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Document Release Date: 
August 14, 2020
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Publication Date: 
November 27, 1973
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4 KOMOMAXDUM VIA maim RIFERNMCM Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2144294 i3 C7 71-6A0 NTI 1'373 ;3E.a Deputy Director for Opera lone Chief, Services Staff Operation KIUPOND Memorandum for the ODO from Irigad tar Gambrel Tosser, Jr., V.S. Army, Sam. Subject, dated 20 November 1973 1. This nesorandun recemmends your approval of referent request for CIA concurrnce is briefing the next-of-kin of two U.S. Army officers shower, killed in Lace in 1961. Background information to as follows: ir rated facilit (b)(3) nce Air America had only a very few helicopter pilots at that time, "sheep- dipped" U.S. Army and Marine Corp. pilots were provided to Air America under MILLPOND until additional civilian aircrews could be employed. b. The disposition of the two U.S. Army pilots killed in the was handled by Air America. The parents at the two pilots, both of whom 'ere single, have only been told by' the Army that their sone had resigned from (b)(3) the Army and apparently had died as sercemaries. The families have found this mast diffieult to accept. e. I understand that one an two consommummok who became interested in the case also were never briefed on the true situation. 2. Given the time that has elapsed since the two Army officers were killed and the records now public on U.S. Government involvement in Southeast Asia, I straitly recommend OGC SUBJ: HB/ILKA (b)(3) (b)(6) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2144294 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2144294 that the records on these two young officers be cleared and that their next,of-kin receive the posthumous recognition and awards their sons so rightly deserved. If you concur in this recommendation, the attached letter addressed to the Deputy Chief of Staff for Military Operations has boon pre pared tor your signature. Attachment: Lotter COlgellis (signed) Evan J. Parker, Jr.. /Van J. Parker, Jr. Chief, special Operations Group Services Staff , 4 ief� Service* 'Staff --bite A PPROVICD Deputi!c - for Operations DISAPPROVED: ty Director for Cperatioca DDO/SS/DC/SOG/AMB Distribution: Orig & 1 - Addressee (w/att) 1 - ADDO (w/att) 1 - C/CCS (w/att) 1 - OGC (w/att) 1 - C/EA (w/att) 1 - SA/DDS (w/att) 1 - DDM&S (w/att) 1 - C/SS/SOG (w/att) 1 - C/SS/SOG/AMB (w/att) 1 - SS/SOG/RI (w/o/att) ;11/26/73)retyped: dpt(11/26/73) (b)(3) (b)(6) pproved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2144294 �Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2144294 /7 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Chief of Staff fer Military Operations, Department of the Army ATTENTION � SUBJECT . � REFERENCE � . Director of Operations Operation MILLPOND Your memorandum SPM 91-73, 20 November 1973, same subject The Central Intelligence Agency concurs in your proposal to brief the parents of Lieutenants Mateer and Wizbowski concerning the true circumstances of the deaths of those two officers. This Agency will provide any assistance you may require that is consistent with con- tinuing security considerations. William E. Nelson Deputy Director for Operations (b)(3) pproved for Release: 2020/08/11 CO2144294