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Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 13-00000 �ACIFITITESTIMINFEENESNA6-1.16E-0/111..Y- Th1s Notice Expires 1 April 19P4 Carnet copy PERSONNEL HN 30 Septenter 1983 CIVILIAN PAY DEDUCTIONS OF FEDERALLY EMPLOYED RETIRED MILITARY ANNUITANTS No Field Counterpart to this HN 1. Title III, Section 301, of the 1982 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act directed that effective 1 April 19R3, uniformed service retirees who are employed in civilian positions in the Federal Government will have the amount of any cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) in their military retired or retainer pay during Fiscal Years 1983, 1984, and 1985 deducted from their civilian pay during these three fiscal years. This provision does not apply if the retired or retainer pay is awarded as a result of a service-connected disability incurred in the line of duty as a direct result of armed conflict or as a result of certain service-connected disabilities incurred in the line of duty during a period of war. The amounts deducted from civilian pay in accordance with Section 301 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act will be deposited in the general fund of the Treasury. 2. The Agency is responsible for obtaining the COLA offset amount appropriate to each military annuitant of record who is employed by the Agency and subject to the deduction. The Department of Defense centralized data base of military retirees at the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMEC) in Monterey, California, will provide the mechanism for computing the deduction. 3. Any employee who is a military annuitant and has not been informed by the Office of Personnel that a COLA offset has been requested from DMDC should contact Chief, Transactions and Records Branch, Office of Personnel, extension and report the matter. The provisions of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act directing the deduction from Government civilian pay is an enacted law, and it is the personal .responsibility of each retired military annuitant to be in compliance with it. Harry E. Fitzwater Deputy Director for Administration a; Ald sr , iv DISTRIBUTION: ALL EMPLOYEES (1-6) mEOINISFRATIVE nautaL nwAr Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 13-00000 ACIIINISITATIVE - INFERNAL USE ONLY This Notice Expires 1 April 19R4 PERSONNFI, MN 30 SepteMber 1983 CIVILIAN PAY DEDUCTIONS OF FEDERALLY EMPLOYED RETIRED MLLITARY ANNUITANTS No Field Counterpart to this MN 1. Title III, Section 301, of the 1982 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act directed that effective 1 April 1983, uniformed service retirees who are employed in civilian positions in the Federal Government will have the amount of any cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) in their military retired or retainer pay during Fiscal Years 1983, 1984, and 1985 deducted from their civilian pay during these three fiscal years. This provision does not apply if the retired or retainer pay is awarded as a result of a service-connected disability incurred in the line of duty as a direct result of armed conflict CT as a result of certain service-connected disabilities incurred in the line of duty during a period of war. The amounts deducted from civilian pay in accordance with Section 301 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act will be deposited in the general fund of the Treasury. 2. The Agency is responsible for obtaining the COLA offset amount appropriate to each military annuitant of record who is employed by the Agency and subject to the deduction. The Derertment of Defense centralized data base of military retirees at the Defense Manpower Data Center (MI) in MOnterey, California, will provide the mechanism for computii.; the deduction. 3. Any employee who is a military annuitant and has not been informed by the Office of Personnel that a COLA offset has been requested from DMDC should contact Chief, Transactions and Records Branch, Office of Personnel, extension and report the matter. The provisions of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act directing the deduction from Government civilian pay is an enacted law, and it is the personal responsibility of each retired military annuitant to be in compliance with it. Harry E. Fitzwater Deputy Director for Administration DISTRIBUTION: ALL EMPLOYEE:: (1-6) ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 13-00000 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY r� ois Reaiziry ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT. Pay Deductions of DD/A Registry Federally Employed (Ormenot) , Proposed HNI .Civilian Retired Military Annuitants (Job I 3 its 4 / FR EXTENSION 2857 NO. viler, xegulations Lontrol ivision 1105 Ames Building �A" 23 SEP 1983 TO: :Officer designation. room number. ond buildrng) DATE OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS INumber each comment to show From whoa. to whom Draw a line across column alter each comment.) natvED FORwANDED 1. DD/OIS This proposed headquarters notice, originated by the Office of Personnel, is forwarded for approval. It is to advise retired military annuitants employed in civilian positions in the Federal Government that the amount of any cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) in their military retired or retainer pay will be deducted from their civilian pay during Fiscal Years 1983, 1984, and 1985. This is a revised issuance of . Sii 4) :ii--.7 v-7 %Lc 3. EO/DDA 2' VA -I, � Woes 6. ODA Registry eie (14 FIN, published 28 March 1983 and due to expire 1 October 1983 (copy attached). We have obtained the concurrence of the Office of Finance and the legal concurrence of the Office of General Counsel. RCD considers no further coordination necessary. EL WI ET Oi F 130 . 8. RCD 1105 Ames Building eft .-1/> 9. . al) . to. 11. 12. . 13. 54. 15. FORM 610 "10712"- 1-79 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY . (b)(31 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(6) 1 (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 13-00000 ALMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY This Notice Expires 1 April 19P4 PERSONNEL HN CIVILIAN PAY DEDUCTIONS OF FEDERALLY EMPLOYED REFIRED miumuy ANNUITANTS NO Field Counterpart to this MN 1. Title III, Section 301, of the 1982 Omnibus Budget Redoncfl.iation Act directed that effective 1 April 1983, uniformed service retirees who are employed in civilian positions in the Federal Government will have the amount of any cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) in their military retired or retainer pay during Fiscal Years 1983, 1984, and 1985 deducted from their civilian pay during these three fiscal years. This provision does not apply if the retired or retainer pay is awarded as a result of a service-connected disability incurred in the line of duty as a direct result of armed conflict or as a result of certain service-connected disabilities incurred in the line of duty during a period of war. The amounts deducted from civilian pay in accordance with Section 301 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act will be deposited in the general fund of the Treasury. 2. The Agency is responsible for obtaining the COLA offset amount appropriate to each military annuitant of record who is employed by the Agency and subject to the deduction. The Department of Defense centralized data base ot military retirees at the Defense Manpower Data Center (MEC) in Mbnterey, California, will provide the mechanism for computing the deduction. 3. Any employee who is a military annuitant and has not been informed by the Office of Personnel that a COLA offset has been requested from DMIDC should contact Chief, Transactions and Records Branch, Office of Personnel, extension and report the matter. The provisions of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act directing the deduction from Government civilian pay is an enacted law, and it is the personal responsibility of each retired military annuitant to be in compliance with it. RCD Distribution: Orig - RCD 1 - DDA Signature 1 - DDA Chrono (23 Sept 83) DISTRIBUTION: ALL EMPLOYEES (1-6) r" Harry E. Fitzwater Deputy Director for Adirdnistrayon 30 Su m ADMINISTRATIVE - INIERNAL USE ONLY (b)(3) (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 13-00000 cif) PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Thls Notice Expires 1 October 1983 CIVILIAN PAY DEDUCTIONS OF FEDERALLY EMPLOYED RETIRED MILITARY ANNUITANTS No Field Counterpart to this HN UN 28 March 1983 1. Title III, Section 301, of the 1982 Omnibus Budget Recon- ciliation Act directs that effective as of 1 April 1983, uniformed service retirees who are employed in civilian positions in the Federal Government will have the amount of any cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) in their military retired or retainer pay during Fiscal Years 1983, 1984, and 1985 deducted from their civilian pay during these three fiscal � -vs. This provision does not apply if the retired or retainer pay is a. ad on account of a service-connected disability incurred in the line of duty as a direct result of armed conflict or on account of certain service-connected disabilities incurred in the line of duty during a period of war. The amounts deducted from civilian pay in accordance with Section 301 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act will be deposited in the general fund of the Treasury. 2. In compliance with this law, the Agency will obtain the COLA offset amount appropriate to each military annuitant of record who is employed by the Agency and who is subject to the deduction. The Department of Defense centralized data base of military retirees at the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) in Monterey, California, will provide the mechanism for computing the deduction. 3. Efforts are underway to accomplish the necessary arrangements prior to 1 April 1983. Several factors are present, however, which can affect the timely implementation of the deduction; i.e., the establish- ment, in some cases, of secure measures to obtain the deduction data, and the time needed by the DMDC to compute and respond to Government-wide requests. If it is not possible to meet the 1 April target date, post- adjustments to salary will be made by the Office of Finance. 4. Individual notification will be provided to Agency retired military annuitants of record to ensure they are aware that COLA offset data has been requested, as appropriate to their status. Any employee who is a military annuitant and is not so informed by 30 April 1983 should contact Chief, Transactions and Records Branch, Office of Personnel, on extension and report the matter. The provisions of ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 13-00000 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY HN 28 March 1983 PERSONNEL the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act ditecting the deduction from Government civilian pay is an enacted law, and it is the personal responsibility of each retired military atnuitant to be in compliance with it. DISTRIBUTION: ALL EMPLOYEES (1-6) 2 E. ter ty Di tor for Administration ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 13-00000 PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY This Notice Expires 1 October 1983 CIVILIAN PAY DEDUCTIONS Or' FEDERALLY EMPLOYED RETIRED MILITARY ANNUITANTS No Field Counterpart to this MN HN r; 11;;; 28 Mar 1. Title III, Section 301, ul tEe 1982 Omnibus Budget Recon- ciliation Act directs th.t effective as of 1 April 1983, uniformed service retirees who are employed in civilian positions in the Federal Government will have the amount of any cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) in their military retired cr retainer pay during Fiscal Years 1983, 1984, and 1985 dedurted from their civilian pay during these three fiscal years. This provision does not apply if the retired or retainer pay is awarded on account of a service-connected disability incurred in the line of duty as a direct result of a:med conflict or on account of certain service-connected disabilities incurred in the line of duty during a period of war. The amounts deducted from civilian pay in accordance with Section 301 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act will be deposited in the general fund of the Treasury. 2. In compliance with this law, the Agency will obtain the COLA offset amount appropriate to each military annuitant of record who is employed by the Agency and who is subject to the deduction. The Department of Defense centralized data base of military retirees at the Defense Manpouer Data Center (DMDC) in Monterey, California, will provide the mechanism for computing the deduction. 5. Efforts are underway to accomplish the necessary arrangements prior to 1 April 1983. Several factors are present, however, which can affect the timely implementation of the deduction; i.e., the establish- ment, in some cases, of secure measures to obtain the deduction data, and the time needed by the DMDC to compute and respond to Government-wide requests. If it is not possible to meet the 1 April target late, post- adjustments to salary will be made by the Office of Finance. 4. Individual notification will be provided to Agency retired military annuitants of record to ensure they are aware that COLA offset data has been requested, as appropriate to their status. Any employee who is a military annuitant and is not so informed by 30 April 1983 should contact Chief, Transactions and Records Branch, Office ,1 Personnel, on extension and report the matter. The provisions of ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 13-00000 0C91 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY RN 28 MarcL 1983 PERSONNEL the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act directing the deduction from Government civilian pay is an enacted law, and it is the personal responsibility of each retired military annuitant to be in compliance with it. DISTRIBUTION: ALL EMPLOYEES (1-6) E. r ter uty D tor for Administration 2 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 13-00000 CLASS., AS PPPPPPP IA. t MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD DATE SUBJECT Proposed HN Civilian Pay Deductions of Federally FILE NUMOER Employed Reireo Iii itary Annuitants 12SEP83 - Have verified Office Title and extension as still current. 20SEP83. - Called OF re status. statelthey did not receive until the 19th of September. Sees no problem has 1 office to check with. 21SEP83 - Received a call from OF, and OF concurs on proposed reissuance. OFFICE AND TITLE SIGNATURE T771954 Mriare" IT AS I ATE 0 DCL ORVW (40) DRY BY Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 13-00000 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (optionali Proposed HN Civilian Pay Dedt.ictions of Federally Employed Retired Military Annuitants (Job] FT11 EXTENSION NO Chief, Regulations Control Division 1105 Ames Building 2857 DAM 14 September 1983 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show horn whom aca lVEDFORWARDED INITIALS so whom. Draw a line across column m alter each coment I I. AD/PP/OF 616 Key Building This proposed headquarterr notice, originated by the Office of Personnel, 2. Ak is forwarded for con- currence. It is to advise retired military annuitants � employed in civilian positions in the Federal Government that the amount of any cost-of-living 4. adjustments (COLA) in their military retired or retainer pay will be deducted from their during . civilian pay Fiscal Years 1983, 1984, and 1985. This issuance 6. RCD 1105 Ames Building is a revised of HN p------1 published 28 March 1983 dnU u,'e to expire 1 October 1983 (copy 7. attached). Please respond by 19 September 1983 IL 9. 41-) f. 4;4- 10. Office of Fin Date IL 12. 11 lid. Egl 41I ?Z 0/ 15. 0 asb FORM 61010ZWIrk I-19 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY . � , Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 13-00000 PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY This Notice Expires 1 April 19P4 CIVILIAN PAY DEDIKTIONS OF FEDERALLY EMPLOYED RETIRED MILITARC ANNUITANTS NO Field Counterpart to this HN HN 1. Title III, Section 301, of the 1982 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act directed that effective 1 April 1983, uniformed service retirees who are employed in civilian positions in the Federal Government will have the amount of any cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) in their military retired or retainer pay &wing Fiscal Years 1983, 1984, and 1985 deducted from their civilian pay during these three fiscal years. This provision does not apply if the retired or retainer pay is awarded as a result of a service-connected disability incurred in the line of duty as a direct result of armed conflict or as a result of certain service-connected disabilities incurred in the line of duty during a period of war. The amounts deducted from civilian pay in accordance with Section 301 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act will be deposited in the general fund of the Treasury. 2. The Agency is responsible for obtaining the COLA offset amount appropriate to each military annuitant of record who is employed by the Agency and subject to the deduction. The Department of DefensP centralized data base of military retirees at the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) in Monterey, California, will provide the mechanism for computing the deduction. 3. Any employee who is a military annuitant and has not been informed by the Office of Personnel that a COLA offset has been requested from DMDC should contact Chief, Transactions and Records Branch, Office of Personnel, extension and report the matter. The provisions of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act directing the deduction from Government civilian pay is an enacted law, and it is the personal responsibility of each retired military annuitant to be in compliance with it. Harry E. Fitzwater Deputy Director for Administration DISTRIBUTION: ALL EMPLOYEES (1-6) AMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 13-00000 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (optional) Proposed HN---;]Civilian Pa nPrlictions of Federally Employed Retired Military Annuitants (Job Fkoim� EXTENSION NO. 2857 0m1 14 September 1983 Chief, Regulations Control Oivision 1105 Ames Building TO: (Officer designation. room number, and buildmg) DATE OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number each comment to show ho,, whom to whom Draw a hne across column alter each comment) RECEIVED FORWTTRIXD 1. Office of General C041(121__ This proposed headquarters notice, originated by the Office of Personnel, is forwarded for legal 2. concurrence. It is to aJvise retired military annuitants employed in civilian positions in the Federal Government that the amount of any cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) in their 4. military retired or retainer pay will be deducted from their civilian pay during Fiscal � Years 1983, 1984, and 1985. This is a revised issuance of 6. RCD � 1105 Ames Building HN published 28 March 1983 and due to expire 1 October 1983 (copy attached). 7. We are seeking the concurrence of the Office of Finance cel 914 simultaneously with yours. RCD considers no further coordination necessary. LO2 0-- .= knii-) 03 Of Please respond by 19 September 1983 io. 03 _..... CONCUR: -r7 11. -- a- .0 ..... -..., , 4a.. (2. Date 13. 1 � 15. FORM 610 "%MMus- 1-79 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 13-00000 ADMINISTRATIVE - INFERNAL USE ONLY This Notice Expires 1 April 1984 PERSONNEL RN CIVILIAN PAY DECOCTIONS OF FEDERALLY EMPLOYED RETIRED MILITAFOr ANNUITANTS No Field Counterpart to this RN IGeneral Counsel I s 3_ o77.-1-S 1. Title III, Section 301, of the 1982 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act directed that effective 1 April 1983, uniformed service retirees who are employed in civilian positions in the Federal Government will have the amount of any cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) in their military retired or retainer pay during Fiscal Years 1983, 1984, and 1985 deducted from their civilian pay during these three fiscal years. This provision does not apply if the retired or retainer pay is awarded as a result of a service-connected disability incurred in the line of duty as a direct result of armed conflict or as a result of certain service-connected disabilities incurred in the line of duty during a period of war. The amounts deducted from civilian pay in accordance with Section 301 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act will be deposited in the general fund of the Treasury. 2. The Agency is responsible for obtaining the CCLA offset amount appropriate to each military annuitant of record who is employed by the Agency and subject to the deduction. The Department of Defense centralized data base of military retirees at the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) in MOnterey, California, will provide the mechanism for computing the deduction. 3. Any employee who is a military annuitant and has not been informed by the Office of Personnel that a CCLA offset has been requested from DMDC should contact Chief, Transactions and Records Branch, Office of Personnel, extension and report the matter. The provisions of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act directing the deduction from Government civilian pay is an enacted law, and it is the personal responsibility of each retired military annuitant to be in compliance with it. Harry E. Fitzwater Deputy Director for Administration DISTRIBUTION: ALL EMPLOYEES (1-6) ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERtal. USE ONLY Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 1.3-00000 PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY This Notice Expires 1 October 1983 CIVILIAN PAY DEDUCTIONS OF FEDERALLY EMPLOYED RETIRED MILITARY ANNUITANTS No Field Counterpart to this RN RN 28 Marc 83 1. Title III, Section 301, of the 1982 Omnibus Budget Recon- ciliation Act directs that effective as of 1 April 1983, uniformed service retirees who are employed in civilian positions in the Federal Government will have the amount of any cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) in their military retired or retainer pay during Fiscal Years 1983, 1984, and 1985 deducted from their civilian pay during these three fiscal years. This provision does not apply if the retired or retainer pay is awarded on account of a service-connected disability incurred in the line of duty as a direct result of armed conflict or on account of certain service-connected disabilities incurred in the line of duty during a period of war. The amounts deducted from civilian pay in accordance with Section 301 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act will be deposited in the general fund of the Treasury. 2. In compliance with this law, the Agency will obtain the COLA offset amount appropriate to each military annuitant of record who is employed by the Agency and who is subject to the deduction. The Department of Defense centralized data base of military retirees at the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) in Monterey, California, will provide the mechanism for computing the deduction. 3. Efforts are underway to accomplish the necessary arrangements prior to 1 April 1983. Several factors are present, however, which can affect the timely implementation of the deduction; i.e., the establish- ment, in some cases, of secure measures to obtain the deduction data, and the time needed by the DMDC to compute and respond to Government-wide requests. If it is not possible to meet the 1 April target date, post- adjustments to salary will be made by the Office of Finance. 4. Individual notification will be provided to Agency retired military annuitants of record to ensure they are aware that COLA offset data has been requested, as appropriate to their 'status. Any employee who is a military annuitant and is not so informed by 30 April 1983 should contact Chief, Transac1ions and Records Branch, Office of Personnel, on extensionr and report the matter. The provisions of ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 13-00000 DE9 19;12 1N3WHDVILV ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY RN 28 March 1983 PERSONNEL the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act directing the deduction from Government civilian pay is an enacted law, and it is the personal responsibility of each retired military annuitant to be in compliance with it. DISTRIBUTION: ALL EMPLOYEES (1-6) E. F ter uty D r or for Administration 2 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY (b)(3) (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 13-00000 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) Notices Originated by the Office of Personnel and Due to Expire 1 October 1983 ?ROM: TENSION NO. Chief, Programs & Analysis, OP/P&PS 1001 Ames 2946 DATE 6 September 1983 TO: (Officer designation. roam number. cod building) DATE OFFICER'S � COMMENTS (Number each comment to show Irons whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line aeons column alter each comment.) 1VChief; P&PS 1006 Ames 45004r3 5? 2. 3. 1,7 DDIPA&E 1006 Ames 7 tp, 4. 5. Chief, RCD (13 6-1(1Y6 1105 Ames fa' 6. if . 7. ftZrb ''' hi" /Cot 5 al 8. .e() 9. "". .c...k.At .........s.......,,,......-..... 9- 6D tr-L : al.� _ of- . 10. is . 11. 12. 13. 14. Zi 15. EL lid Z I 8 c133 FORM iiillustramous EDITIONS 1-79 Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995 ATMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY 6 SepteMber 1983 MEMORANCUM FOR: Chief, Regulations Control Division FROM: SUBJECT: REFERENCE: Chief, Programs and Analysis, OP/P&PS Notices Originated by the Office of Personnel and Due to Expire 1 Octdber 1983 Your Memorandum, Same Subject, dated 22 July 1983 The Office of Personnel has reviewed the notices listed in reference which are scheduled to expire on 1 Octdber 1983, and request that your office take the following action: HN Civilian Pay Deductions of Federally Employed Retired Military Annuitants, has been revised forp.iblication. The attached revised version has been coordinated with OF/CD. MN Changes in Evaluation Requirements, should be extended. The information in this HN is being incorporated in a new regulation; however, the proposed regulation is in draft stage and final coordination and publication will not be ac.N....Inplished before the expiration date. Attachment ELK! ET zi 11 ae ALMNISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY 13-00000 (b)(3) (b)(6) 1 Approved for Release: 2020/08/17 C06754995