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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
October 11, 1978
Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06626224 [Se4det�](b)(3) � Weekly Situation Report on International Terrorism 11 October 1978 Se/et 1-RECORD COPY I "DDO (b)(3) _ Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06626224 Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06626224 SECRET (b)(3) 11 October 1978 TERRORIST THREATS AND PLANS Tab B includes all reasonably credible reports of planned terrorist activity. Although the reliability and access of the sources vary considerably, the threats listed are consid- ered sufficiently plausible to warrant alertness and the use of protective security measures. However, terrorist groups often discuss general intentions .or make tentative plans for violent acts that they never succeed in carrying out. In nearly all the cases listed, the, intended target and appro- priate governments have been informed of the threat. * * Indicates.a new threat reported for the first time. * Indicates a revision of a threat reported in previous issues. I. Western Hemisphere, Including the United States target: U.S. AMBASSADOR U.S. EMBASSY Place: Honduras, Tegucigalpa Date: Unknown Target: U.S. AMBASSADOR U.S. CONSUL , Place: Guatemala Recent developments in Honduras at the U.S. Embassy have re- sulted in the tightening of security measures. In late August a night watchman was approached as he departed the Embassy and asked questions about working hours of the Ambassador and Consul. The two men said they were Sand- inistas and spoke of getting a large ransom if they kidnaped the American Ambassador. On 24 September an anonymous male telephoned the Embassy and speak- ing in Spanish said something about "explosivo--5 minutos". A search of the building was negative. (SECRET) (b)(1) the Guerrilla Army ot the (b)(3) Poor (EGP) continues planning to assassinate the U.S. Ambas- SECRET RECORD COPY (b)(3) ,ADDO Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06626224 Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06626224 SECRET 11 October 1978 sador and the U.S. Consul in Date: Unknown Guatemala. In late June of this year there was a threat by the EGP against a diplomatic mission, the U.S. Embassy and a member of the U.S. military in the country. (See the issue of 12 July, Tab B.) B-I -2 SFCRFT RECORD COPY ADDO Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06626224