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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
May 10, 2021
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Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
October 4, 1972
Approved for Release: 2021/02/09 C05838799 "iTh lilt I LN) 4 October 1972 MEMORANDUM Director of Central Intelligence - SUBJECT: Correspondence from Mr. Gerhard Me 1. On receipt of Merlins' first letter, I coordinated this fully with NE, who were already familiar with the case in view of the approaches We concluded it was unnecessary and probably unwise to reply. At the same time, the FI Staff sent a copy of the correspondence to the appropriate Army component in the Department of Defense, recommending that they in turn advise the Department of State. At the time. I did not think it was nece1seary to report all this to you. 2. NE and I have reviewed the situation as a result of Meitins' second letter. Basically, we would prefer not to reply, feeling that Mertins will eventually become discouraged and give up. A second \ possibility would be for a brief note to go out to Merlins from your staff--perhaps signed by �-merely saying that Merlins' correspondence had been brought to the attention of the appropriate authorities in Washington and that "the Director" did not plan to take any further action. The letter would be written in such a manner as to avoid your name. Please advise your preference. IC:BT:dm Distribution: Original - Addressee w/basic 1 - ER 1 - IC subject 0- IC chrono (Signed), Bronson Tweedy Bronson Tweedy DiDC1i1C (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/02/09 C05838799