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Publication Date: 
May 12, 1955
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Approved for Release: 2021/09/13 C00842390 12 May 1955 elopies of this letter from Leon Moore sent to Messrs. Amory and Maury for information and comment. H. A. Approved for Release: 2021/09/13 C00842390 Approved for Release: 2021/09/13 C00842390 COPY 625 Park Avenue New York City 21 Regent 7-3234 May 6, 1955 (b)(3) Dear Allen, Your office in again. kindly arranged that I receive Soviet newspapers I do not know whether your attention was drawn to the very interesting articles published in Pravda in connection with the 85th Anniversary since the birth of Lenin. Several articles confirm the conception about "collective leader - ship" which, I believe, is applied today in the Soviet Union. You certainly remember that when I saw you last in Washington I continued to insist that there is no one in a predominant position in the present politbureau in Moscow. For the anniversary of Lenin, Pravda requested articles from a few old bolshevics who survived Stalin's purges. It looks as if Pravda could find only three. Krijanovsky who, together with Lenin, wrote the famous plan of electrification and whom Stalin made a member of the Academy of Sciences; V. Karpinsky, who also long ago changed from politcal activity to the Sciences and probably for this reason survived; and Grigory Petrovsky, former leading member of the Central Committee of the Party, and formerly head of the Ukraine who lost any political importance after the purges. He survived due to his personal relations with Stalin. These old bolshevics were requested to write article: sz in Pravda about their personal contacts with Lenin. It is interesting that none of them even mention Stalin's name. Karpinsky, in Pravda of April 21 states that Lenin always insisted on collective decisions of all important questions and he believed in the great strength of the collective brains of the Party. He further states that Lenin never took any important decision by himself and considered it "absolutely impossible to decide without the Party, without consulting the highest Party organization Under all circumstances and overcoming all obstacles, Lenin always did everything to reach a collective decision." Karpinsky finishes his article by stating that Lenin firmly believed that only collective leadership could guarantee the success of the Communist Party. Approved for Release: 2021/09/13 C00842390 Approved for Release: 2021/09/13 C00842390 G. Petrovsky in Pravda of April 20 is even much more categorical and makes a slightly camouflaged attack on Stalin while writing about Lenin. Several times in his article he speaks Nabut collective leadership and he finishes his long article as follows: "Lenin taught us collective leadership, reminding us very often that all members of the politbureau are equal and that the secretary of the Party is elected to fulfill the decisions of the Central Committee of the Party." (Underlined by me.) By this Petrovsky clearly points out that the Secretary of the Party, which position brought Stalin to the absolute dictatorship, was really considered by Lenin as an executive job and should be under the full control of the Central Committee of the Party. I believe that these articles are very characteristic and. confirm the conception which we discussed with you in Washington. This conception does not exclude the possibility of certain internal fights in the Politbureau but while the present old group is alive and in power, it is unlikely that they will permit a serious internal split. Best regards, Sincerely yours, /s/ Leon Leon Moore P.S. In the middle of June I plan to go to Europe. L. M. Approved for Release: 2021/09/13 C00842390