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Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162395 E C IL--T MEDICAL INTELLIGENCE ABSTRACTS OF UNEVALUATED INFORMATION CIA/SI 25.7-51 2 May 1951 WARNING: This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States, -within the meaning of Title 18, Sec- tions 793 and 794, of the U. S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by lair. Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 C01162395 Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162395 1. CHINA Apr, 51 DESPERATE NEED FOR MEDICAL PERSONNEL IN CHINA Medical personnel are desperately needed. Training courses have been shortened. 26 CHINA/Korea Apr, FBIS, 18 Apr o - Far East MEDICAL SUPPORT FOR KOREAN FRONT CANTON MEDICAL TEAMS - The medical and surgical team and the nurse team organized by medical -workers in Canton for volun- teer service in resisting America and aiding Korea left Canton Apr. 12 and 15, respectively, for the Korean front. Medical and pharmaceutical circles of Canton donated over 100 million dollars worth of medicines, which were conveyed by the medical and surgical team, for the Korean front. ANALYST'S COMMENT: Although this is apparently propaganda, it seems to indicate no let-up to the mar. C-E -0 -11,-Z-T Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162395 Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162395 5. KOREA/USSR Apr, 51 LARGE HOSPITAL ESTABLISHED AT SUIFENHO� MANCHURIA,. FOR SEATOSIX YiroPliPtb ar, GERMAN TOUP's AND SOVIET AVIATORS. Large hospital established Suifenho (Nek Olk Idy) River Valley on Soviet territory to tare for seriously wounded North Koreans, Outer Mongolian; Japanese and German troops, and Soviet aviators and technicians. 6. KOREA/USSR Apr, 51 MILITARY HOSPITAL ESTAB. IN SOV, TERRITORY NR, KOREA FOR JAP., MONGOL,, I7 & SOVIET WOUNDED 70,000 man international volunteer army composed of Japanese, Mongolian, East Germans. and East Europeans in training at Changchun and Milkden, establishment of hospital in Soviet territory near Korean border for treat- ment for Japanese. Monolian. and German as well as Soviet wounded. 2 � Sa�G-1 Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162395 Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162395 7. ALBANTA/ CZECHOSLOVAKIA Mar, 51 . -Er-E-0-1/4:17T LARGE SHIPMENTS BANDAGES FROM CZECHOSLOVAKIA TO ALBANIA 'RU TRIESTE --- shipments Of bandages, each 5.8 tons for transshipment thru Trieste, from Czechoslovakia to Albania. ANALYST'S COMMENTs This would make approximately 2 rolls of bandage for every person in Albania o 1,1140,000.) 8. HUNGARY/USSR Jan, 51 Amerikai Magyar Napazavia 30 Jan 51 BLOOD PLASMA FOR HUNGARIAN ARMY; RUSSIAN AT HEAD OF HUNGARIAN PUBLIC HEALTH PROGRAM All Hungarians from 16-60 have been required to submit to an examination to determine their blood types and have also been required to donate blood which will be made into blood plasma for the Hungarian Army. Professor Zaboshkow is the Moscow- supplied overall head of the Hungarian imblic health program. 9. RUMANIA ' Jan, Feb, Si RUMANIAN ARMY DOCTORS Rumanian Army doctors were recalled to active duty in lar er numbers in January and early February 1951. Many doctors have been notified to be ready for active duty at any time. 10. YUGOSLAVIA Apr, 51 CIVILIAN DEFENSE MEASURES many people living in Zemin have moved or are moving into country for fear of mar. all residents up to age 65 are required to take training in first aid and security (1) against air attack. (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) - 3 - 0ECRET Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162395