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PDF icon HORIZONTAL SLEEP DEPRIVAT[15790721].pdf183.96 KB
_______ for 211 -i ) /26AC111172AgrAl 1.74111r AP %dr TO: NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INMALS (Secu 0 4 4 2 3 (b)(6) (11330 ROUTING 7101,-SECRE-T--� i 0 CC"FIFIENCCI�"IWr*PR3Vil AL DISPATCH INPORMATTCN DIRECTRE RELY REMARKS: 0 0 0 0�. 0 0 0 0 0 PREPARERERY FtGOONNENDAITCN RETURN SIGNATURE FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE CONTROL NO. copy Handle Via COMINT Channels OF Access to this document will be restricted to those approved for the following specific activities: NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION Unauthorized Disclosure Subject to Criminal Sanctions 51'0.4 AMN 02648 �TCrP-SECRET� (Security Ciadsific Approved for Release: 2020/02/26 C06160242 � RPR. 22. 21305 5:3p. tie - � Approved for Release: 2020/02/26 C06160242 TOP SECRET// (b)(1) (b)(3) ' FAX COVER SHEET Central Intelligence Agency Office of General Counsel Washington, DC 20505 NO.717 P.1 22 April 2005 To: I Steve Bralipla. _ Organization: tDoJ/OLC Phone: (Bradburvi Fax: MOM �������se From: � Organization: Phone: Fax: (Command Ctrl... � Number of pages (including cover sheet): 4 Comments: Per your request... No Dissem � This Note and Attachment are Attorney Work Product (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(3) (b)(6) (b)(3) (b)(3) TOP SECRET/ (NM (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/02/26 C06160242 e6490 AMN 02649 FFR.22.2005 5:04P1 I IC nrstrkr � Approved for Release: 2020/02/26 C06160242 TOP SECRET/ (b)(1) 7203O0422 NO.717 '13:2 (b)(3) Horizontal Slew Deotivafion On three occasions Carly in the program, the interrogation team and the attendant mediCal officers identified the potential for Unacceptable edema In the lower limb's of detainees � undergoing Interrogation. In order te permit the limbs to recover without Impairing sleep deprivation requirements, the subjects underwent horizontal sleep deprivation.. Horizontal sleep deprivation occurs when a detainee Is placed prone on the floor on top Of kthIck towel or blanket 'a precaution designed to prevent reduction of body temperature through direct contact with the cell floor. The detalnee's.hands are manacled together and the arms placed In outstretched � .:position -- either extended beyond the head or extended to either side of the body, � and anchored to a far point on the floor in such a Manner that the arms cannot be bent Or used for � balance or COmfort, At the Same time, the ankles are shackled together and the legs are � extended in a Straight line with the body, and anchored to a far point on the floor in such a manner that the legs cannot be bent or used for balance or comfort. The Manacles and shackles � are anchored without additional stress on anY of the arm or ieg joints that might force the limbs beyond natural extension or *create tension on any joint The position is sufficiently uncomfortable to detainees to deprive them of unbroken sleep, while allowing their lower limbs to recover from � the effects of standing sleep deprivation. All standard precautions and proCedures for shedding � are observed for both hands and feet while in this position. Horizontal sleep deprivation has been used until the detainee's affected limbs have demonstrated Sufficient recovery to return to sitting or standing sleep deprivation-mode, as warranted by the requirements of the interrogation teem, and subject to determination by Medical officer that there is no contraindication to resuming other sleep deprivation modes. � (b)(3) (b)(1) TOP SECRET/b)(3) /20300422 Approved for Release: 2020/02/26 C06160242 AMN 02650 (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) m(1) opn (Tv' (/NF,OC) As you are aware, the Central Intelligence Agency has established specific guidelines for the use of each of these two interrogation techniques and the waterboard. These guidelines incOrPOrate the � guidelines established by the CIA Office of Medical � Services (OMS). TR.22.2005 5:04PM rAropITOVO�d for Release: 2020/02/26 C06160242 TOP SECET4_03x1 ) /2.0300422 (b)(3) 22 April .2005_ Transmitted by Secure Facsimile NO.717 P.a (m/ /NP,OC). The following is the 'Central Intelligence Agency's.. use. of. the "waterboard" in-- cOmbination:with two other techniques. The waterboard is an interrogation technique As described in out Background: Paper on CIA'S Combined Use of Interrogation Techniques, provided tO you previously, (TS/, //NFtod) We also previously provided the Department of JUstice-with.our.description of the waterboard. The following'is our. description of the two linterrogatiOn techniques AM use in 'conjunction; with the waterboard: These techniques are dietary manipulation and sleep deprivation.. Whi.le an individual is physically on the waterboard, we do not Use the insult slap, belly slap, attention grasp, facial hold, walling, water dousing, streas positionsl.or cramped confinement-. Many or all. of those techniques almost certainly will have been used before the Agency needs to resort to the waterboard (and, indeed, since march 2003, the Agency has not had to resort to use of the waterboard to transition an individual from resistance, to cooperation).. Further, it is possible that one or more of these interrogation techniques might be used the same day as a waterboard session (such as was the case with the interrogation of Khalid Shaykh Mohammed). (b)(1) (b)(3) (T8// 1147,0q As we briefed you previously, an individual is always placed on a fluid:diet:befOre ha may be subjected to the waterboard in order to avoid aspiration of regurgitated food. The individual is kept on the fluid diet throughout the period the waterboard is used. (b)(3) (b)(1) mnn CrODVITI (13)(3) IblA16A422 Approved for Release: 2020/02/26 C06160242 AMN 02651 PPR.22.2005 5:05PM NO. 717 P.4 (b)(1) (b)(3) i IC (sill 1".. Approved for Release: 2020/02/26 C06160242 TOP SECRET/(b)(1) 02030042.2 (b)(3) (TS/ /NP,OC) Sleep deprivation may be used prior to and duting the waterboard session. As has,been previously noted, the time limitation on application of sleep deprivation is strictly monitored. In addition, the detainee's physical and mental state is also monitored to ensure they are not harmed. There is no evidence in literature or experience that sleep deprivation exacerbates any harmful effects of the waterboard, but it does reduce the detainee's will to resist, contributing to the � effectiveness of the waterboard as an interrogation � technique. In the event a detainee were to be perceived as unable to withstand the affects of the waterboard for any reason, any member of the interrogation team has obligation to voice concern, and if necessary to halt the proceedings. AMN 02652 (b)(1) TOP SnRETi---(13)(3)----nqnri422 Approved for Release: 2020/02/26 C06160242