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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
June 4, 2020
Sequence Number: 
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Publication Date: 
June 8, 1987
PDF icon LETTER TO SANITIZED[15722099].pdf233.17 KB
Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C06627170 eendiaCIssing.; _ Lntermittentbtisi2-:.:,, disposition"of Sea works '''fOiTI.,I.ily..tolle6tIori, thatThave' been. on'ioan - - �,.� . , - � z 6:::theAgeudy,�_ rdv-era.,.,..6.6tas.ionsibUr-diacusSionS.havebeen-interruptedr. )cir.6iMSfati'des.:tatauld.net--:COat'r0/....,:Now'that My-phY.Sical:condition- haiMprVedl:waUld like..-tOreOpen-our-Aialeg with a view to completing. Y - .a,pUrchaseagreetent,before:the-end of the current government fiscal .Year,-,that:is,:befare the.:end-of September 1987. - - Theappraisal report prepared for the Agency by Ms. Minnie B. Odoroff in October 1986 placed a valuation on'each-of the 17 works currently on loan. :As you.know;.I-foiEld MS, Odor f' ';dea.-; of what constitutes "fair market value" ta:her-quite cOnservative,. and my sense of what has been taking' place in the New York art-arkettells'thethat a number of the works, sold individually,- would-demand much higher prices. I do not propose, however, qUibbleabout.individual-valuatiOns, because.thesum of those prices :.($257,500).claselyapproximates the-amountl.had in mind as a- "package price" for the collection �:Lam prepared,.therefore,toofferyon all 17 paintings -for:a-totailat.$250,Q00:::: 2 -- . � � Although I do not want to argue about individual valuations, neither do I.wish-to.haVe thedocumentation.for-this:transaction become a form of- �ralidationof ,those'.valuations., I.would ask; therefore, that the bill of sale .reflect Only ...the overall "package price" agreed upon. I would also hope that we' can 'agree that items' from the collection may on occasion be made avail- ahleon:.loari:toeputableMuseums and galleries,' should. a-request be made as partaf?aaeffottta:MOUrit-an'exhibition of the work of one of the artists _ representeiri.-the collection. . Finaily,.1 Would like.to request that the purchased paintings, together .with any Other.warks from my collection that may come to you in the future, Rniire I:- Box' 188C, RothnO, 1Vcst. Vrgni 26757.. Faye Nixon, A1gr. (3(.1) 822--,132 . inct.'11( Alz.4/3C, (304) -.--,---- --�_ �-^-^ � -1.�-1-� -1. Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C06627170 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C06627170 kept :together , and 'identified as haying. come :trom ,my holdings.: It will source of continuing.: satisfaction to n.ie to haire" these ,works T of art dis:- la'yed on Headquarters wlie,..-:they Can be enjoyed of 2.g..nc.y.:.,F,nlyI.oy,ees.s..' .1 okfowrd o hearing. from you :soon aboUt�the'-COmmissiOii S rectidn to, thesse.j.p.ibtiiiaals'..: Root(�I - 188(, R(bnincv, 1Vcst X'nginiA 2675.7 F.1 1:c NIN(m�\ lgr. (304) s22-4382 Vi!lron Alci/A(,O uri.301) 82 2- .c5() Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C06627170