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A Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 Addendum 4 to Proposal No. C126-CP65 Dated 9 May 1966 Electronic and Optical Systems Department 6 k PROPOSAL TO DESIGN AND FABRICATE CURSOR GENERATING CIRCUITRY (U) TEXAS IN ST RUM ENTS INCORPORATED CON P�"'iTIAL Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page I. INTRODUCTION 1 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 1 PROGRAM SCHEDULE 5 , ii Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED Apparatus Division 13500 North Central Expressway Post Office Box 6015 Dallas, Texas 75222 PROPOSAL TO DESIGN AND FABRICATE CURSOR GENERATING CIRCUITRY (U) Addendum 4 to Proposal No. C126-CP65 9 May 1966 SECTION I INTRODUCTION _ Texas Instruments proposes to design and fabricate certain cursor generating circuitry for the FLIR system now under contract in order to provide proper interface with prospective airframe contractors and in order for the FLIR to be integrated properly into the total avionics system. SECTION II TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Four cursors are required for integrating the Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) subsystem into the avionics system. They are as follows: 1. Fixed Elevation Boresight. 2. Vertical cursor displaced from centerline by a computed amount. 3. Two indexing marks at top and bottom dis- placed from centerline by a computed amount. -r 1 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 4. Horizontal cursor displaced from center downward by a computed amount. The cursors described above will be generated electronically and displayed on the face of the crt as bright lines. Figure 1 shows the proposed format on the display. The fixed elevation boresight cursor is generated by adding a 15-VDC level to the vertical sweep waveform. This new form fires a Schmitt trigger circuit. The output of the Schmitt trigger is shaped by a monostable multivibrator to give a controlled-short pulse. This pulse, when added to video, yields the fixed horizontal line. Figure 2A shows the block diagram of this proposed circuit. The vertical sweep waveform has a peak voltage of 30-VDC which represents the extreme lower limit of the display format. The addition of the dc-level would intersect the sawtooth at 15-volts which would center the horizontal boresight line on the display. The monostable- multivibrator output is a square wave. The width of this square wave is adjusted to illuminate one horizontal-scan line. The vertical cursor is generated by. adding a variable dc-level to the horizontal-sweep trigger waveforms. Again, the resultant waveform fires a Schmitt trigger. Since the vertical line is a. series of dots, thi-Outykit added to video must be very short pulses. The pulses, or spikes,. are obtained by differentiating the output of the Schmitt trigger. Position of the vertical cursor is determined by the variable- dc-voltage level which operates on the horizontal sweep saw- tooth wave. Peak voltage of the horizontal sweep is 15-VDC. Figure 2B shows the block diagram of the circuitry required. Two indexing marks are generated by adding two fixed dc-levels to the vertical-sweep waveform. The two separate outputs each firea Schmitt trigger. . This output is then shaped by a multi- vibrator. The two, short square-waves obtained from the multi- vibrator trigger a gate circuit which allows a series of pulses to pass to the video. These pulses generate a short, vertical line at the top and bottom of the display. The gated pulses are obtained similarly to pulses which generate the vertical cursor. They require a variable dc-level which determines the horizontal location of the indexing marks. 2 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 005752558 VARIABLE POSITION VERTICAL CURSOR VARIABLE POSITION INDEXING MARKS VARIABLE POSITION HORIZONTAL CURSOR FIGURE 1. FIXED HORIZONTAL BORESIGHT CURSOR Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 005752558 � Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 005752558 � 15 VDC VERTICAL SWEEP 0-15 VDC SCHMITT TRIGGER SCHMITT TRIGGER MONO- STABLE MULTI- VIBRATOR DIFFER- ENTIATOR TO VIDEO � 1AAJLA_ TO VIDEO HORIZONTAL SWEEP 15-30 VDC SCHMITT MONO- STABLE _J L_ TRIGGER MULTI- VIBRATOR TO VIDEO VERTICAL SWEEP FIGURE 2. Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 005752558 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 , The two, fixed dc-voltages are chosen to locate the indexing marks vertically. An input of 2-VDC will fix the top index while the 28-VDC input will locate the bottom index. Width of the square-waves out of the multivibrators is adjustable and determines how many pulses pass to video and therefore control the vertical length of the indices. Figure 3 shows the block diagram. The variable location horizontal cursor is obtained in the same manner as the boresight cursor. Vertical location is deter- mined by the variable dc-level added to the sawtooth waveform. Figure 2C shows the block diagram. This method of generating cursors represents the least amount. of modification to the present system and would not require. elaborate mechanisms. Although some work would be required to make this circuitry compatible with the existing electronics, packaging can be done within the present electronics unit. Figure 4 shows the proposed location of the printed circuit boards in the electronics unit. Figure 5 is the bottom view of the electronics unit which shows the cable harness and terminal block. The terminal block will be moved to accommodate installation and wiring of the circuit-board connectors. Cable harness modification will also be necessary. Because existing sweep waveforms are sampled and operated on to obtain proper video inputs, some modification to existing circuits may be necessary to match impedances and prevent over- loading. For this reason, Texas Instruments must retain the entire system during the integration and systems test. SECTION III PROGRAM SCHEDULE The effort proposed in Section II consists of: 3.5 man-months of engineering 3.0 man-months of drafting 3.0 man-months of processing and assembly 4.0 man-months of technician effort. The items and services include design and processing of the necessary circuitry and interfacing of the FLIR system in order to accomplish the design described in Section II. 5 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 005752558 2.0 VDC --0 -SCHMITT MONO- STABLE MULTI- TRIGGER VIBRATOR VERTICAL SWEEP 28 VDC MONO- SCHMITT TRIGGER --0 STABLE MULTI- VIBRATOR 0-30 VDC HORIZONTAL SWEEP SCHMITT TRIGGER DIFFER- ENTIATOR 111111111111111 FIGURE 3 GATE 1111 1111 TO VIDEO Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 005752558 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 CURSOR GENERATING CIRCUITS 4 Figure 4 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 ERMINAL 7,LOCK .) CURSOR CIRCUIT ;ONNECTOR tkrtctdte �:. -.� Figure 5 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 ( I ) 1EXAS INSTRUNENTS INCORPORATED Apparatus Division 13500 North Central Expressway Post Office Box 6015 Dallas, Texas 75222 -Propdsa1-Np.C126-CP65::. Part 6 7 December 1966 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 TABLE OF COL1TENTS Sect ion Tit le Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 I. INTRODUCTION This proposal describes the modifications necessary for increasing sensitivity and ease of operation of the FLIR 3 system. Increased sensitivity will increase range of target detection and allow more flexibility of tactics. Ease of operation is olDtained by allowing e control and increase crew comfor ray is awn?:in both detectors: lows iemovl of microns oriented configuration smallest possible image plane. The InSb arrays is 8. wafer: substrate with the::Sensitive:-areas etched by ,photographic process. The .010 inch spacing will insure negligible ,cross .talk .and can be controlled within a few thousands Of , an -inch. , The Ge:1-ig bars will be indium soldered to individual copper substrates. The bars are lapped to the .040 thickness. Thickness of the copper substrates is extremely uniform and usually made .002 to .005 inch thicker than the detector bar width. Bar location on the substrate is held within .001 inch of the desired location. By stacking the substrate-bar s ibassembly, very accurate spacing can be achieved. This assembly, technique allows individual bars to be replaced in case of failure. The cooler-detector assembly will be relocated and new mounts fabricated. The optic path changes since the detector is now at the system focal point. This necessitates use of a new pyramidal - elevation mirror. Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 B. Display. A matrix-grid cathode ray tube will be installed in each display replacing the three-gun CRT. Of the 30 available apertures in the � matrix, three will be used. The leading six Ge:Hg detectors will e electrically delayed and added to the trailing set of three In eteOtorS Measured elmatr aximum spot size is required for Since horizontal RT, two convergence 7.:,printed circu netessar � Because,extensive.rewiring isi.-1r.c..�s '1):a.... o ill be redesigned. i ..f,---,,-,f,,, .,,.,..-�!'.?.. -,. allow. relocation of sweep driver heatsink Relocation Ivy-.use of internal that xcessiye heat'r se will not occur. :,-: : ::..-- �'' Electronics Unit. video block diagram with changes noted in new detector configuration with appropriatedelay:line will superimpose video from all detectors Detectors 7, 8 and will be electronically delayed and added to Ii, 5 and 6. This summe video is then delayed and added to video from detectors 1, 2 and 3. A seventh delay line then delays the summed video from detectors 2, 5 and 8 to correspond with the No. 2 MATRICON grid displacement. Since all video is now superimposed, the second set of adder circuits (adjusted externally by control unit knob) can be modified to allow 100% of each spectrum to be simultaneously displayed. increased the other Previously, as video from one spectrum was spectrum was proportionally attenuated. : AuXiliarYtonirOiAnit Operational requirements for the FL 3 Systeilhave:neceSsiatedi: , Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 integration of a.second control unit into the system. This auxiliary control will allow a second operator to control all system functions .._ except turn on-off capability.The funCtionaftOThe'remptely'controlled'willbe:,Scanner Elevation- --,-- PozItIonng, DetectorSeleCtiOn; and.HotspotThre'ShoieIvel. to switch co�tro]J from the either ."-;s atiO control ilI- not. be OFT.49.0-LDCFN'tpPEA oritibfltplie coP ransmitteran gear bx for HM �tent iometer otspo -potentiometer for video ight intensity adjustment or an , 4 edge-lighted pane h-to- e dimmable,-pilOt lights will be provided to show when the AU is-active,and when the systes is cool-down and operate. A switch is included to relinquish or ,e control. Communication vith the main control unit will be by a single cable utilizing a 26 pin connect7r. All power and excitation voltages will come from the main control unit. Modification to the main control unit will include removal of one relay, addition of four 4PDT relays, and to .ST relays. A - new edge-lighted panel will be provided as well as a witch to trans- fer control between the stations. A new nil:: connector when the panel is active. An additional 26 pin connector will be Installed for'c unication with the TE control will remain here and not be duplicated. Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558' Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 Scanner automatic stowing synchro and logic will remain here and not be duplicated. Because of'long lead time vendor items delivery could not be made before 6 January 1967. If the system is already delivered, :-.1t0414ie the-returri;:of-thxikting Control Un week for.modification. if thIs isunacceptahie, , and Field ntens cursors aie triggered from the,middle channel of the Ge: ' 's- � � get'appearin sweep ,would be dIsplaced 10 mr from true ' oaation as defined-hy,the horizontal cursor. Stores drop could com61ished with Ge: eo-onl - , he new detector (Figure 1) would eliminate this undesirable featur Since it is a new design, the detector will not be received before 30 December. As is the case with the auxiliary control unit, a modification kit may be supplied to Field Service Personnel if tha program schedule will not allow in-plant modifications. Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 .130 141,Mteria1:. Detector 1, 2, and 3 InSb Detector 4 through 9 Ge:Hg A/e � DETECTOR CONFIGURATION Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 005752558 'PREAMPLIFIER DETECTOR, NO. 7 (Ge:Ngi OELA!' �T-1.4u SLC PREAMPLIFIER DEL L:Nr SEC ADDER. !PREAMPLIFIER. DETECTE1R NO. (Ge:MI; ACD, CTCR NC, I fiPOT nTL.CTOR j 1 GATE L. pcsr AMR DELAY rAIN CONTROL POLARITY CONTP.OL DOER FOT AMY / r1715T OETECTUR r DEL4' I GAIN CONTROL PnLAL. ! Ty CONTROL VT DEN VIDEO DRIVER VIC:FC DRIVrR D.C. RESTORER �FLA.!' LINE T.I.4u SEC 1, � POST AMP CAIN POLAITY ADDL4 F---- VIDEO DRIVER NP F) ADPFR GATE ICONTROL CCNTROL PREAMPLIFIER PREAMPLIFIER NOT rPOT 1 DELAY / DETECTOR DETECTOR No. 9 ) DETECTOR NO. 8 (Ge:Hg) DETECTOR NC ,2 ) Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 DELAY LINE T..1.4u SEC DETECTOR MO. 5 (Ge:Mg) ADDER PREA.M('LIF:ER gEM-4,Ati.,P-S-EC4 ' � MATNICON ND, cApproved for Release: 2020/12/28 005752558 r GATE Dt :OR Sc 2 � T..1,4u SEC MOT SPOT DETECTOR POST AMP DELAY I GAIN CONTROL � POLARITY CONTROL VIDEO DRIVTR n r RE.TCRER MATP;ccN GR!D C. 2 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 005752558 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 DETFCTCi-, CL D CC NE- IGUkATION FIGURE. 3 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 DISPLAY DESIGN COMPLETE 10-21-66 MOD! FICAT ION GO-AHEAD 10-13-66 SCANNER OPTICS � ALIGNED 11-1-66 DISPLAY ASSEMBLED 11-11- 66. DETECTOR RECE I VED 11-1-66 SPLAY UNIT TEST COMPLETE DISPLAY � WIRED 11- 30-66 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 PERT FL SYSTEM TEST COMPLETE, 12 -14- 6 6 CONTROL � ELECTRICAL DESIGN COMPLETE 11-23-66 F I ( Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 ;HART CONTRACT. REQUIREMENTS 3 DELIVER(7--- � SYSTEM &- DISPLAY .-#1 DELiVER DISPLAY e2 12-3C-66 CONTROL-- OR PARTS COMPLETE 2-1366 CONTROL PURCHASED PARTS REC E I VED 12-28-66 4 DELIVER DISPLAY 0 1-13-6 tv/ / CONTROL ASSEMBLY COMPLETE 12-30-66 ITEMS DATES ^ CONTROL UNIT TEST tCOMPLETE -1-3-67 / DATE QA/QC 1-4-67 LATEST REVISION 10-18-66 I I - 6 - 66 12-7-66 BY � � -,4": , 41. !.7 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 The scanner handling cart is usod for installation and removal of the scanner from the aircraft and transportation and storage when. the scanner is out of the aircraft. The cart will allow the scanner to be operated when outside the aircraft and facilitate routine maintenance. Operation of. the cart will utilize a hydraulic jack working through a parallelogram- . -,type linkage to continually maintain the scanner platform in its normal attitude with respect to the aircraft. This will simplify installation and removal of the scanner as well as allow the elevation servo to be realistically exercised when the scanner is out of the aircraft. - - . Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558 , II 1 . .., - I I ! i C SCANNER HANDLING CART Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752558