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Publication Date:
September 12, 1966
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Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752602
12 September 1966
SUBJECT: Trip to LTV Electrosystems, Greenville, Texas,
23-26 August 1966
Summary: LTV Electrosystems has structurally modified the SP-2H
aircraft so that it will accept the sensor subsystems '
and additional navigation equipment. The flying qualities
evaluation and structural performance of the aircraft,
completion of Phase II, was not accomplished during our
trip as previously planned. The electrical wiring and
special mission equipment mountings are less than 50%
complete. The program is at least a month behind sched-
ule and there will be further delays unless a more con-
certed effort by LTV is shown during Phase III.
1. On August 23, and I flew to Dallas
Texas where Lt. Dan Sullivan and Lt. (jg) Clif Carpenter, MUDDYHILL
crew members, met us at Love Field. During our trip from Dallas to
Greenville we briefed them on certain aspects of the program that
they needed to know. We discussed the Navy's involvement in the
program and problem areas that have come up since the crew has been
assigned to Greenville. Crew training and crew training facilities
were the most immediate problems discussed. The crew's flight test
plan was discussed.
2. On August 24, and I met with Mr. Dave Lane
and told him of the need for (1) office space for the officers and
enlisted men, (2) facilities for training of the crew, and (3) tech-
nical publications on the special mission equipment to use for crew
training. Dave Lane was asked to furnish a schedule of installation
and testing of all GioE and CFE. Mr. Lane said that Clif Slagle, the
project engineer, had all the information regarding equipment
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Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752602
schedules; he was out of town and wouldn't be back until August 29.
Dave provided a rough "optimistic" outline of the installation and
test schedule.
Aug - Structural Testing of A/C
Sept - TFR, NAV, ALT installation and test
Oct - FLIR, LLLTV installation and test
Nov - Full system testing, drop test
Dec - Completion of program.
We met LCDR's Bob Porter and Dale Hagen and discussed who should
have responsibility for A/C maintenance while the SP-2H is at
Greenville. LCDR Bob Porter has a great deal of confidence in his
maintenance people and wants them to maintain the A/C. I feel the
Navy should take over airframe and engine maintenance after comple-
tion of the structural tests, but I don't know Dave Lane's require-
ments to use union help or to what extent the Navy can maintain an
A/C on a civilian field. I believe the Navy personnel are more pro-
ficient in P2-V systems than the LTV maintenance people and have more
interest in an expedient testing program. Therefore, if Dave Lane
can get cooperation for the Navy maintenance (APU's, low cost parts,
�and spares that he can loan if the replacement date is agreeable)
it will be in the best interests of the program to have Navy main-
3. On August 25, Dave Lane got space for the Navy personnel
in the form of a classroom and assorted offices. Mr. C. F. Wilson
acquired several technical orders and training manuals for use as
training aids for the air and ground crew. I met Chuck Michelsen,
LTV navigator, who prepared the test and evaluation plan for the
multisensor SP-2H A/C System. Chuck was an upper classman of mine
in the Air Force Aviation Cadet Program and I believe him to be
responsible and competent. He will perform all of the flying eval-
uations of the specialized equipment and he will need the support
of the Navy crew in order to complete the test and evaluation pro-
gram on schedule; to which I concur.
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4. On August 26, we discussed with Ens. Bob Zaferan, an exper-
ienced electronic maintenance man who came from the enlisted ranks,
the training requirements of the enlisted Navy personnel. Bob pro-
vided a list of the special equipment that he wanted his people to
receive schooling in if it is available. Bob and some of his people
have been stationed at TI for the past week and have a good insight
to the problems that might come up in the near future: (1) Some of
the special equipment that goes in the A/C uses non-military stan-
dard, one-of-a-kind accessories that will be difficult to replace in
this country and especially overseas. (2) More emphasis should be
placed on getting spares. For example, the man building the FLIR
was unaware of a contract for spares, (3) A high level of contractor
technical representative support must be available for a successful
field test program. Bob Zaferan, after being at TI for a week or so,
wasn't aware of such a program. Clif Slagle, who came in August 26,
said TI had a good man with an Agency clearance who could handle ,
FLIR, TPR, and SD-5 technical support. Clif presented us with a pro-
ject schedule chart for all Gill: and CFE with most of the dates for
installing and testing the equipment. In view of my limited exper-
ience with LTV on this program, I believe this schedule to be highly
optimistic for the following reasons: (1) LTV hasn't met their
milestones in the first part of the program and with the type main-
tenance they showed while we were there more delays are inevitable.
(2) GFE and CFE delivery delays. (3) A theodolite is necessary to
align certain special equipment on the boresight of the A/C, which
can be time consuming. (4) Most of the special equipment going
aboard this A/C is new equipment that has not been proven reliable,
especially when integrated with the other subsystems. (5) Opera-
tional procedures have to be developed for all the new equipment, and
possibly some new procedures for the old equipment integrated into
this configuration. (6) Chuck Michelsen is the only one with exper-
ience in flight test and evaluation of the new navigation equipment
and he is involved in several other programs at this time. (7) Equip-
ment might have to be installed during the day and the A/C flown at
night to meet the schedule.
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Before we left LTV we asked Dave Lane to provide a list of AGE
needed for support in a semi-remote site. Bob Porter requested
secretarial support for his group. He also made us aware of pro-
blems they have had with Navy supply which could be solved by Navy's
giving them a priority I for supply.
Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752602