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Publication Date: 
March 23, 1966
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Cent Ha 7 ;MAN ystem Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 CO2018945 4. RTZ-2342-66 Cy 2 3 MAR 1966 1. Refers e A is notification o t called by MOOS Program lanager for 1400 tours, reit 1946. is to prepare an agenda for another meetiog to be held tuxent River Ravel Air Station on MOnday, 28 !birch 1966. 2. 1 wish to emphasize again that oft will support )1T)in its effort to "prove the concept" with one aircraft. We will also plan for development of a CRIGOZ capability, 14sed en the data gleaned from the ORD program. The continuation of any GSA program to achieve a low altitude multi sensor capability depends directly on the success or failure of thii OM task and the s bsequert allocation of reeponeibilite and funds. 3. ORD has been directed to run CR Oell ae an Agency program. laikeviee, OPA has been directed to plan the follow- on operational employment as an Agency-funded and Agency controlled capability. GSA Program Plans for FY 1968 include an estimate of some $45 develop and employ imitable airframe -with a multioseasor array. All the MODE items which would normally be funded by SRO aro now Resumed to be included in the Agency budget requests. 4. The first phase of CH1008, the deve1omont, test and proof of concept' vith the single 311420 aircraft now at LIT, is to be funded solely by ORD. They have, however, requested ODA aesistance in getting Nome supplies and egoist- ance from other government sources guch as the USAF. I desire that we make every effort to do so without any oxeoaotc of funds, if possible. lf such services and oouipment cannot, for good and sufficient roason, he acquired without payment _ CLvt.? 1 Excluded 1,014 cutomatic downgradtr.g and declassIlication Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 CO2018945 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 CO2018945 STE= 342 66 Page 2 will seek other means of procurement. . Navy has agreed to support the first phase, bly the follow-en project, assuming both come to . The Navy will need some specific guidance as to s. services and materials which will be required fox both the first phase and the ou follow-on phase. ams Staff will, for the time being, focal point for coordination 'with OlD but I deei ether OMIA elesente be thoroughly familiar with CM that they respond to the 011001 Program Manager an their capabilities dictate. a. Programs Staff will maintain a his reword and will represent OSA at Caen Mee be the e that 1001 and cal gs. b. Materiel Division will assist in logis- tics. maintenance and supply planning and pro- earemeat within the above ground rules. *. Contrasts Division will administ r COMM coutracts on request from ORD and with ORD funds. d. Security Staff will provide security guidance and control in accordance with previous arrangements. e. Meputy for Field Activities will provide operational planning, support and guidance as yell as sommmnicatioaa assistance either directly to the Program Manager or through Programs Staff as appropriate. T. Addressees are to attend the 23 March me* rdialated leput to the *tett representat mretiag as the OSA ts of the sahedule ted to provide representatives 011D and there to provide gram Manager and tv the latter will attend the ative and viii advise tss which result. (Signed), Jack C. Ledford MCI C. tsar= brigadier deneral, USAF Director of Mpecial Activities =Err man E:rfiaBYEMAN Co 'I System Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 CO2018945 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 CO2018945 cec:4 :2? March Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 CO2018945