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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
June 24, 2021
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
June 2, 1959
Approved for Release: 2021/06/23 CO2059777 2 June 1959 SUBJECT: Replies of Walter Jessel to Interrogatories Concerning Compat- ibility of PROJECT WALNUT 1. The replies to interrogatories put to Walter Jessel on 29 May concerning RI exchanges of documentation and information and other relations with other counter-intelligence agencies and activities lead inevitably to the conclusion that compatibility is not at issue for PROJECT WALNUT. 2. RI receives generate pondence and messages. reports CIA -6orres- The atter Inc ude some posit ve intelligence \This practice is not likely to change. 3. To the extent that RI will microfilm some positive intelli- gence reports that are also microfilmed by OCR, there will be some duplication of effort, but it will be negligible. There is very little, if any, duplication of indexing effort, and WALNUT will permit RI to provide its field stations with copies of its indexing product. 4. It would be difficult to say Whether or not the WALNUT system and equipment would be applicable to other functions without studying each case individually and the engineering specifications of each. While WALNUT is adequate and suitable for the particular function for which it was designed. That function is not likely to change much, but the s stem is flexible enough to permit changes and additions. Other ctivities probably would need other system and equipment cap ities. 5. Some of the questions and replies, since the discussion was informal, were concerned with certain features of feasibility, but since feasibility is not within the jurisdiction of CODIB, they are primarily of personal interest. There are some serious doubts that one could raise concerning feasibility, but one would have to be able to study the proposed Approved for Release: 2021/06/23 CO2059777 Approved for Release: 2021/06/23 CO2059777 system at first hand to be able to judge that question with confidence. If the compartmentation of the RI documentation activity from other agencies is as tight as it seems to be, compatibility is not involved in a study of PROJECT WALNUT. DORE D. WAGMAN Automation Development Group Approved for Release: 2021/06/23 CO2059777