Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 6ECRET 13 January 2012 E ORANDU FOR: FROM: SUBJECT: CIA Declassification Center W�T Report 5-11 January 2012 REFERENCE: (U \N. hcrc hc s (IU (U/ co III lighi is week �Ne \N. cicomc cd is (he CDC IMO Welcome back fll ves -tunitv? bac 0 prografli as a cont recently cured from S An intclhgerice report from 1948 found in NCS records details the public altitude in Hungary Mward Accordin o ale report "Hungarians are \\Ailing see� whether the. Western Powers, especially the US..will prevedive ��ar igainst the USSR by 1949 or 1950. If such i war is foul, the Hungarians �N. ill oust the Communisis Approved for for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 ERt and establish a democracy. I o v 's ought bv 1950. c Hui accommodate themselves to life uiti orbit of Russ fluence." from (he estern Po1Ners Id (U/AR In 1956 the Hungarian i-communist and anti-Soviet MOVCITICIil \N. as crushed bv Soviet forces s not until 11 Hungary held its first mulli-partv elections. Hungary joined NATO in 1999 and the European Union years ( T 's contrib io cot 5 o CO2 2036 ich s rele scd in part. 2 12 0 cti) a s (U/JAIL ) The status of production against the "neii FY 2 12 s d5 of 7 2012 is presented in the "Thermometer Chart" beloii. This chart includes CV 2011/2012 deadline mat id other cr deadline material. (U/ Note that (his chart presents "Pages RCOC \Ned (his Fiscal Year" and displays some kcv product lines. Thus counts in (his chart reflect material that has completed (he re ie process this FY (i.e.. "certified" or equivalent). It does not reflect pages (hal have completed the full production process (i.e.. been "delivered") but reflects progress against the Executive Order requirements. The chart below is organized bv key goals i.e.. oVerall total review/release; automated re le (our highest value on-line redacted product); and Presidential Libraries; and Manual Review 1Nhcfficr irwolving AARC documents or NDC documents. (Note (hal OVcrall Total subsumes Automated and Manual, and Automated subsumes the Presidential Library product. Because (he OVcrall Total includes SPREE \N. hiCh is not displayed. (he OVcrall Total is not the simple sum of the three sub-categories to its right on the chart) Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 S Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 (17/A ITO) Progress Towards the 31 Dec 2012 Deadline (UPAIU ) The thermometer chart below provides a measure of completeness against the CIA records that must be reviewed by 31 December 2012. These records include hardcopy CIA records dated 197, special media dated thin 1982 and external referrals due in 2012. Thc referrals reflect certification of CIA Archive material or Presidential Libraries (via the RAC Program). (Referrals for CIA at National Declassification Center�NDC--are excluded due to the NDC procedures. NDC now controls the review deadlines at NARA per the ED but has not yet formally established these deadlines for NARA material). Based on current information, if the records included below are not reviewed prior to 31 December 2012, they are at risk for automatic declassification. In this case, the thermometer goes through 31 December 2012. The first chart reflects data current through 7 Jan and includes CV 2012 deadline material processed in the current kind prior FYs. The second chart reflects data current through 7 Jan kind excludes 2012 deadline material completed prior to FY 2012. (J. (U/ii+t7t1"1 The first three thermometers measure progress against certification for material being processed manually for accession to NARA or exemption) and via automated system (for delivery on CREST at NARA or via the RAC Program to the Presidential Libraries). The fourth thermometer measures overall progress (manual E. automated). As in other "Thermo" charts, the targets are above the thermometer; the current pages processed to date is provided below the thermometer the iglu of the thermometer represents pages processed to date graphically; and at the right are tick marks that divide the target into equal weekly sub-targets. The hori/ontal line ("slider) indicates the number of pages that should be completed by the current \yea( of the FY assuming a linear production rate. Above the slider is good; below indicates more ivork to be done. (U/ You ma notice that the target numbers at the top of the thermometers may change from week to week. This is due in general to the targets being estimates that are refined during the year as detailed review progresses. For example, page count estimates can change since microfilm estimates are often difficult to make prior to detailed review. This can add or subtract from the original target estimates. In another situation, certain records that are initially assigned to the automated category undergo a pre-review ("triage") and may be moved from the automated to the manual category. Last, but not least, some pages can drop out of the 2012 due date counts completely, once the records get processed and the final determination deems they are due in a year other than 2012. (Note that unprocessed records are assigned automatic declassification dates based on data in the SMART2 retired records database and related databases in the NCS.) (U//Al U0 SECRET Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 �,-.1 SECRET Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 3ECRET (U) Of General Interest (U//A4440)-DRRB Weekly Activities (IV/A-Wet DRRB Weekly Activities (U/Aftfir Certifiers and Reviewers are comments for the week are noted below focused on 2012 review and certification activities. Team-specific activities or (UHAIU0) DCIA/DS&T/DS Team (U//r The teams continue to review and certify documents due in CY 2012. Most of the documents certified by the DCIA team this week dealt with legislative matters and high-level meetings between the DCI and the Secretaries of State and Defense. (MAIM MACS Team (U//t3- The team is working on the review and certification of 2012 and later material, and the product generation (PRODGEN) of documents previously certified. DI material reviewed for release this week consisted primarily of Intelligence Assessments, Weekly Summaries, IEEW serials, and research papers from the 1980s, dealing with the Middle East, the Soviet Union, China, and Latin America. NCS material reviewed consisted of 2012 and later documents and the DIF re-review of 2012 due date material. In addition, reviewers and certifiers continued the manual review of finished intelligence, triage of NCS AARC documents, and the electronic triage of both DI and NCS documents on the FLIRTS system. The team continues its work on the manual SPREE of DI and NCS material. (U/h4+1+0) Presidential Libraries (RAC) Team (U/AaffirX3)� The RAC team is engaged with the review, certification, reconciliation (RECON), and product generation (PRODGEN) of documents from the Presidential Libraries and the Henry Kissinger Library of Congress (LOC) collection. Certifiers are reviewing RAC documents referred to CIA by other government agencies on STAIRS. This week, NSC memos from the Reagan Library were reviewed for release. (U/rAnt*-Guidance/Quality Assurance (Ulf-M.1444 researched the Angolan Covert action. This research will be used as the basis for him to create a SECRET Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 draft guidance guidance for Angolan Covert action. (U/ finished the analysis of November 2011 PROD GEN failure rates and began the analysis of December 2011 PROD GEN failure rates. He also is continuing to analyze how he can include the OGA STAIRS failure data in the quarterly PROD GEN report (UHAIU0) National Declassification Center (NDC) Operations 02-06 January 2012 (U//*14:4434 The technician team supported NARA's ADRRES database, entering data and completing box preparation. The reviewing team completed ages in one project at Level I. Certification consisted of a es in one project (this, of course, reflects projects completed this week only). The release rate was bercent, of which ercent came from Release-in-Part records and F�Percent came from Release-in-Full records. (U/Mrietej Team members working on NDC Evaluation Teams (ETs) reviewed on a sampling basis 30 HMS series Entries and judged that Entries could by-pass Quality Assurance (QA). One Entry (two FRC boxes) was sent to QART for additional review. In conducting their ET work, team members personally examined 17 FRC boxes. Of the FRC boxes, three were reviewed at (Ullitf+434 Team members working on the NDC Kyl-Lott valuation Teams completed review of Iollinger boxes, adding tabs for missed CIA equity to documents totalling pages. (U//-Team members working on the REAP (Remote Equity Assessment Program) reviewed for missed CIA equities to documents totallingF�ipages. (U/TAM44)...Externa1 Referral and Liaison Team (U/kei.W444- Referral Operations U/44140,- For the week ending 6 January 2012, there were neferrals pages) returned from OGAs. ER&L account managers completed referr and forwarded them out of ER&L for final processing. ent out to OGAs and processing for in AMDB (U/ Satellite Equity Review continues for the 2011 Carlisle collection of referrals to CIA. The third batch of 2011 referrals has been received by ER&L. As of 6 January 2012, level 1 has completed review of Level 2 has completed review of SEC have been certified. (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (h)c.1) (b)(3) (b)(3) (0)(6) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 (U/ ) OGA On-site Activity (UHAIU0) Note: The State of the Art Inter-Agency Referral System (STAIRS) is a stand-alone system that supports the review of presidential library documents by other government agency personnel. (U// UO) During the week of 6 January 2012, the following agencies conducted on-site reviews of library documents in STAIRS: DOS, OSD, DIA and CIA. (UHAIU ) STAIRS support continues to conduct QA/QC on presidential library material completed by OGAs in STAIRS. During the week of 6 January 2012, were reviewed with no documents failed for review errors. failed for referral errors, (I / with CIA equity). And were passed to the burn queue. (UHAIU0) As of 6 January 2012, 923 documents of NSA returned material was processed in STAIRS. (U//444444) MDR Activity (U11741+404- As of 6 January 2012, Presidential Libraries submitted 10 Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) request for 90 Documents These documents were processed and pouched to other government agencies for review and return to the libraries. (IJAIU0) Document Declassification Support System (DDSS) (ugniu ) This report covers the period of 5 January through 7 January 2012. (Uthk-14344 DDSS Data Conversion (UNAIU0) Conversion of CIA data to update CIA dispositions in DDSS on reviews it conducted of Army records continues. provided additional guidance to the team regarding automatic declassification dates. (SI/NF) DDSS System Security and Upgrades � (C//NT') attended a TEM hosted by GCS. Key attendees included C/Applications Hosting Engineering Branch and chief of the Infrastructure Software Branch's Oracle team. The purpose of the TEM was to discuss upgrading the DDSS servers from Oracle to resolve the final finding from the September 2011 CAT-B scans of the DDSS servers. GCS expects to upgrade DDSS to Oracle in about six weeks. The meeting also addressed the outstanding DDSS change request for AHEB to provide a new architecture for the DDSS systems and install a secure shell connection between the DDSS servers in the CIA data center and a workstation in CDC. A follow-on TEM to include the SECRET Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 appropriate ISSMs is scheduled for 20 January. I (b)(3) � (U/rAltte', was invited to and attended the Integrated Service Delivery (ISD) Management Review on 11 (b)(3) January, hosted by the Operations Division (OPS) of Global Communications Services' Customer Relations Group. OPS had contacted the DDSS team regarding the DDSS team's year old change request for AHEB to provide a new architecture for DDSS. A new GCS service delivery manager whom has been assigned to DDSS and appointed the Primary Project Officer for the ticket also attended this meeting and is now in coordination with � -(1SfitiNtej -eported to the Computer Incident Response Team a series of apparently coordinated user login attempts against DDSS that were concentrated over the weekend of 6-8 January 2012. (U//.1.14541r)DSS General � (U//,61-RoTt)1 continued the analysis of his draft mapping of agency names that are used in the National Declassification Center's ADRRES system and the Information Security Oversight Office's list of agencies that are able or ineligible to receive referrals (ISOO Notice 2010-02) against the DDSS Where to Send Referrals guide in preparation for an upcoming meeting with NDC and ISOO. � (U/hArl-teey Global Communications Services upgraded the DDSS test application server operating system from Solaris 9 to Solaris 10 overnight on 4 January. Following the upgrade, users were unable to access the system. worked with the GCS team on 5 January until system access was finally restored. (UM ) CDC Technology � (U/7 continued his involvement with the Content Analysis Program (CAP) and other technology initiatives, participated in several status meetings. � (U/h4+4Q4-At the request of C/CDC commenced an analysis of various ongoing efforts to make the CDC Handbook and related documents accessible to CADRE users. (U/hA4tf-0) CADRE Duplicate Detection, Resolution, and Reconciliation � (U//AIU ) Metrics for the period of 1 January through 7 January 2012 are included below as well as the cumulative metrics throughout the duration of DDR (25 June 2002 to the present). The percentage of duplicates discovered for the period is (U//41,414e) SECRET (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 (U/Ptttet Guidance Research/CAP/Action Items (U) No report this week. (U/h44440+ CDC Help Desk CECRET Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 (U/Mefttfn We welcomed to the program. (U) CDC Help Desk activity 2 Jan � 6 Jan 2012 ill be supporting the CDC Help Desk. (U/ � CWE Tip 0' the Week � are you familiar with your Quick Launch toolbar? This is a tool which makes it easier to access your favorite programs with just one click. Programs such as IE or FF, Word, and even CADRE can be placed on your Quick Launch bar. To activate it, just right-click on your Windows taskbar, scroll to the "toolbars" option, and check the "Quick Launch" option. Any shortcuts to programs you have on your desktop can be dragged and dropped onto the toolbar. The convenience of this is that if you have a lot of windows open covering your desktop and want to open something else, instead of minimizing all your work, you can just open it from the Quick Launch bar. See the CDC Help Desk for more details! � nstances of corrupted MS Access 2003 5P2 were reported and fixed this week. � CDC Help Desk opened zero 25Y and one CM CADRE-related ESMT tickets. No AIN tickets were needed. Zero STAIRS tickets were opened. No CWE profile resets were needed. One hardware issue for a bad video card was turned in. � CDC Help Desk submitted six AADS requests for CWE account renewals and one CWE account transfer. � CDC Help Desk assisted six users with their annual CWE/Notes/CADRE/ST password renewals. � Congratulations to everyone who completed their AISC for 2011 in time! Twill alert everyone when the AISC for 2012 becomes available so you will be able to get it over with early while the info is still fresh in your mind! (U// CADRE System Status Summary (U/ Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 S (UHAIUO) Agency Scanning Center (ASC) Support to CDC (U/A-1-15-0)- Upcoming Week CICRIT Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935 CECRET UllAIU0) Work continues on FY 2012 production (we have successfully completed the 2011 deadline). (UHAIU0) Upcoming Week UHAIU0) Work continues on FY 2012 production (we have successfully completed the 2011 deadline). CC: Chief, CIA Declassification Center SECRET Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775935