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Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775922
17 January 2000
Original Text of
Original Text of
(AIU0) ODC Vk1 Report 6-12 Jan 2000
17 January 2000
Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775922
Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775922
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41,11249-)0DC Weekly Report 6-12 Jan 2000
Note: There is only one version of the ODC
ee ly Report this week This report contains information through last
The Automatic Deela ation Date ,
(U) Activities and Accomplishments Highlights
Items f anagunent Interest:
&nation with the State Dep
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(AHIO) Production Statistics:
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Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775922
.(AIU ) ODC 25-year production for the first quarter of FY 2000 has been close to target. For the first 13 weeks of the fiscal year, ODC staffers have certified
more than ages of records through the IWAS on-line redaction tool. Contractors reviewers have completed an additional pages. ODC is
nearing completion of all RAC documents from the Kennedy, Johnson, and Eisenhower libraries.
(ARLO) Manual review activites have also been solid. ODC contract reviewers have completed review of another -page tranche of ground photo master
negatives, and have reviewed almost pages of FBIS material. These materials are now being certified by ODC staffers for delivery to NARA in the
boxes offoreign translations remaining from the FY1999 collection.
near-term. ODC has also reviewed and certified the last
41...L4*4Y ODC has also been processing large number of records through the SPREE process for expedited exemption. So far in FY 2000, ODC staffers have
completed more than pages of records, primarily from the DDS&T, but also including some FGI material from DI, and CMS budget material from
f-A4iU0). Document Conversion Center:
(4IU0) Production Statistics:
(4.14,44) MOM Document Conversion Activities
(AIUO). Collection/Case Processing
-(741-1441)- In Process: The JFK collection (CSI-1999-00021)
continues to be processed through DCC. Currently, more than
ages have been entered into the MORI database. A
total ofnboxes of prepped material has been moved to MORI;
boxes are "in process" (scanning, indexing, QA) and are in
hierarchy. In addition to the continuing flow ofJFK material,
the team received four new large jobs this week: A Special on
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(AIUO) On the Horizon: The collections in queue for future
processing include: DI Soviet Finished Intelli ence 2 tranches),
Studies in Intelligence, Bay of Pigs,
ISCAP case documentation and China ro
(AIUO) ISCAP Case Documentation: The DCC/MORI team
met with .,q^om PIRD to finalize plans to scan ISCAP
case documents into associated MORI cases. The initial case, 14
pages from EO-1994-00002 was processed into MORI this week.
The documents will be reviewed by DCC/MORI and prior
to proceeding with the remaining cases which total less than a
thousand pages.
(AIUO) MORI Scanning Priorities: C/DCC and DCC/MORI
team chief P provided a briefing for the Agency
Release Panel on 11 January. The purpose of the briefing was to
explain the prioritization scheme which the DCC/MORI team
follows while processing various collections of documents from
multiple customers. The briefing prompted discussion on certain
categories of documents which are currently being processed into
MORI, FR US for example, and suggestions for other document
types which might be added to MORI such as DCI speeches,
OPA press releases, CSI publications and IG reports.
(AIUO) CDF Activities:
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�64#bitor Factory Production:
� DIU prepped Lboxes of,JFK material for MORI.
� Document preparation processed full cubes of DCI
and DI material this week.
� Scanning worked on full cubes of material from
all the directorates.
� The total factory export was age images.
(AIUO) Support for Agency Forms Repository: DCC scanned
and loaded 25 Agency forms onto a CD for 9f
0111/ The images will be added to the Agenh
Forms Repository database on Lotus Notes and CIALink.
(U) Declassification Review Division
-(41449)-DA Team:
-(T4H60)-The DA team is back up in force following the Y2K non-event. Three team members are conducting box assessment at the AARC, ground photos and
hard copy (WDC) review are continuing, is temporarily at NARA and F7 and n are working the Certification queues. A Team meeting is
scheduled for Thursday to discuss the selection of boxes from the AARC and the DA Certification queue.
DCI Team:
(AIU ) We welcomed back
esteemed DCI Team Chief who himself barely avoided "declassification" in a recent car accident.
(U) A couple of reviewed documents may be of particular interest:
(AHIO) Psychological Strategy Board Created-- A 4 April 1951 directive from President Truman to the DCI, Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense
established the Psychological Strategy Board whose purpose was to "provide for the more effective planning, coordination, and conduct, within the framework
of approved national policies, of psychological operations." The directive explicitly noted that "This directive does not authorize the Board nor Director to
perform any 'psychological operations.'" They should instead "utilize to the maximum extent the facilities and resources of the participating departments and
-04144-Coordination of Field Intelligence -- Lyman Kirkpatrick as Inspector General, wrote a paper in September 1957 grappling with the question "How
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should the Director of Central Intelligence exercise his authority and fulfill his responsibility for the clandestine collection of intelligence outside the United
States." Although too long to briefly summarize, Mr. Kirkpatrick's paper cited the intent expressed in Congressional hearings leading to the 1947 National
Security Act that the DCI should coordinate (Kirkpafrick emphasis) all field clandestine collection, but noted the situation had become more complicated since
that time, "multiplied in almost direct proportion to the spread of United States military commitments and responsibilities abroad." He said the creation of
NATO as well as the Korean War had resulted in sizable intelligence organizations who had requirements for information that could not in all cases be
answered by the CIA. His paper outlined some of the practical problems of coordination between the military intelligence organizations and CIA and argued
the DCI should continue to play a key coordinating role in this newly complicated atmosphere.
(AIU0) DO Team:
�(74#H60)-On 7 January 2000, of ERU, and DO Senior Reviewer qttended a meeting at State offices in
Newington with the Office Director of State's 25-year Systematic Declassification Program and four other State and USIA reviewers. The
purpose of the meeting was to look for ways to make sure the review of the Guatemala records would go smoothly and meet the March 2000 The CIA
side suggested that we review State records for release under guidelines such as State has furnished to NARA and the Presidential Libraries. elt that
State would not be responsive to that idea but would probably accept the idea of sending a couple of experienced reviewers to review the material in paper
copy on site. When told we expected to have from pages of material the State reviewers said they probably could handle that in a few days. On
12 January, State notified ERU that two senior reviewers had been selected for the fleview and could be available whenever arrangements could be
7-ifff,'199- In the past week during review of the Guatemala records we encountered abouLJocuments in the Spanish language. Two team members, Level I
reviewer and Level II reviewer are both well versed enough in Spanish to review these documents. The Level I reviewers who
encountered these documents made paper copies which and scanned to determine the substance and to enable them to make the necessary
declassification decisions. This proved to be a cumbersome method for handling these documents. We checked with and the Help Desk and
we are now in the process of establishing a new procedure that will allow the Level I reviewers, when they encounter a folder with one or more Spanish
language documents, to forward it directly to or Level I review and to for Level II.
7`A1-(74gY-DO Team Chief attended
retirement ceremony at Headquarters. Chief/IMS presented with the Intelligence Medal, a letter from the
DCI, and other gifts. The ceremony was attended by many of his family members, IMS managers, and co-workers.
f741-144Quality Control/Training:
(AIU ) A new Fundamentals of Declassfication class began on January 10th. riew reviewers, new DO certifier, and one new technician are in the
class. A second running of the one day IWAS Familiarization class for developers and technical support people was held on January 5, 2000. We have
received very positive responses from attendees. The developers have noted that spending a day on the system "as a reviewer" has been eye-opening. A third
running of the course is scheduled for January 26th. Work continues on the draft of the Reviewer's Handbook. as been working with the
certifiers and senior reviewers to gather information and clarift issues. met with the DI certifiers to discuss quality issues. The DI team
senior reviewer is continuing to work with the team to reduce errors. Work continues on effifrts to have another running of the Department of Energy's five day
Historical Restricted Data Reviewer course here atn The paperwork needed to process Q clearances for overnreviewers was submitted in November.
C/EHU has tentatively scheduled a running of the course for the week of February 14-18, 2000, however, DOE reports that they are running a 60-90 day
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backlog on processing requests for Q clearances. We have no information as to whether enough of the necessary clearances will be processed in time for a
class in February.
(U) Upcominz Week
41.I.41-614 Declassification and the march towards the new FY 2000 page goal continues.
-(74-I-(4eY In addition, this coming week we will brief the Historical Review Panel, chair an ERWG meeting, and brief the OIM- Forum on Goals and
Chief OIM- Declassification Center
(U) Note: Portion Markings pertain to all portions below the marking until a new portion marking is encountered.
.....11-Te49-except indicated Para and Indicated Cover Name(s)
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Sent an 17 January 2000 at 03:27:40 PM
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