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(b)(3) (b)(6) �44Z.LLE1nr7,111 At Approved for Release: 2021/12/22 006062731 )4'e :A del v IT:09/ 10 October 1956 141.tl� -0Ift llter MEMORANDUM FOR THE ACTING DIRECTOR: This memorandum recommends action in paragraph it. 1. Attention is invited to the attached copy of an article from "The Task Force," which is in fact a press release by "The Defenders of the American Constitution, Inc." The "Defenders etc." was organized around 1954 by Lieut. Gen. Pedro del Valle, USIT (Retired); and two Washington, D. C., lawyers, the late Colonel-John H. Coffman, and Eugene C. Pomeroy. Pomeroy's law office on New Hampshire Avenue, N. W., is the "headquarters" of the "Defenders." Its executive council includes Major General Claire Chennault, USAF (Retired), and Brig. Gen. Bonner Fellers, USA (Retired), and Dr. Lee de Forest, distinguished radio pioneer. Del Valle has been active, with the help of the "Defenders" in trying to organize a third political party for the Presidential elections of this year. He is quoted as describing his organization as "pro-American, right wing, or nationalist." He is said to back the following: Senators,McCarthy, Jenner, Bridges, Bricker, Byrd, Eastland, Knauland, Malone, and Thurmond; Governor J. Bracken Lee of Utah; Governor Herman Talmadge of Georgia; Herbert Hoover, Clarence Manion, and General Douglas MacArthur. 2. Congresswoman Church, of Illinois, had her assistant, phone re a letter from a constituent who had read "Task Force" an comp le with the request to write his Congressman to have the CIA investigated. She wanted to know if we would put out a statement in answer to the charges. I told her of our policy not to deny or confirm what is said about us, but that the CIA Legislative Counsel, would be pleased to assist her in any way we could if she had any further questions. I gave her some background on del Valle and on the British author, Peter J. Huxley-Blythe, and told her that the extreme statements by a Britisher against the CIA were so ridiculous as to be considered not worthy of any reply other than ridicule. She appeared to agree. She said that she will phone Pomeroy to see if he has anything to say. She said that she had asked the Un-American Activities Committee re the "Defenders" and they had nothing. The Library of Congress is trying to get her some data on the history, aims, etc., of the "Defenders." (b)(6) 3. I discussed this with who is familiar with the anti-CIA efforts of del Valle and Huxley-Blythe. turned over to me a copy of the "Task Force" which came to him because of ORR (b)(3) got it from someone in the office of Congressman Miller, who knew \ was (b)(3) with CIA. Security also has a copy . Representative Church's office said that the letter she received indicated that letters also had been sent to Senators Douglas and Dirksen. The Press has not picked up this story. (b)(6) 1 a Approved for Release: 2021/12/22 006062731 Approved for ReLle-a-s-e7. 2021/12/22 006062731 WI:Mg 111461111 I len. 4. Recommend CIA not take it too seriously and we laugh it off as a "ridiculous" statement in unofficial comment, but officially we "have no comment." Attachment Distribution: Orig & 1 - Add 1 - SO 1 - IG 1 - Leg. Coun. 1 - DD/P 1 - DD/I (b) (6) biANIM J. uttouAN Assistant to the Director A0,44`, The recommendation of para. 4 is 41 PP61:' APPROVED ����110101111�11.111mMMO C. F. CABELL Lt. Gen., USAF Acting Director (b)(6) ringriONTuii Approved for Release: 2021/12/22 006062731 Approved for Release: 2021/12/22 C06062731 EDITORS: ica I rnmerliate Ptel0000, In Who), or 10 Part, Or as Isciterorrool Motorial TASK FORCE Copyrighted 1956, Dertionas or Tars AllERICAM C.oporrtrtmort, bc., Washington,'13. C Via. 3�No, 4-5 Aagsnr-Sessesasisr. 1954 INSECURE SECURITY Br Psvra J. HITILLY-BLYTHE Fleetwood, Lancoshire, Enaland I.NTR)D1,7CTORY NOTE, BY El.:CENE C. POMEROY --We are i brigIn this one r' sue the August and September num- r, of TASK rows, in order to present whole one of the �-; important art). lei it has eter been our privilege to , author. Mr. P J. Huxley-Blythe of Fleetwood, lance. .!. aril knott,i as a responsible journalist, and is . .if a world-wide new,. anti political intelligence organize- ' lie IS well qualified in every way to write on the issues he di-sus5es.. elaims--aod documents his statements�that the U. S. I nirif Intelligence Agency, "C.I.A.," is treaeonably ,ineffi- o ni. and that far from defending our Country is actually a rut.e.i,e to out safet.t. [hat t. i. funds, intended to aid Resistance Movements are actually expended on known Communist groups, while legitimate anti-Communist organizations are ignored. It will bt� recalled that not long ago a proposed Senate iovestigation of the C.I.A. was bitterly opposed by Mr. Dulles on the ground of the extreme secrecy of its operations. Frees the facts revealed here by Mr. Huzley-Blythe, it would appear that such an investigation is imperatively needed, secrecy or no secrecy, if we are to survive as a nation. "Ilie author also sheds some interesting light on the nAual effei ts of "Foreign Aid." He explains how the billions of dollars we him expended in a mistaken effort to combat The recent kieboapping of Srve Russiniamei-Ganamaistiatiefrem New York has tensed considerable :damn throughout the United States and more people than ever before believe that the Central In- telligence Agency, the "CIA," under the direction of Mr. Allen Welsh I hilles. should be subject to a thor. ough Senate Investigation. For by allowing this kidnapping of the five anti-Communists � and the 'CIA �s en granted�material aid to the Red agents who accomplished it �the CIA is either guilty of treas- onable negligence or working for the Kremlin. Communism are actually turned to adtantage by the Soviet regisneal fle states, in so many words, "All that the foreign aid program accomplishes is the stabilization of Red power, and the destitution of U. S. financial reserves." From this it would seem that that great American, Gov. J. Bracken Lee of Utah., was rigid in refusing to pay as income tat, a large part of which would be earmarked for foreign aid. What are we going to do about all this? It would an logical that we should demand of our Senators and Con- gressmen: I. That a thorough investigation be made of the C.I.A. If conditions as described by Mr. Hearty-Blythe are true�and his facts permit ready substantiation--then this kgency should be overhauled from top to bottom. Certainly we cannot take chances on the proper operation of this Agency, which deals with the very life-blood of our defense. 2. Regardless of which party is successful in the Novem- ber election, the Congress should refuse ANY FURTHER grants-in-aid ANYWHERE, until such a policy is thoroughly re-exaniined. What is the muse of bleeding Ameries white in order to build up the Red menace? If you believe this to be correct, TELL YOUR EUCLID RF:PRESENTATIVES SO! Additional bevies of this double issue pf TASK FORCE may he obtained from our Nevi York Ace, 2104. Ord 'Rm. 325, New York 17, N. Y. at fie per cePy, reaped& Allen Dulles and a Red Spy Far too many people reject the idea that Mr. Dulles would allow his multi- million dollar agency to be infiltrated with Red agents or allow it to aid the Kremlin as a preposterous accusetiost, yet certain facts, backed with irrefut- able evidence, are sufficient to demand that Mr. Dulles clarify certain matters. He might first of all explain whether or not he was responsible for the death of many U. S. Intel- ligence agents behind the Irmo Curb lain who were betrayed by the Ger- man traitor and Real spy, Dr. Otto John. Just prior to John's defection to the Soviste he visited Mr. Dulles in Wash- freest as heed of the in,* Gelman Security Office and they had long talks about the secret aspects of their work There is every reason to believe that Mr. Dulles knew that John lasel, and had been for many years, a Soviet agent but instead ef exposing him he wined and dined him. We base this belief on a series of articles written by Richard and Gladys Harkness witb'hir. Dales' permission which were later published in the Solar- Joy Evening Post. To one of those docu- mented articles the authors proadly an- nounced that Mr. Dulles had received an official eitatioe for halving obtaiaed (continua on page 4) � A nnmved for Release: 2021/12/22 C06062731 3FTIT' ' raw '-r a set F�111Cit Approved for Release: 2021/12/22 C06062731. � rwea:".."ms"g�'''amaams'idelW21�6111411, k � Insecure Security (Continued Irons page 1) 4 ornplete report on the war-time Ger- mati rocket station at Peeneinunde. Of -our,r they did not say how this report fell into his posseseion but the Gertfien i.v. sparer Der Stalltelm in the Summer ..1 1911 printed a detailed account of � ,1 treasonable activities as a mein- 1,1 f the Red spv ring "Red Orchestra" openiv stated that the person scho pt; t� the Alliet this Report was Dr. Joan, ih, /gown Red spy. Vr Dullef might also di.scloee %. h. titer Of not he received a report from 1, ianization's British counterpart. \I.' "). in 1952 which said that it had a itriasit4, file which said John pro�Loinniunist. Futility. the C.I.A. has given large roman to the German Intent. 'nit :agaritiation called "Organization C., hien- after its director. General R. 1-ciden. and in return the former re- , ewes copies of all reports collected liy t Ger man aueney One IffluSt therefore w,.oter wil% Mr. Duties ;titl not read the t Won report which at that John Vta4 , Sr," Mid take appropriate artion, Johai admitted that General �� Cr,: knew past record and was it *.111;,f tiP r-vp-op him. Had Mr. Dui/es ,istett ii non this reliable informal :nut it poiss,ililt, that many U. S. -agents in s-its f utiei Ulan still lie alke. .e A C.I.A. Employee A- late as 1951, and perhaps earlier Is, all that we know. the C.I.A. em- I,,, iii aroan who-se pro-Commuri'At ret �rrl stretched back to 1918-19. This wasa rertain I Anne! Martin Himrnicr :t-a Ilialearian journalist in Buda- wI eave his full support to the blood) and infamous Red revolution of Bela Kuhn. Later. ;it the end of World War tliminlef was a Colonel in the "Office of Stratrgik Services" IOSSI stationed in Gentian% and in charge of a section -looking after Hungarians who fell into 1.. S. captivity. Here be lived up to hi plo-Communist past, as against the pola-v of the U. S. Army Legal Dept. In Getman\ he handed over numerous as Communists to the Reds, I (et eve, it is although none of them wei.� listoil as "War Criminals." Ar- il, 'htittg to a Hungarian American maga- sine published in New York mot only did Hinualer hand over these Patriots but received $300 per head for these persons the Retie wasted to ehminees In soberer to this grave accamties Hinunler is ea* the magasine is yew tion for leaf but instead of relating the allegations lie eases, in 111, ova de- fence, that he was fulfilling "Superior Orders." His superior 0 Peer heed ol the European Olioe of the OSS seas none other than Allen Weigh !Mks! While *cling as a C.I.A. official in 1951 Himmler gave a certain Gyula Deniewfy, more commonly known as the "Red Count," because he wrote in a hook published in Red Hungary in 1947, "... all that proved good aild use- 1W during the revolution in Russia mud be realized in Hungary ...," large sums of the C.I.A.'s funds so that the "Count" could publish a newspaper in Manner- beim, Germany, called The Hungarian Communist. C.I.A. Sponsors a Red Network Receiving financial and material as- sistance from the C.I.A. is a Russian emigre organization called "The Na- tional Alliance of Russian Solidarists" or more simply by the initiids NTS. Yet while the NTS is outwardly an anti- Communist group it has had since its creation, and apparently mill has links. with the Soviet Secret Pollee. This is known to the C.I.A. but it still con- tinues to support it even though many people may die. � In the limited space at our disposal it is impossible to present all the evi- dence proving that the (TS la part of the Soviet wrecking machine in'the West but if the readers should-doubt this then the are advised to read the two book- lets �Betrayal" and "The Paid Wreck, era" which can be obtained from THE DEFENDERS OF THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION, 1255 New Hamp- shire Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D. C., priced SO cents each, post hue. � CIA. Helps Soviets to Kill Anti-Red Ruselaire , In May, 1953, the INTS sent, with American help, four Rimmiau anti.Cont- munisti on a mission inside the Soviet Union. Yet no sootier had they sit foot on Soviet soil than the MVD/MG13 were waking for them and the coeds- aka woo obvious; they bed bees be- trayed lythell7S mem bete** they left the samenary et ea West. As a randt the feew were neioated. Inier the news of this betrayal noshed the West the Prrs biome* was forsed to set "defy to roma a cow pbta scram of bs Bed role. Thare- kery as see was portiesisrly surprised whoa se Seporsober 27, 1953, it was atemenced that � leading meinber of the NTS, George Miller, alias Nikita Kilerimehy, had been arrested and charged with spyhis for a foreign power. Yet when dhe lull facts *awe known aboit tb Midler ease prd11 was forthcoming whisks showed not only was the arrested man innocent but that both 'the U. S. State Department and the C.I.A. were aware of this but nanained � determined to railroad him to protect their protege, the NTS. The Arrest not Dieirn't klippen On the morning of September 1, 1953,/ three mysterious men, perporting to he U. S. Intelligence officers and speaking English, German and Russian, arrested George Muller and confiscated certain documents. Before leaving they also warned Mrs. Muller net to mention the arrest to anyone. Following this Mrs. Muller t% at various thnes interrogated but there wee loathing official about the interrogations. Soinetimee she was questioned in a motor car, in an empty house and in a oohs Dm to this she began to suspect her hasband .had bun kidnapped by the Soviets so she went aloe* to the heed of Frankfurt's political police to me if the Americans hod really arrested hiss The chief laded any knowledge and the U. S. liaises officer attached to his department could not, or woad as onefirio the an. � The fnet real news came on Septem- ber 27, 1953, when the NTS newspaper Pests ("Seeds") announced that its leadership had unearthed g Red spy in their midst and had handed bin over to the art hor it ism with the incrbninating evidence. But the authorities, now known to have been the CA.A.. re- mained silent for six weeks ler'.11 arrest, i.e., until October 15: C.I.A. and Stalls Dept. Ignore Cameo Declaim' On October 19, 1953,.a paillessen Approved for Release: 2021/12/22 C06062731 �o. 4 1956 , - Approved for Release: 2021/12/22 C06062731 rage I rAsx'FLO!' /RCN at the . S. Court in Frankiurt citain %hat was happening to �1. lb, N.IS tld b) a Court official .; ;Liu examined all the evidence -dad .1,.1111fit nnn by the NTS and found 4 U.:sufficient to warrant a trial and \hiller's release had been ,.,'red September 29, 1953. To tilt ciii the Court's decision the gentle- Myer' a document signed by . � t titular.. Mr. Da% id White, dated -� 1953, and bearing the t, i� No. 53 --A III 1632, which l'airt the Frankfurt Attoincy Gan- . 41. Mr. June'.. had annulled the war- it the at rest of Mrs. Mul:er� � had not been served- and also or- . I 'Muller's release on the grounds tent r% hut Mullet %% a:, nor released. The t lit418111T of the Court order, itch, 1,11n maim an illegal "security al- 'est- and collaborating with it in this tin Department's agency in t,.1-��� . the High Commission. The ,,a�I ia this travesty of justice , .1 when the U. S. High Corn- imannted that N. Khortinehy, aba- �It,cr bad been arrested on Sep- t, i.e ,u n the 2'n1i of that month reo i., special detention. Of ...inse neither agency pointed out that \biller had already been exhonerated (.1..11. Won't by a judicial body! Ily placinx 'Stiller in "special deten- tion" the C.I.A. arwl State Dept. showed, once again, that they were determined to protect the Red-controlled N15 eves if it meant prostituting justice. Blackmail and Bribery? I klerrnined to "prove" Matta guilty so clear the N-rs of a charge 01 treachery the C.I.A. continually tried to make Mrs. Muller sign a confession in- iminating her husband and at a later jpe cyen herself. She refused to do I 'Fidcfrated, on November 9, 1953, Anal kart officer stoppea Mrs. MU'- ', I In the street and dragged her two 1.1n1;.! daughters, aged 9 and 12 years, into ti waiting car. The reason given Imi hivas that it would prevent Mrs. Muller escaping to the Soviets. Yet the .1 and the NTS knew Mrs. Muller was Mit a Red agent because in Sep- b tither. 1953, the yrs leader. George t)kolocich gave her 300 Marks ($86) and the C.I.A. knew of this gift. Having exploded the official reason for kids's'''. ping the two Muller children, only oft solution remains: that it was to force Mrs. Muller into signing the confes- sion. Adding to this there is sufficiet reason to Wires that the C.I.A. also tried to bribe Mn. Muller into sign* a con- fession because after her husband's az- rest an �ullicer of Mr. Dulles organise- Con, Lt. Colonel Norton, gave her p "gift" of 1,600 Marks ($457). Perhaps Allen Dulles would now care to gse two niece Journalists to toll the American people wit* hie outfit kidnapped two minors and why hie agent gave IS,.. Muller K57 int yrs.'s% to brills her hese constatiting perjury. The "Trier This was a complete fares.. First Muller revealed that he was forced se work for U. S. intelligence in 1948 when he fled to West Berlin and if be refused the authorities told him be would be extradited. Next the Court learned that in 1951 Muller had met in Frankfurt a Soviet agent called Hammer, alias Gloc.kner, end he had been taking orders from the latter until the day he was arrested. Then came the shock! The main wit- ness for the prosecution was none other than the Soviet agent Muller wee sew pmedly working for. Yet when the &theme counsel embed Hammer if Mal - Der had heat ordered, by the American, to work with the Soviets the wigwam was told not to answer. He night have said Yes! Further catalogs which were sot answered were: was it act correct that Hammer was in receipt of U. S. massy prior to his first naming with Maier; had Hammer been paid lo the C.I.A. to bodily; bad he bees duly tried as a So- viet agent; hadn't he, Hammer, been ordered to keep silent about the NTS's treacherous role in this affair? Although the NTS had publicly boat- ed that it had provided the evidence agaisat Muller it was not produced in Court and Lt. Colonel Noma of the C.I.A. was not allowed to take the witness stead even though he had been frogessaly usentioned as having intim,- gated ".� a 'trier it was Isms* to liginthat the only new traideact Jai; prosecution could give the Caw( tiestu it had ordered Muller's relapse was the "confeesion" signed snort pressure. The oueoune of the trial use a fore gate conclusion. Muller, dueled the right to speck is his own defense al- though he did shout out that the NTS was a Soviet outfit, was anitenced to fourteen years imprisoameet while his wife, Elisabeth, received two years. Sentence Revised � la January, 1955, the U. S. Supreme Court of Appeal in Germany re-exam- ined the evidence against Muller-kho- runsly, the prisoners being represented by their rape:ties counsels, � Speaking for Muller, his lawyer pointed out that LIC *causation' made against the NTS showed that it was clearly en ageet-provoesiter organisa- tion waking for the Soviets. This being so it was ridiculous to vaggest that Muller was a Soviet agent spying upon a Red network. � Taking this argument into considera- tion the Court reduced Muller's sen- �tenee to five years' imprisonment. As the Court was prepared te ae- eept the feet that the rrrs is an openly aeciseed Soviet organization the C.I.A.'s continued support of this veep; its use of terrorist tea tire to nooks a case against an hull. victual to clam the NTS of further suspicion ram MOM eialy one thing --4hat it is hear* infiltrated sad long overdue far intesedgmlies. CLA. Aida Itieenee Side ' From lteraters Net leas after the NTS-Muller flair two Iodise Gunmen pishlioatiesu the weddy imagiuise &sticks Ilissirisris and the newapaper Abesdpast ran a series of articles exposing the NTS as part of the Soviet sabotage Atetwork in the West. These &niche were so conclusive that had they not been countered by the C.I.A. in sense way this it too wonki have hens =read and this had to be prevented at all costs. Those articlee were so conclusive that net as they produced the Soviet epy, Hammier, slims Gioekner, in its case against Muller the 'C.I.A. produced with trite Hollywood-type publicity the Approved for Release: 2021/12/22 C06062731 . Ilk }Oat Approved for Release: 2021/12/22 C06062731 44-oesse.4em., I iehuisaa existents. far ismer eish war of pensible amihilatioa than grasp a peace which would be certain eidinc- tioa of fr. men's ideas said Weals." (General Emr speaking to his etudes., at Columbia University. Not Only did the Presides* believe what he said than bet he confirmed it in his speech on the State of the Union, February Z� 1953, "We shall sever ac- quiesce in the enslavement of any peo- ple is order to purchase fancied gains for ourselves." It was these expressed ideas that the American people voted for, but within a few weeks of the newly-installed Presi- dent's message he was forced to aban- don. his proclaimed principle, and accept a pro-Cormmusist policy of "Con- tuiament." Later, when be understood the power of the "Dual Government" he was again forced to alter his policy and this time advocate "Co-Existence," the one thing be vowed he would never do. We say that Mr. Eisenhower was forced because on February 8. Pri5. he said, in a message relayed by 'lladirt Free Europe": "While we _maintain vigilance at home and abroad, we must help intensify the will of freedom in the Satellite countries behind the Iron Cur- tain . . ." ". . . these cisuntries hare known freedom in the past. They now need our constant friendship" Bat within one year of this his Government's representative slid not even attempt is combat the recognitioe of the various Red Gov. enanienta of dm Satellites in the United Nations. Or, in other weeds, I. spite et all Ms Mowery phrase. tie President acitnewledged that the C60111011.11114 tyrants ivere decent people with whom he was prepared te negotiate. Ineseid of friendship the enslaved natiose received, � stab in the back. �adermied Soviet agent, Captain of "i� NI\ Kliokhlov. Due to the world-wide publicity ac- �niled the Khokhloy story everyone is Aware. that he allegedly came to the West to "assassinate" an NTS leader, George Okolovich. a man who had be- furt� the war been condemned as a Red � by Polish Intelligence. By introducing Captain K hokhlov, 111esi Dulles proclaimed that he was determined to protect the NTS and his iwo age.114 v. This heing confirmed by oro NTS journalist writing a serirss it authoritative artieles in the British yieekly John Bull when he said that not the CI 4. operatives who intecro- v.it,t Khokhio. were 4atisfied with the imegrity of his story. Long after the Khokhloy affair, and .itise sections of the Russian emigre illustrated just how phoney khol.hloy's Aron was. the NI`...+ leafier tikolovirli.was furred to tell a journal- ist that not e%eri he believed all that k.l..khlov had said. Net by now the ��� tire wottil Iiithng the American jo.ople. had been hoodwinked by Mr. NIteli Dulles who. as we have seen even 1..vored the opinions of his own men on 91. spot when they said they were not w,th the Red Captain's story. Now the NTS sib rues all criticism 1.� pocrt.og t, khokhlov arid saving that Lie ,irganuatiori cannot he Communist L., Jose the Kremlin sent one of its k,lleis to murder its leader! tIthough this particular episode is no longer front page news it is a further evample of America's lead- ing eceurity agency supporting an openly revealed Red network and therefore Mr. Dulle* should le made to speak. And if he says that lie must remain silent for reasons of "security" he should he forcibly reminded that he, and his opera- tiiu es, are paid servants of the Amer lean 'rot& and are therefore so- 4werable to them and not just to their own egos. The ll'est is now waging a strug- gle for its very existence and one iii. its first line* of detense against treason is its Security forces which appear to he not only insecure but .1 menace in thetnaelvco. ",kinkd the say that this eon- -I �fil it le not contain sufficient material against the NTS we can oily say that they should read the book, "THE PAID WRECKERS" which, ac- cording to the head of the Russian anti- Communist Centre in New York, cow tales such damning evidence that the NTS should be made to answer the charges therein! The preceding paragraphs el this ar- ticle can leave little doubt in any we person's mild that treason is ram- pant within the "Central Intelligence Agency," hut � this is not confined to this organization. Recently in a speech made by Senator lamer, beaded "The Dual Government of the United States," it was discloaed that there ii an organ- ised group inside the U. S. Government which pursues a pro-Canniunist policy in complete disregard to the desires of the American people speaking through their representatives in Washington. Even President Eisenhower hail smelt something peculiar in the Capitol: ".. � there are a number of things wrong with Washington. . . ." "At times," he said, "it is difficult to keep in touch with the Nation's thinking... ." (Time, May 16, 1955.) What the President failed to say, although he alluded to it, was that the people who prevented the Nation's thoughts and desires being put into practice are professional employees who, remaining static irrespective of the controlling Political Party, have amassed such power that they can die- tate to 411 politicians and office holders. Who Sella the Red "Rill st Goods" t� the President? � � Numerous authoritative political ob- servers have stated that President Eisen- hower was elected by a vast majority becalm the electorate believed that be would cleanse Washington of the vari- ous Red policy-making nests and be- cause he would never compromise with the Calumniate. "Nor ma we forptt that," as Profile sor Lyman Byron of Teachers College recently said: *there are even greater things than peace." By greeter things he meant the ideals,. the hopes and as. of limnanity, those things of the saal and spirit which great sem in history have valued above peses. sea material wealth, even Hie "Without these yahoos ppm is aft Co-rixietessee Part of the Red Plan Although President Eisenhower was forced to y to Geneva in an attempt to co-exiat and allowed General Twin- ing to visit Moscow to show that co- existence is possible betweei the two countries, he knows that the very mut policy fie is now following means the pkiamite destruction of Freedom Hs left no doubts about this while at Co- lumbia University when, referring to � pproved for Release: 2021/12/22 C06062731_..._.. c- P44b. 4-5-44.89.440., iD/M Onto he said: ".1". . to destroy liberty and to coistrol the world, inunists use every conceivable 'Weapon; subversion, bribery, corrup- ting& military attack. . . ." "We must inert this threat with courage and firm- To counter the accusation we make here the "Dual Governmenters" explain that since the death of Stalin every- thing has altered and we can now come t" terms with the Kremlin's pretest leaders. Yet this is treachery, of AO worst type! The goateed Marshal Bulgania far horn being an honorable soldier on , whose word one can rely has ewer held a military command but WOO the head oi the Red Army Secret Police that was notorious for its brutality. Furthermore, Bulganin, a Communist of long ...tanding. said when speaking at the Warsaw Conference of Satellite � otintrirs on May 11. 1955: "The new t',1Acirirtient of the USSR will continue the polities of peace based upon the possibilities of co-existence between two worlds of different irieologiea, conform- ing to the doctrines of Lenin." Now, as any future peace is to be based upon ,Lenbes Ideas it is as well that the U .S. State Deport- ment is reminded that the Red Butcher said this: "IN PURSUIT OF OUR AIMS WE MAY, Willift ALL THE POWERS OF DESTRUC- TION, COLLABORATE WITH SOME CAPITALIST POWERS. . . . � WE MAY EVEN CONTRACT WITH THEM SOME ALLIAN(ES, TO BRING THEM INTO A FALSE SENSE OF SECURTI'Y. . . . YET OUR AIM IS, AN!) ALWAYS MUST BE. THE DOMINATION OF 1111E WORLD." (I.U. Lenin, "Igikreisiyis Proisredieniya.") Sir Winston Churchill Saps Co-Ezistence Means Death ". . . A monster has bean born into our modern world . . . it pommies; tim illimoce of e:...ilisation without its mercy, iise fanaticism of religion without God, the isphitaton of human passions and appetitiss without any . ideal beyond their gratification � and that not hieved. "I have repeatedly warned my Liberal and Socialist friends. . . that they will rimer get any satisfaction out of the � -Jr7F11/4773 Approved for Release: 2021/12/22 606062731 *arias Caemenumials. We are fla memoof alebberame depenunilea which, If sat leskily inherently would reduce great medals, may, lei mankind to doe conditions of the White AM. Or again k is a cancer hecilles feeding and spitedng itself epee the starving body, thriving by the very pros- es* which tortures and destroys its vice tun. "Undeterred by this advice, many have tried ths exporisast. All Mn been disillusioned. . . . AU Is turn have sought to clasp the clammy head. AN in tarn have mailed, injured, hsfolini. or ot hest defiled bykschlll,pihooana moat� London's Daily Telegraph, December 14, 1930.) As Sir Winston Churchill en esmatily � said, any form of co-endetence wilt the Soviets leaves the es-sliders infectad with the hated Red cancerous growth that will, in time, devour the body; in this case the remaining Free World. From the above we realise that ap- peasement can only result in defeat and unless the professional employees are unearthed and a realistic anti-Commit- nits policy adopted then a Red One* World � State remains but a matter of time. The West Re-Anise the Soviets In spite of ail the talk is Washington and Landon about opposing Comae- niant, the Wort, without the tamest of its people, is now saving, for the wend time, the collapse of the Soviet regime by increasing its exports to the USSR. Signs of the Soviets' crumbling eco- nomic structure have been evident for OD paw few years and President Ebro. bower zwportad that theta was evidenoe pointing' to an eomiotnic crisis With the Red bloc. Yet Instead of the West limiting its exports to the Soviets, an action compatible with true anti-Com- enunieca and one which would have forced the Kremlin to devote lea to the inanafecture of armaments, it increased them. The United States recently lifted a major part of its ban as exports to the USSR sad when Sauter Fergus," asked why America should help the Reds out of their difienhiss and so prolong the Mainmasts of largo seethms at the world, Mr. Stamen, actin es the Gov enuemeite urbane" replied that drie wee'�, -t- ined 361. -Illeitatie was them list allakelag essieuseer gee& to ants, the eatenaell saw trios the Geverawasass amid pre. vide a few� entrai to appease their SIMI sari et the mese dish ge ahead asamdeetarisag area thin will he evader* toed swim the netted Steam It would bit very interseting to learn who told the Preeldrat is lift the an- � barge on exports to the /lei reentries because the pertain raparible fee &Iv- ing this"advise ale tiabies! As cosi- firmatios of this rather alaplude ran- dwagation no cede a later boa the. U. S. Secretary a balaine, Mr. C. E. Mhos, to Seamier Vierartiky: deipartasat balm* dal amy apentribades to the 6ceeneeele pounded' often dbertly mad almost always indireetly reateiliates to any enentry's tailleary petandel." � Soviets mask U. s. for Foreign Aid Fer seeker 'bare pea the Amer. ken taxpayers' messy hes Mn neat is all pelts et the world he. cane the eases mayeterieue ere" wry thia k iteepke; � osuulry prosperous is win prevent the re. speedve Caliallralaila Party aseindser- Alpo frees inereneing. This, W- oad of essaitsithog Comummakin ban Weems eare et he gamiest sap perts sad thereteee the seemay is peered Awes a latiesabses There are two MONO wiry Foreign Aid gives moor to the Cramninlas. � Phsely, the annjerIty et 081.110110 In reads et &den have used them I. enlarge dicer lkednatviss and se the reel& et this, the emailsetared articles are then seat bedded the tree Ciertehe to help the Serriet we. sham Zegleadl is � prime eseen. ple et Me ad WOO may mei ask V by reeetvlag Perefign AM Ileitehe la made a mere deterasieed eppeaseat et Cenemeendems. The areser is a pada sod bleat NM Biraids aet ably Alpe vast juandelee .st awe. Aide to the I eestrias het No Govermarresst is dietereeinal is use. sibs area V le mew beareybeg the U. Saterallty, the rebus Csimume- Approved for Release: 2021/12/22 C06062731 I, eA i. ss _Approved for Release: 2021/12/22 CO6062731Ver 3, Ns. 4-5�A -Sept.. 1956 1:)-1 to-. in the eountriee reeeiv- . ine dollor-aid tell the people that their Coocroments are nothing hut poppet. of all street: that the t�,t,1111 knaerica gi%es this money is ece.,te a NI orld iktninated from 1.� all etrect and unlike the Comma- lost I'ortie. the tnierican financiers will folly exploit the workers. siim this up briefly , and if the i,ader desires additional data he can tot a in the booklet, "RETRAYAU), .it that the Foreign Aid program areoriiplishes is the stabilization of BrilpAiwer and the &restitution of s. financial, reserseti. Reds Plan Phoney Freedom I.S. Plana a CknitiREIREfitiOn of Communism! � a third of the human tare is kai ful bondage to Communist die- t, tot-bil, But we do not regard this a, noinue.hle. -There i:, we know, vast human di4s- , omen; among 8n0 million people iii international Communism riles. I hut ( ornes from the enslavement of tio- suppression of religion and o ,loolual in and the national ition of the satellite. countries. Hr.\ NORM kLLY .( )11Fes FROM WITHIN IF HOPE IS n\-T.\\ ftV 1;STAINED FROM 'Alieen I Til 1T IS WHAT WE ARE inil\t, \l \\Y GC AYS." I John F. 1, .1 ties sn a Radio-Television broadcast Vorernber 29, 1951.1 1' ri.d to the last presidential elec. hoth Mr. Ei.kenhower and Mr. J. F. pt�miitesi to give financial and tonal and to tile various anti-Corn- odorground movements behind lion Curtain but eince they have a�uined the helm of Ameri^a they have ,, weirdly refused to honor tlwir prom- - �- In fa, t far from helping the -'.amI I Loinniuniste, who could rid the Iti of the Rod pestilence if they were ii m; a mere fraction of the pro-Red money, the present ad. -it ation has given the cause of Inter. hal Marxism untold sums. Whon this article was first written I aol dist the Scoiets intended to hold ',Aloe.: in various, of the Smel- l!! � lo I 41�,.' OW pressure upon them. eo Ito, now become public knowledge Mr. .1. Dutlet% has greeted this .,��,l ploposal as a step forward towards liberty. Yet what the Secretary of State did not say was, that in the event of these "free" elections he and his col- leagues are prepared to recogntse the various "National Committees" as the only voice of the East-European na- tions and if this was done then a eon- titillation of Communism would be as- sured. The Roumanian National Committee The "anti-Communist" leaders of this group which finds favor with the State Department is a self-confessed Soviet agent called Mr. Visoianu who was, from 1937 onward President of "The Friends of Soviet Russia," the most active Red outfit in Roumania. While Roumanian soldiers were dying in their fight against the Red Army Mr. Visoiarna, working in the Roumanian. Foreign Department, war supplying the Kremlin with classified information. This he admitted in Paris, France, in 1952. Not content with this, when his coun- try wanted to surrender at the end of the war and so save some vestiges of self- Government. Mr. Visoianu deliberately withheld this offer from the Soviets so that the latter could later demand "'un- conditional surrender." Working with Mr. Vieoianu is Dr. Sabin Manuda, who during the war was director of Military Statistics yet, as a side-line, the good Doctor had in his basement a secret Red group who issued a Communist newspaper, Free Roan- manic. This same type of individual fills the other so-called National Committees and for this reason not only will these .men he unacceptable to their fellow-coun- trysnen at horns but the vast majority of the- emigrations refuse to have anything to do with them. Yet, in spite of their pro-Communist backgrounds the State Department tries to. assure the world that these men can and do speak for their people at home. More money goo, to waste! While Marxists of all nationali- ties receive a steady flow of dollars the real anti-Communists are left to die in poverty. The littler have committed a grave crime, they are anti-Communists whp refuse to comprombe with Marxism and who will not promise Mr. Dulles that they will establish a Socialist re- gime should their rountries ever be liberated. "American Committee for the Liberation From Bolshaviam" This is a semi-official agency which has a State Department mail at Its helm and receives support from it. The main function of the Committee is to help the people of Russia fight and prepare for the liberation of their country, yet instead of financing anti-Communist organizations or leaders if calls them "reactionaries" and gives its money to the Marxist elements and known Soviet groups. The Committee lavishes praise upon each people as the NTS who have never demo anything but be- tray its more patriotic members to the MVD/MGB but refutes to aid, in any way, a man called General Arthur Holeastott-Scoyslovsky who Is the world's leadbtg specialist on Russia; le head of a real catti-Cont. muoist organization and was Ike leader of some 30,000 tratti-Red Partisans fighting the Red Army In Russia in /94243. Perhaps it Is fearful that General Holenstou- Senyelovsky would fight CAmmu. ethers I � A Resume As an Englishman, and nixed of a world-wide News arid Politieal Intel- ligence organization, I feel that this article, condensed from the December, 1955, issue of OUT bulletin, contains such damning evidence of rampant treason in the United'Stotea- that the American people mast demand from any Presi- dential. Candidate a publit assurame that all the natters raked hese clarified and, upon election', a real, one hundred per cent anti-Communist policy adopted and adhered to. One final weed. To those who may dislike an Englishman writing this, let me say that I have only arndertalsert this odious task be. mum it is my personal belief thag the United States remaigs titans& tary beaten of Freedom ityminst World Commoutism. Or, at least she will become so, If Ada treason is damped out once and ,f9r all. Should this, however, be alloived to continue then the entire world is lent. Approved for Release: 2021/12/22 C06062731 IN& FORCE Approved for Release: 2021/12/22 C06062731 veil. 1, plc 4-5--nee-S�Pt- "56 Pens 2 T.ISig FORCE �f at�IA